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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Blog Posts

SERVPRO Is Your Silent Business Partner | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn and North Lawrenceville

8/7/2023 (Permalink)

a workspace and cubicle showing signs of water damage SERVPRO of North Lilburn and North Lawrenceville are your local commercial restoration experts. Contact us today should you experience any damage.

Keeping a business going requires all the help you can get. When you own a business or manage a property, you know you need every hand available in order to keep things running smoothly. A major disruption to your company or a loss can be devastating. 

The good news is that your retail space, rental property or manufacturing facility has a silent built-in partner right here in your backyard. SERVPRO® is locally owned and are prepared to carry the burden of emergency planning and deep-cleaning for you. It’s like having an ally that is invested in your business and your business success plan. 

Large loss recovery. Among the top reasons businesses suffer losses are natural disasters such as fire, storms and flooding. These events have caused crushing financial damages across the United States, something we have certainly felt in Georgia after a tornado has swept through. SERVPRO offers highly trained professionals who are ready to respond 24⁄7 with proven emergency recovery methods. We can reduce the time you are away from your business and get your company back on track. 

Emergency Ready Plan. There is never a wrong time to plan, and when you have a clear emergency plan, your recovery time begins long before a natural disaster or other catastrophe strikes. We can write a plan tailored specifically to your company’s needs that can include everything from alternate work locations to temporary vendors and a detailed chain of command. Our plans are ready when you say go, keeping your company moving forward no matter what you may face. 

Cleaning of all kinds. While you may know us as the disaster professionals, SERVPRO has been cleaning for a long time. Our professional cleaning service goes deeper than traditional cleaning services and covers your business from floor to ceiling. Whether you have general cleaning needs like carpets or high traffic areas, or specialty needs like trauma site cleanup and safe biohazard removal, we can clean it all. 

Restoration services. Storms in Georgia can get severe pretty quickly, which can lead to flooding or a burst pipe in an extreme temperature drop. Or maybe your new coworker tried to make a nice warm lunch and caused a fire in the office kitchen. As a business owner or property manager, you will run into a variety of reasons for needing restoration services, and we can cover them all. SERVPRO of North Lilburn can remove water or reconstruct any damage that may have been done. 

Industry specialization. SERVPRO has been around a long time, and we have studied all the ins and outs of the commercial enterprises around our area. We have learned all the unique needs that can occur and there isn’t a business we can’t help. In many cases, we can even restore an area while you keep your business moving, and in our small towns, we know how important keeping a company running can be. 

Whatever your recovery need may be, and whatever your commercial property may require, trust SERVPRO of North Lilburn and North Lawrenceville to get the job done. Contact us todayto get started on an Emergency Ready Plan or find out how we can serve your business. 

Our Team Can Recover Your Fire-Damaged Home | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn and North Lawrenceville

8/1/2023 (Permalink)

a white house roof completely engulfed in flames from a fire If your home is damaged by fire or any other reason, SERVPRO of North Lilburn and North Lawrenceville is ready and able to repair all damage.

House fires are a dreaded emergency that no family should have to suffer from. There are multiple hazards scattered throughout your home that could create flames when you least expect them. A fire can erupt in any room of your home at any time of day.

While many homeowners work hard to prevent household fires, some can’t be prevented. A wildfire or other unintentional fire can rip through in only a few minutes and leave your home damaged by smoke and flames.

After a house fire, your home most likely will not be safe to live in, and restoration should begin immediately to prevent further destruction. Our team can be on the scene quickly to inspect the fire damage and come up with a solution to get you and your family back to a safe home.

Your home’s restoration journey begins as soon as you get in touch with us. Here’s a look at what sets our processes apart from other restoration companies:

Fast Response and Recovery

When it comes to fire damage, there’s little time to wait around! After you contact us, we can be at your home immediately to inspect the damage and determine the extent of the damage. And since our emergency services are available 24/7, we can be there day or night.

To make sure no more damage can occur, we board up any missing windows or walls and tarp up damaged roofs. Some homes are left with water damage after a fire due to the use of a firehose. To make sure you don’t have any additional issues on your plate, we start the water removal and drying process right away!

Smoke and Soot Removal

Smoke and soot are only two of the elements that make a home unsafe and unpleasant to live in after a fire. We use specialized techniques and tools to remove smoke from your walls, ceiling and floors.

Smoke can also leave a nasty smell lingering after a fire, so we make sure to remove any odors and leave your home smelling fresh again.

Smoke and flames can also ruin clothing, furniture and any other belongings inside your home. We have a “restore vs. replace” mentality, and we will work hard to clean and disinfect to get your belongings back to their pre-fire state.

Damage Restoration

The final step in our restoration process is returning your home back to its pre-fire condition. This includes carrying out any minor repairs, such as repainting, installing carpet or replacing damaged drywall.

Some homes may be more severely damaged than others, requiring extra rebuilding efforts. Our team will work hard to reconstruct entire rooms, your roof or any other area that requires a little extra investment.

One of our biggest goals throughout the entire process is to keep homeowners updated every step of the way. So, as we work to restore your home to its former glory, we’ll keep you in the loop till the very end. Once our work is done, you and your family can return safely to your damage-free home.

We are the team to call if your home or business suffers a fire emergency. Don’t wait—give us a call!

The Most Common Types of Storm Damage | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn and North Lawrenceville

7/26/2023 (Permalink)

a large lightning strike off in the distance of a dark sky When you suffer storm-related damage to your home or business, make SERVPRO® of North Lilburn and North Lawrenceville your first call.

Everyone understands how dangerous a severe storm can be. A lot of newer homes are built to survive these events, but every house and business is susceptible to some level of damage during a storm.

Based on which storm or event is happening, your home could see multiple types of damage. Your property’s landscape and the age of your home are two of the many variables that can affect this.

