Staying Safe From Fires Around Your Home | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn and North Lawrenceville
6/30/2024 (Permalink)
Most people in America have enjoyed the warmth of an outdoor fire on a cool night, either for eating hotdogs and telling stories or just watching the flames burn.
Fires are used in many ways—for survival, enjoyment or as a way to clean out dead leaves and debris. However, no matter how innocent, fires are always dangerous, and according to the National Park Service, almost 85% of wildfires are started by humans.
In Georgia, we face a high risk of wildfires, which means that we will frequently see weather capable of supporting an outdoor fire for an extended time.
This shouldn’t prevent you from enjoying and using fires for all of your needs. Outdoor fires can be done properly by using the right safety procedures, allowing you to grill food and char marshmallows as much as you desire.
Recreational Fire Hazards
All fires pose somewhat of a risk, but campfires, fireworks and grills are always at the top of the list for wildfire causes. It may not seem like a lot, but over 8,800 home fires are started by grills each year in the United States. Most of these are due to improper usage, so always ensure that the propane is off or that the coals are cooled before walking away. Never leave the grill unintended while in use.
When constructing an outdoor fire, it’s important to pick a good spot away from structures, overhangs or vehicles. It may be tempting to use gas, but it’s never a good idea to add accelerants unless absolutely necessary. However, you should only use wood as your fuel and watch where embers are landing to make sure nothing sparks up.
Many Americans choose to implement a fire pit into their property, and it’s a wonderful piece of equipment to have. These still pose a risk just like any other fire, though, and should still be used with the proper precautions. Some of these include keeping extra wood fuel at least 15 feet away and clearing any dead plants nearby.
It may seem harmless to burn your excess construction materials and household junk, but you should only burn approved firewood to reduce any potential health risks.
Fireworks are one of the great celebration tools, and although the Fourth of July has passed, many opportunities to launch more off are right around the corner. Fireworks are legal here in Georgia, but our Gwinnett County government recommends leaving them to the professionals.
Other Outdoor Fire Hazards
The risks with fires and flammable material are apparent, but they both serve a purpose. In areas like ours with a lot of falling leaves in the fall, it’s important to dispose of them as they will become fuel for an outdoor fire. If you don’t have access to street pickup, burning this debris might be the best option for clearing your yard.
Before you light that first leaf, understand the regulations we have here in Gwinnett. Our local government has imposed a burn ban from May 1 through Sept. 30.
Removing dead plants and limbs from your yard is a crucial piece of being protected from wildfires. There are also specialized landscaping techniques that can spread out your existing foliage, preventing a fire from spreading around your property easily. Understand what to burn and always adhere to basic fire safety rules to prevent a disaster.
Most homes store gas and oil in their shed or garage for a variety of reasons, but improper storage can put your home at serious risk. Only use approved containers for these materials, and keep them out of the reach of children or animals.
Whenever you have a fire outside, it’s important to check the local weather and advisories for any signs that you should stop. When the air is dry and the winds are blowing, it’s a good idea to save the fire for another day.
If you happen to experience fire damage, call SERVPRO of North Lilburn and North Lawrenceville for any cleanup and restoration needs. We have experts with training in every part of handling fire damage, and we always want to recover as much of your home as possible.
Burn safely outdoors. And save some chocolate for us! If you have experienced fire or smoke damage, contact us today to get restoration started faster.