All of us should be aware of general storm damage information, but here in Georgia, we face an even greater risk. Because 15 to 25% of our days include storms, we must prepare ahead of time. Storms in our region cause flash flooding frequently due to the mountainous geography that filters water down to our cities.

Read on as we discuss the most common types of storm damage so you can be ready for any of them:


Damage from high winds occurs during storms that bring high-velocity air currents with them. While tornadoes and hurricanes typically are the source, even basic thunderstorms in our region can bring winds of up to 100 mph.

Take action before storms hit us to cut down any dead limbs or trees and tie outdoor furniture down to reduce the chance of it becoming flying debris.


Heavy rainfalls can bring thousands of gallons of water into a region in under an hour, which can accumulate around your house and cause extensive damage.

Consider implementing landscaping techniques around your property to help direct any water away from your home’s structure so that you can limit the destructive flow. Alternatively, you can create a rain garden, which is eco-friendly and protects your land from flooding during a storm.

You should also maintain your gutters and downspouts so that they function properly and keep water off of your roof. Excess water on this part of your home can cause structural damage quickly as homes are not designed to sustain this weight.


The last main kind of storm damage is from impacts. This may seem obvious, but the causes can be anything from a fallen tree to a mailbox flying through the air, or even your car!

The best way to avoid disastrous impacts is to ensure no trees around your home are at risk of falling or losing limbs.

Disasters caused by weather resulted in an excess of $145 billion in our country alone. By following these tips and understanding the weather in your region, you can keep your house safer and prevent excessive damage from occurring.

However, if you do experience damage from a storm, you should always call SERVPRO® of North Lilburn and North Lawrenceville. Our expert team will provide a quick response and get started on your restoration as soon as possible.

When you suffer storm-related damage to your home or business, it’s important that you know who to call! Contact us today to get your storm damage restoration started faster.

How to Protect Your Home From Flooding Disasters | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn and North Lawrenceville

7/24/2023 (Permalink)

a group of residential homes with major flooding in back yards Experienced water damage in your home? Call SERVPRO® of North Lilburn and North Lawrenceville to get the restoration process started right away.

Flooding can occur in less than 30 minutes of rainfall, so anyone can be affected by this disaster, regardless of where you’re located.

You can take steps ahead of time to protect your property and home, but you must learn our regional risks before you can begin. We see a high level of rainfall here in Georgia, and although our flood risks are lower than in some other cities, it’s still crucial to prepare.

After you know the kinds of weather risks we face in our area, you can begin your process of protecting your home.

<h3your-home-from-the-outside">Protecting Your Home From the Outside

Heavy rainfall can drop in seemingly out of nowhere, and if you haven’t taken time to prepare your property, you could be at serious risk of suffering water damage. Ensure that your gutters are working properly and consider adding materials like mulch or gravel to assist with the distribution of water around your home.

You can also utilize landscaping techniques that direct water away from your home’s structure. Less expensive versions of this include rain gardens, which are a mix of various bushes, plants and small trees with root structures that can absorb high amounts of rainfall.

Investing in preventive measures like these will prove its worth the next time we get hit by a storm, and while these are only a few options, there are many more out there that could fit your specific needs even better!

<h3protection-from-the-inside">Flood Protection From the Inside

In order to protect your home from external water, strengthening your foundation and sealing any cracks can make a huge difference. Think about adding a sump pump to your basement or crawl space so that you can have an added layer of protection against flooding.

Flooding can also originate from internal sources like broken plumbing and faulty pipes, but consistent home maintenance can significantly reduce the chance of these causes. Keep an eye out for leaks around your bathroom and sinks, and add a leak detector to any spots that suffer frequent issues to stay safe.

Whatever the causes may be, floodwater is dangerous and will instantly cause damage to documents and photos, so protect these items in waterproof containers on high shelves. In addition, practice an emergency plan with your family so that everyone knows where to go and what to do in case you experience a flood.

Experienced water damage in your home? Call SERVPRO of North Lilburn and North Lawrenceville today to get your restoration completed faster.

Partner With Our Team for a Rapid Recovery After a Fire | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn and North Lawrenceville

6/19/2023 (Permalink)

< img src =” fire.jpg” alt = " a large house fire completely engulfing a small house “> SERVPRO of North Lilburn & North Lawrenceville can get you back on track after any disaster strikes your home or business, give us a call.

When your home or business unexpectedly goes up in flames, the results can be devastating. No matter how much or how little damage is left behind, it is frustrating and painful to be left with a ruined property.  

At SERVPRO® of North Lilburn and North Lawrenceville, we know the difficulties a damaged home or place of business may cause. We know how to handle each unique situation with the sensitivity and professionalism it deserves. And we can oversee the entire restoration process, ensuring that your home or business is restored to its former glory.  

So, why should you put your trust in our expert team after a fire disaster? Here are a few of the benefits of selecting SERVPRO as your restoration provider:  

We Can Jump to Action ASAP
There's no time to waste when it comes to fire damage. Once smoke and flames infiltrate your home; the damage will only continue to worsen. Recovering your property as soon as possible will save its structure and the precious items you keep inside.  

When you select our team as your restoration provider, we won’t wait around! As soon as you call, we prepare the equipment needed to remove signs of smoke, soot and flames.  

Our Team Works Hard to Reduce Your Downtime
We recognize the value of home comfort and the necessity of productivity in the workplace. So, we strive to make the process of returning your property to its pre-fire condition as quick and painless as possible.  

From the moment we arrive at your home or business, we can determine the degree of fire damage and decide what action needs to be taken to return your home to its former glory.  

An Expert Restoration Will Get You Back on Track
Our team won’t just be on time and ready to work; we’ll come equipped with years of expertise and loads of training! We can carry out a repair plan that’s suited for the unique damage your property has suffered with the help of certified procedures and cutting-edge equipment.  

We work hard to remove smoke and soot from all surfaces, such as your furniture, walls, floors, and any other affected items. We can also ensure your entire home is sanitized and deodorized so you can return to a safe, odor-free environment.  

You may rest assured that no signs of the tragedy will remain when our crew has finished returning your house or place of business to its pre-fire condition.  

Our SERVPRO crew can get you back on track after a fire emergency. When flames spark in your home or business, give us a call. 

Why SERVPRO Is the Right Choice For You | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn and North Lawrenceville

4/7/2023 (Permalink)

< img src =”crew.jpg” alt = "a group of employees with restoration tools walking away from SERVPRO van" > No matter what type of disaster you face, SERVPRO of North Lilburn and North Lawrenceville are only a phone call away.

Because we are independently owned and operated, we can relate to the hardships that you as a business owner face. There are countless things that you have to account for in order to succeed, and an unexpected disaster could put you off track or out of business.

We can’t just wave a magic wand and prevent these events from occurring, but we can be prepared for them.

Aside from the physical damage that businesses suffer, we know that home damage is also a serious problem that many Americans face. To make sure your home is ready, you should make an effort to practice an emergency plan. This process is started by discovering the disasters that we most often see here.

Our American Red Cross does more than providing disaster relief; they’ve compiled this website to help with general disaster preparedness.

In Georgia, we see severe storms come through and get trapped in the mountainous region, dumping thousands of gallons of rainwater on our region every year. You should take a look at this site put together by our state government aimed at preparing Georgians for natural disasters.

If you’re a business owner, homeowner or both, odds are that you’ll face damage from a disaster eventually. However, it’s most important for you to get started on your restoration immediately so that you can avoid extensive damage that happens over time. Here are some reasons why we should be your choice:

<h2choose-SERVPRO">Why Choose SERVPRO?

We understand that no two situations are alike. Even though damage that needs restoration is frequent in our country, every situation is unique.

To further that point, over 14 million homes face significant flooding risks annually, but each home will suffer varying levels of damage. Thankfully, we have experts who specialize in all kinds of damage so that you’re covered from anything and everything. In every case, we customize assistance based on the unique factors that affect you.

We are available 24 hours a day. In terms of restoration, it’s a requirement to act quickly. Not only will this have you back in your home or business sooner, but it will also help prevent the damage from becoming more severe over time.

When water is able to seep inside, it can begin to damage furniture, drywall and flooring almost immediately. Even worse, when water is left unaddressed, it can sprout immense amounts of mold that can weaken the structure of your home. This is why we’re on call 247 and always ready to assist you with your needs.

We provide more than simply damage restoration. In addition to restoring the damage around your property, we can take responsibility for everything else you might need as well.

Our team can help you pack up valuables to prevent more destruction, and we are always happy to speak with your insurance agent to ensure you’re covered. Our goal is always to provide the best assistance we can to make this heartbreaking process go a lot smoother.

Whatever kind of disaster you face, your local team at SERVPRO of North Lilburn and North Lawrenceville has your back! Our experts use industry-leading equipment and years worth of knowledge to get you back in your home or business as soon as possible.

When you suffer damage to your home or business, it’s important that you know who to call! Contact us today to get restoration started faster.

What Items are Most Vulnerable to Water Damage in Hotels? | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

10/2/2022 (Permalink)

Photo of a hotel room Our certified technicians are experts in their field and have the latest equipment to remediate your hotel's water damage

Our Certified Technicians are Experts in their Field and Have the Latest Equipment to Remediate Your Commercial Water Damage

Flooding of any kind spells big trouble for businesses. Unfortunately, some buildings are at more risk than others. Hotels are substantially more vulnerable, for example, because they rely very heavily on their water supply. 

Wherever there is a shower, sink, or toilet, there is a danger of commercial water damage in Pleasant Hill. The good news is that SERVPRO has the right tools and techniques to chase water damage right out of your business.

Keep reading for information on the most vulnerable areas of your hotel and why our technicians make them a priority.

Soft Furnishings

Usually, the most costly form of damage after flooding in a hotel is to carpets, curtains, and other soft furnishings. If there are several rooms on the ground floor, there is likely to be water intrusion in all or most of them.

Replacing all carpets is expensive, so our technicians try to dry and clean them if the liquid is Category One or Two. Sewage and liquids containing toxic chemicals render carpets unusable. They require speedy disposal for safety reasons.

In most cases, carpets are dried using dehumidifiers. Depending on the size of the rooms, SERVPRO activates 1-2 machines in each. The restoration team closely monitors how much moisture is extracted to reach the optimal relative humidity level.

Wallpaper and Paint

The other big problem after flooding is water stains in ground floor rooms. They typically only extend a few centimeters above the ground but are unsightly and require attention. If the plasterboard has been heavily saturated, we may need to cut the bottom section away.

It is replaced after the repair team has dried out the interior wall cavity. Stubborn watermarks are easy to cover with paint. We also make sure to seal the stains first so that no moisture rises through the new paint and becomes visible again.

Wallpaper tends to warp and become unusable upon contact with water. Normally, we recommend stripping damaged pieces and replacing them. It makes it easier to dry out the materials underneath, and we can arrange for a contractor to do the job for you.

At SERVPRO of North Lilburn, no job is too big to handle. We help businesses of all sizes to rescue their assets from water damage. Call us 24/7 at (770) 709-3266 for emergency repairs and restoration.

When Disaster Strikes Your Business, We Act Fast | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

8/17/2022 (Permalink)

a roof showing extensive damage from a recent storm If you see any signs of damage at your business or facility, contact SERVPRO® of North Lilburn for a full breakdown of our restoration services.

SERVPRO offers businesses an array of commercial cleaning services, but do you know about our extensive restoration services? When disaster strikes, look for the big green truck to know your business will be taken care of by the best in the industry!

Wondering what restoration services we offer? We pretty much cover it all! When disaster strikes, we have the services you need.

Severe Storms and Natural Disasters

Preparing your commercial space for a natural disaster is a great way to prevent damage in the first place, but it is not foolproof. Natural disasters, such as severe storms, flooding and strong winds, can wreak havoc on any structure in their path.

If your office or store is damaged by a storm, make SERVPRO your first call. And even better? We can help you prepare before a storm by creating an Emergency Ready profile.

Fire and Water Damage Restoration

When a building experiences damage from a fire or a flood, quick action is essential. Waiting even a short time can lead to more damage. Lucky for your business, SERVPRO specializes in commercial water and fire restoration.

Every 23 seconds, a fire department in the United States responds to a fire. Fire damage can be especially devastating to a commercial building. In addition to direct fire and smoke damage, water damage can occur from firefighting efforts.

Whether water damage occurs in relation to fire damage or on its own due to a leak or a flood, it can wreak havoc on your business structure and anything inside.

Because time is money in business, we respond quickly and work tirelessly to restore your commercial property back to its pre-damage glory. When you face fire or water damage in your business, SERVPRO is the one to call.

Mold Remediation

When moisture is present, mold can grow. The best way to prevent mold from occurring in the first place is to clean up water damage quickly, before it has a chance to thrive.

While we often think of mold as an aesthetic problem, it can also cause structural damage, so it is important to remediate the problem as soon as possible. Acting quickly can prevent further property damage to your commercial building and help keep your staff safe.

When mold is an issue, SERVPRO’s highly trained technicians know how to remediate it and restore the structure safely and efficiently.

When you have fire or water damage or notice signs of mold in your business facility, contact SERVPRO of North Lilburn for restoration services! We’re available 24/7 to take your call.

The 3 Main Types of Storm Damage | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

8/17/2022 (Permalink)

a large lightning strike off in the distance of a dark sky When you suffer storm-related damage to your home or business, make SERVPRO® of North Lilburn your first call.

Severe storms are every homeowner’s worst nightmare. While many modern homes are designed to withstand the effects of an extreme weather event, almost every home or property will see some level of damage when wild storms come through town.

Violent winds and wind-related disasters can blow debris all over the region, as well as cause freezing rains, snowstorms, lightning and flash floods, varying by the season and the storm—all pose a significant risk to your property and the structure of your home.

Depending on the type of storm and events occurring, your house may be exposed to varying levels of damage. Many factors come into play in determining the level of potential damage, including the landscape around your property, the geography of the region and the quality of your home’s foundation or building materials. (We admit, there’s also an element of luck involved.

You should make an effort to learn about general storm safety, and more specifically, the ones we see here in Georgia. In our state, we see between 54 and 90 thunderstorm days on average yearly. This means that one in five days of the week will be filled with high winds, heavy rainfall and potentially even damaging hail.

It’s never safe to stay put in a home that has been damaged from a storm unless safety experts clear you to do so. Many types of damage will be immediately visible, but you should always follow proper protocols to avoid any further disaster.

Let’s take a look at the three main kinds of storm damage so that you can be better prepared for them:


This type of destruction occurs when buildings are exposed to strong gusts of wind that blow at insanely high velocities. Tornadoes and hurricanes are the most common sources of intense winds, but even thunderstorms can cause winds of up to 100 mph.

Strong winds can pick up debris left on your property and fling it into your vehicles or your home, and the wind itself can also rip shingles off the roof and siding off the house. When storms roll through, it’s important to stay inside, away from any windows or external walls in case glass breaks or the walls are punctured by debris.

You can also take steps before the storm arrives to prevent excessive damage due to wind. Keep your property clear of any limbs, large rocks, untethered furniture or dying trees so that you can limit the amount of debris a storm has to work with.


Damage from water is an extremely common occurrence both during and after a storm. Heavy downpours during even a minor storm can allow water to accumulate outside your home, which then leaks through the seals on your doors and windows.

When the amount of water is substantial enough, it can even seep into your foundation and cause serious structural damage.

In order to limit the amount of destruction that water can cause to your property, consider utilizing special landscaping techniques that allow water to flow away from your home rather than collect next to it. You can also install a rain garden, which is a beautiful way to brighten up your yard and prevent all that rainwater from causing a big problem.

Additionally, you should always keep your gutters clean so that they can work as designed and keep the weight of water off your roof. Clogged gutters can allow water to pool and push its way inside your home from the top, leaking its way down to ground level.


“Impact damage” is another common type of storm damage that can have catastrophic outcomes on your home. This damage is seen in the form of fallen trees or debris being blown by strong winds into your home. Essentially, impact damage encompasses any damage caused by an object that hits (or impacts) your house or property.

The single best way to avoid this kind of disaster is to trim trees around your home and make sure any dying tree is removed, instead of Mother Nature bringing it down on your house.

Weather-related disasters caused over $145 billion in damages in 2021 in the United States alone. These tips could help you save countless amounts of time and money and can keep your household safer by avoiding these frequent disasters before they begin.

If you do experience storm damage, you should give SERVPRO of North Lilburn a call right away. Our restoration experts come equipped with industry-leading technology and years of experience handling every kind of disaster.

When you suffer storm-related damage to your home or business, it’s important that you know who to call! Contact us today to get your storm damage restoration started faster.

Why You Should Select SERVPRO for Your Restoration | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

8/5/2022 (Permalink)

a group of employees with restoration tools walking away from SERVPRO van No matter what type of disaster you face, SERVPRO® of North Lilburn is only a phone call away.

As an independently owned and operated SERVPRO location, we understand the struggles that business owners face on a daily basis. You have to consider a multitude of things as you attempt to run a successful venture, and the worst thing that could happen is a disaster that puts you off track.

However, while you can’t predict and likely can’t prevent a natural disaster, you can be prepared for them.

Beyond the damage that businesses can suffer, we understand the reality of sustaining damage to the home as well. Attempting to recover after a disaster can be overwhelming regardless of what kind of damage you’re facing.

To better prepare your household for dealing with the destruction, you should create an emergency plan as well. Creating an emergency plan begins with understanding the disasters that are most common in our area.

The American Red Cross has built an amazing website that gathers data from resources around the country to help you plan for whatever may come. In Georgia, we experience severe storms more than most, which means that we see a lot of impact damage and water damage. Check out these resources from the Georgia Emergency Management division to learn more about the disasters we face.

Whether you run a business or own a home or both, you’ll likely experience the effects of damage at some point. In every case, it’s crucial for you to undertake restoration quickly to prevent major problems from occurring. Here’s why we should be your go-to call:

<h2choose-SERVPRO">Why Choose SERVPRO?

We understand that no two situations are alike. While events that require restoration are extremely common across the United States, each scenario can be vastly different.

For instance, more than 14 million homes are at risk of flooding annually, but the damage done to each home will be varied. This is why we have experts who are trained to handle damage of any size and scope, so that you can feel better choosing us for your restoration.

We will examine the unique factors of your particular situation in order to provide an appropriate solution.

We are available 24 hours a day. When it comes to damage restoration, the most important thing to know is that you have to act fast. This is crucial for not only getting your home or business back to preloss condition but also to prevent the damage from escalating further.

When water enters the home, it can cause immediate damage to furniture, fabrics and paint. And if that water is left unaddressed for extended periods, an explosion of mold and mildew can occur that’s capable of weakening your home’s structure. That’s why we are always ready to respond to your call 247, 365 days out of the year.

We provide more than simply damage restoration. On top of restoring the damage that a disaster has inflicted on your home, we take over every facet of the process.

We help you pack things up to prevent further damage, and we’ll help you work with your insurance agent to get the most out of your claims. We always aim to provide assistance in any way possible throughout the painstaking process of recovery, hopefully making it a lot easier on you!

No matter the kind of disaster, your local experts at SERVPRO of North Lilburn have got you covered with years of expertise and training. Our restoration professionals have industry-leading equipment that can clean up and get your property back to its former glory before you know it.

When you suffer damage to your home or business, it’s important that you know who to call! Contact us today to get restoration started faster.

SERVPRO® Is Your Silent Business Partner | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

8/1/2022 (Permalink)

a workspace and cubicle showing signs of water damage SERVPRO® of North Lilburn is your local commercial restoration expert. Contact us today should you experience any damage.

Keeping a business going requires all the help you can get. When you own a business or manage a property, you know you need every hand available in order to keep things running smoothly. A major disruption to your company or a loss can be devastating.

The good news is that your retail space, rental property or manufacturing facility has a silent built-in partner right here in your backyard. SERVPRO is locally owned and are prepared to carry the burden of emergency planning and deep-cleaning for you. It’s like having an ally that is invested in your business and your business success plan.

Large loss recovery. Among the top reasons businesses suffer losses are natural disasters such as fire, storms and flooding. These events have caused crushing financial damages across the United States, something we have certainly felt in Georgia after a tornado has swept through. SERVPRO offers highly trained professionals who are ready to respond 24⁄7 with proven emergency recovery methods. We can reduce the time you are away from your business and get your company back on track.

Emergency Ready Plan. There is never a wrong time to plan, and when you have a clear emergency plan, your recovery time begins long before a natural disaster or other catastrophe strikes. We can write a plan tailored specifically to your company’s needs that can include everything from alternate work locations to temporary vendors and a detailed chain of command. Our plans are ready when you say go, keeping your company moving forward no matter what you may face.

Cleaning of all kinds. While you may know us as the disaster professionals, SERVPRO has been cleaning for a long time. Our professional cleaning service goes deeper than traditional cleaning services and covers your business from floor to ceiling. Whether you have general cleaning needs like carpets or high traffic areas, or specialty needs like trauma site cleanup and safe biohazard removal, we can clean it all.

Restoration services. Storms in Georgia can get severe pretty quickly, which can lead to flooding or a burst pipe in an extreme temperature drop. Or maybe your new coworker tried to make a nice warm lunch and caused a fire in the office kitchen. As a business owner or property manager, you will run into a variety of reasons for needing restoration services, and we can cover them all. SERVPRO of North Lilburn can remove water or reconstruct any damage that may have been done.

Industry specialization. SERVPRO has been around a long time, and we have studied all the ins and outs of the commercial enterprises around our area. We have learned all the unique needs that can occur and there isn’t a business we can’t help. In many cases, we can even restore an area while you keep your business moving, and in our small towns, we know how important keeping a company running can be.

Whatever your recovery need may be, and whatever your commercial property may require, trust SERVPRO to get the job done. Contact us today to get started on an Emergency Ready Plan or find out how we can serve your business.

Protect Your Home From a Potential Water Emergency | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

7/29/2022 (Permalink)

a closeup view of a black roof showing signs of shingle damage If you experience any water damage, contact SERVPRO® of North Lilburn. We will create a custom repair plan to rectify any issue.

As a homeowner, the last thing you’d want to come home to after a long day at work or a day out with the family is an out-of-control water emergency! Water damage is never convenient and can sometimes be costly, but fortunately, there are ways to stop the water before it gets the chance to infiltrate your home.

Knowing what to look for and how to maintain your home can help you return home each day to a damage-free home! There are many factors around your property that help you protect your home from water and when these safeguards aren’t adequately maintained, you could be left with a water emergency on your hands.

Here’s what you can do to inspect and maintain the appliances and safeguards around your property:

Clear out your downspouts and gutters. These are the most effective tools that aid in directing rainwater away from your home. When these safeguards aren’t properly maintained, it can lead to clogged or overflowing gutters that can damage the exterior and interior of your home. Clear your gutters and downspouts of branches, leaves and debris frequently to keep them running smoothly.

Know how to spot leaks. Knowing how to catch a leak in its tracks before it can escalate to costly water damage can save you from some trouble. Understand the problem areas and appliances of your home that could create leaks. If you detect discoloration, wet spots or warping, it could be the beginning of a property leak.

Inspect your roof regularly. Your roof protects the foundation of your home by acting as a basin to redirect water away from your property. Regularly inspecting your roof or any damage and performing repairs on it when needed is a crucial step to preventing water damage inside your home. Check your roof for signs of wear and tear such as cracked flashing or broken shingles.

Check your appliances. The appliances you use every day are a common source of water damage. Equipment such as your water heater, washing machine and dishwasher are a few of the appliances that can create a water damage emergency. Be sure to regularly have these appliances repaired if you notice they aren’t functioning as normal, and replace them if needed.

Understand how to shut off your water main. As soon as you notice the warning signs of a leak, the first step you should take to prevent any further damage is turning off your water main. Locate where the main water valve is before a water disaster occurs to stay one step ahead of water damage.

When water infiltrates your home and leaves you with a problem on your hands, contact the professionals at SERVPRO. We can inspect the damage and execute an effective repair plan.

Stay Safe When Your Campfire Is Ablaze | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

7/20/2022 (Permalink)

a close up view of a bright campfire burning at night If you have experienced fire or smoke damage, contact SERVPRO® of North Lilburn today.

Everyone loves the classic scene of a campfire in your backyard, roasting marshmallows and sharing laughs with your family. The warmth of the fire keeps everyone comfortable as the sun sets, and it’s a great time!

Fires are used for numerous reasons and in a wide variety of locations, from yards to campsites and for comfort, fun or a meal. However, the fires that we think are safe and easily controllable are more dangerous than we believe.

According to our National Park Service, almost 85% of wildfires are started by humans.

In Georgia, we face a significant risk of outdoor fires spreading when we least expect it. Our area’s high heat combined with an abundance of foliage creates the perfect environment to sustain a fire and allow it to expand.

This does not mean that you shouldn’t burn your dead plants or have campfires around your home. Follow these safety measures every time you burn, so that you can relax and enjoy your low-risk fire.

Recreational Fire Hazards

It is true that any kind of flame can become dangerous, but the most common outdoor fires spread due to a campfire, grill or fireworks. On average, grills are responsible for 8,800 home fires every year, usually due to an operating error. It’s crucial to check that the flames are gone, and especially important that the propane is turned off before leaving your grill unattended.

When building a campfire, the most important decision is the location of it. Select a place that’s separated from structures or vehicles, and avoid using accelerants like gasoline to get it going. Once the fire is roaring, make sure to only use wood as fuel, and keep a watchful eye on where the embers are landing.

A backyard fire pit is one of the most common desires for every homeowner, but just because it’s part of your property doesn’t mean it’s always safe. You should follow every precaution like you would with a traditional fire, such as ensuring that you don’t place it under an overhang.

Many homeowners choose to get rid of home repair materials or household waste in their fires, but you should only burn approved firewood.

Fireworks are another common cause of outdoor fire spread, and while they are legal in Georgia, Gwinnett officials always advise us to attend firework shows instead of trying them ourselves. If you are going to be launching off fireworks, be sure to have an adult supervising at all times, and only launch them directly into the air to avoid collision with a home or a person.

Other Outdoor Fire Hazards

Although they can be destructive, fires and combustible materials still serve a purpose. Areas like ours with a large number of dead leaves in the fall make burning one of the most effective ways to clean up our yards.

The Gwinnett County government has prohibited all debris burning from May 1 through Sept. 30, but you can still perform outdoor burns during the other months.

Removing dead foliage and debris from your yard is an important part of keeping your home safe from wildfires. There is also specialized landscaping that can help prevent fires from spreading around your property. Most importantly, knowing what to burn and adhering to standard fire safety procedures can prevent fires from becoming unmanageable.

Most people store gas in the shed or oil in the garage for a variety of reasons. Improper storage can cause destructive results, like the leakage of liquid or fumes that could ignite. Only use officially approved containers for gas and oil, and keep them away from any child’s grasp.

Before igniting a fire outside, check the local weather conditions and regulations to make sure that you’re in the clear. High winds and dry spells are a sign that you should pass on the fire and enjoy one another night.

If you do unfortunately experience a home fire, call SERVPRO of North Lilburn. Our experts are trained in every facet of damage cleanup and restoration. We maintain a primary goal of restoring as much of your property as soon as we possibly can!

Burn safely outdoors. And save some chocolate for us! If you have experienced fire or smoke damage, contact us today to get restoration started faster.

Stay Safe During Storms By Following Local Alerts | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

7/14/2022 (Permalink)

a red and white severe weather alert sign If you suspect any damage to your home from a recent storm, call SERVPRO® of North Lilburn.

Our national weather service utilizes 42 different kinds of weather alerts, divided into seven distinct categories. This amount of information can be overwhelming for the average person, especially while you’re battening down the hatches for a potentially dangerous storm!

By understanding the difference between a warning, advisory and other alerts, you can spend less time trying to interpret the alert and more time getting ready for what’s coming. In addition, you can take steps to protect your home and property from storms before they arrive.

Everyone should have a foundation of knowledge about weather and the risks that every event can inflict. However, it’s most important to be aware of the weather that’s most likely to impact us here in Lilburn.

How Alerts Are Issued

Before discussing what each alert means, we should talk about how they are used. A weather forecast is merely a prediction as we all know, so what tells us how severe, the specific locations and duration of a storm is? Well, that’s complicated, but there are multiple factors that can affect this.

The National Weather Service is responsible for weather forecasting and consequently issuing any necessary warnings. The NWS headquarters receives data from six regional offices, along with hundreds of sub-offices that can do highly localized predictions and alerts. We are covered by the Southern Region headquarters.

The NWS employs scientists, astronomers and meteorologists who work as a collective to gather data and create forecasts for each region. These men and women use information from satellite radars, weather tower sensors, ocean currents, and solar flare activity from the sun.

All of this data allows the National Weather Service to make fairly accurate predictions that can and do save lives each year.

The Most Important Alerts to Understand

The most basic knowledge that everyone should have is the key differences between “watches” and “warnings” for any kind of weather event. These terms are used frequently with thunderstorms, tornadoes and flooding.

When a watch is issued, this is a sign to start prepping for the incoming storm. These alerts mean that a storm could potentially be dangerous to people in your area. Watches will typically cover multiple counties, as they want everyone in the region to be ready for a disaster.

warning is issued in smaller zones that may cover a single city or county. These alerts are red flags, meaning that danger is on its way, and you should take immediate measures to protect your home and family.

You should also be aware of the weather that we commonly see here in Georgia, and Lilburn specifically. Because of the mountainous region, storms seem to drop in from the sky and collect for days and weeks at a time. We see flooding frequently in this area because of how our geography flows rainwater right through our cities when the creeks overflow.

Protecting Your Home During a Storm

Obviously, knowing what weather alerts mean is the best way to stay safe from severe weather. But there are a few things that you can do to mitigate the damage dealt to your home and property.

Clearing your gutters and securing your outdoor furniture are two very simple tasks you can complete before a storm arrives to help prevent flooding or destruction from debris.

It’s also a smart idea to create a safe zone inside your home with nonperishable food, water and an emergency exit plan for your family if things turn south.

Once the storm has passed, take pictures of any damage that your home may have suffered, and call us at SERVPRO of North Lilburn right away. We are proud to offer 247 availability so that we can be there to begin your restoration process immediately.

As you learn more about the weather we see in this community, the better prepared you can be for severe events. Learn what the commonly issued alerts for our community mean so that you can choose the next course of action to stay safe and keep your home standing.

Experienced storm damage to your home or property? Contact us today for a quick response!

Team Bowen Expands SERVPRO® Franchise Territory into Charlotte and Surrounding Communities

7/12/2022 (Permalink)

southeastern states with Servpro logo “Here we GROW again! Team Bowen is ready to make it “Like it never even happened®.”

Team Bowen is excited to announce our expansion in Charlotte, North Carolina, which will add to the existing SERVPRO franchise in East Mecklenburg/Matthews. East Charlotte, Northeast Mecklenburg County, and South Mecklenburg County are now a part of the Team Bowen franchise. This means over 250,000 additional households and 8,000 businesses will receive support when in need of emergency response due to fire, water, or mold damage.

These additions are part of our commitment to helping our local communities flourish. We are available 24/7, 365, and are ready to take your call. Although we can’t prevent a disaster, we are ready for whatever happens!

“We are humbled yet excited to continue to grow and expand our market presence in the Charlotte community,” Bruce Bowen, CEO of Team Bowen, commented. “Our team of quality people who focus on excellent service, fairness, and mutual respect, have allowed us to expand our footprint and still provide that same quality service throughout the southeast. These locations are key to our regional coverage. Whether it is a storm event or a complex commercial/industrial loss, quick response time is critical. Our team has the resources, manpower, and equipment necessary to respond to these specific situations. We are the National Disaster Recovery Team.”


For more than 50 years, SERVPRO® has been a trusted leader in fire and water cleanup and restoration services, mold mitigation, and biohazard and pathogen remediation. SERVPRO’s professional service network of more than 2,000 individually owned and operated franchises spans the United States and Canada, responding to property damage emergencies large and small – from million-square-foot commercial facilities to individual homes. When disaster strikes, homeowners, business owners, and major insurance companies alike rely on SERVPRO® to make it “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO® Team Bowen

In 1977, Barry and Beth Bowen decided to follow their passion for service to others with their careers and set out on a mission to build a reputable and respected property damage restoration company in Tuscaloosa, AL. Having grown up entrenched in the family business, it was no surprise when the current owners, Bruce and Brian Bowen, took over in 2004. Now based in Montgomery, AL., the Bowen Team has franchise locations in Montgomery, AL., Norcross, GA., Charleston, SC., and Charlotte, NC. Today, due to their continued dedication and hard work, we are a leader and trusted name in mitigation, remediation, restoration, reconstruction, and premier cleaning throughout Southeast and U.S.

Our team has more than a century of combined restoration experience. Each team member is equipped with unique and practical skills to excel in every project and exceed the expectations of our customers. Furthermore, we have an extensive inventory of restoration equipment designed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of every facet of mitigation and reconstruction for damaged homes and businesses that we serve, no matter how big or how small.

Click below to find more information on our expansion:



The Most Common Sources of Basement Flooding | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

7/5/2022 (Permalink)

cracking and water spots appearing a bottom section of wall from water damage If your home should flood with water, we can come up with a solution no matter the source. Contact SERVPRO® of North Lilburn right away.

A flooded basement is a homeowner’s worst nightmare, and because there are so many different ways for standing water to infiltrate your home, it could be difficult to pinpoint the source right away. Understanding why flooding occurs easily in the basement and knowing where water can seep in from is the best way to protect your property.

Flooded basements are a typical household emergency. In fact, it’s estimated that 98% of basements will experience some level of water damage. So, why is this number so high, and what makes our basements so flood-prone?

Because your basement acts as your home’s foundation, the majority, if not all, of your home’s foundation is built underground. When it floods or rains, water from above seeps down your walls straight into your basement floor.

Understanding how to prevent and locate the most frequent causes of a flooded basement can save you from costly repairs. Here are a few common reasons water may invade your home’s foundation:

Weather conditions. As stated above, conditions like floods and heavy rain may lead to a flooded basement. Improperly sealed walls or flooring is a common way water can sneak into your home. Water pours through any cracks or openings, which leads to a basement filled with water.

The best way to prevent inclement weather from making its way into your home is by ensuring your home’s foundation is properly sealed.

Locate where the water is entering from and seal the entry point. Any plants or bushes grown around your home’s foundation should also be relocated, as water gathered in the soil can eventually seep into your basement.

Your home’s location. Where your home is located could influence your home’s flood risk. If your home is near a river, for example, a problem like overflowing can cause floods in your area. Homes located in coastal areas or at the bottom of hills are also great examples of high-risk flood zones.

Because a flooded basement can be caused by both the weather and the location of your property, knowing your home’s flood risk is the best way to identify what precautions you should put in place.

FEMA has a flood map tool that you can use to determine your home’s flood risk based on your unique location. After determining this, you can take steps such as elevating valuable documents or photographs located in your basement.

Faulty water supply lines. Your home’s water main is located underground and supplies water directly from the street to your home. Since these lines are so hidden, how are they able to flood your basement?

A water main can break when the ground or water temperature changes, resulting in a change of pressure that can create openings or cracks in the main. This leads to water making its way into your basement walls and floors.

Water main breaks aren’t the easiest to prevent, but there are ways to avoid them. When digging in your yard, keep an eye out for any pipes that may be hidden beneath the surface. Check your water pressure as well, because a water main break might result in low-pressure water from places like your sinks or shower.

If your basement becomes flooded with water, we can come up with a solution no matter the source. Contact us for any of your restoration needs.

A Qualified Restoration Team Right in Your Neighborhood | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

7/5/2022 (Permalink)

view of emergency lights up ahead while riding in a vehicle SERVPRO® of North Lilburn is your go-to in case a disaster occurs. Get in touch with us to learn more.

Weather events like the extreme flooding incident that affected Lilburn in 2009 can do immense damage to homes and businesses throughout the community. A situation like this can radically alter your life, which is why our team is here to help in getting your home or place of business back on its feet.

Waking up to a flooded property or a smoke-filled home after a fire is never an ideal situation for property owners. Your home or place of business may sustain damage without warning, leaving you scrambling to find a solution.

Our team at SERVPRO has the solution to any damage your commercial or residential property may have suffered.

Members of our team hold multiple certifications and years of expertise that give them the skills necessary to tackle any situation. Thanks to technological advancements, our staff is able to efficiently repair any property damage left over from a disaster. We are equipped with everything needed to handle any inconvenient emergency on your property.

Here are the factors that set us apart from our competitors:

We Are a Locally Owned Business

We are proud to operate our facility within the Lilburn community. You can rest easy knowing our SERVPRO staff is nearby and can start the restoration process as soon as possible if an unforeseen disaster affects your home or place of business.

We Have a Fast-Acting Crew

A small house fire can escalate into a huge problem in less than 30 seconds. Emergencies like a property fire don’t waste any time, and neither does our team at SERVPRO! Disasters like this require a swift response to mitigate any further damage. We offer 24-hour emergency services and can repair any damage your home or business may have suffered. Our restoration and cleanup services are available all days of the week—even on holidays.

We Can Cover All Types of Disaster.

Our expertise covers all types of disasters, including mold growth, fire and water damage, and the aftermath of a severe storm. Our team is trained and certified in restoration and is always learning the best methods for emergency mitigation.

Our advanced technologies are equipped to restore your commercial or residential property quickly and reliably.

If your property suffers from an unforeseen tragedy, contact SERVPRO. Our team can take on any damage and return your home or business to its preloss condition.

Commercial Damage & Its Common Causes | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

6/17/2022 (Permalink)

a large commercial building with extensive damage to roof and siding SERVPRO® of North Lilburn is your local commercial disaster team. Contact us to learn more about our commercial damage restoration services.

Business and industry are the foundation of this country. Every day, all people in the United States either use or work for a business.

As a business owner, you have many things to juggle. The last thing you’d want to deal with is the results of a natural disaster.

The financial costs of damages by natural disasters are staggering. In fact, the NCEI reports that each year, almost $90 billion worth of damages will occur. And on top of that, the number is increasing per year.

In a place like North Lilburn, we often see storms come in through the mountains and hang around for days or weeks at a time. All of this rain will then flow down the hills and do costly damage to our homes and businesses. North Georgia is no stranger to severe storms.

Here are the common causes of damage that can occur every day all around the country:

Water Damage

Moisture and water are a big threat when it comes to the foundation of business facilities in the United States. Typically stemming from natural causes, untreated water damage can be devastating.

One of the causes of water damage is flooding. Seeping through unsealed areas of the exterior, water can affect the foundation. Consider utilizing landscaping to guide water away from the building.

Leaking over an extended period of time is also a major cause of damage. It’s important to be vigilant of warping and discoloration on your walls, floors and ceilings. Doing this regularly will keep you from having to pay for expensive repairs.

Storm Damage

It’s common to have storms affect an entire area’s businesses. Regardless of their severity, even smaller storms can cause power outages, knock over trees and spread debris that can damage your building.

Moving up in severity, a stronger storm can tear off commercial roofing and even cause irreversible structural damage. Typically, storm winds do not exceed 45 mph, but during storm season, they can reach over 100 mph. These extreme winds can even uproot larger trees.

While costly, the storm damage can be limited by installing storm-protective window covers and inspecting the quality of your roof. Thankfully, low-cost preventive options like checking window and door seals can help you avoid costly repairs.

Additionally, it’s a good idea to clear your property of any loose items and dead trees to avoid the chance of them causing damage in the event of a storm.

Know Who to Call

While commercial damage can occur in many ways, water- and storm-related damage are the most likely. In the event of these things, closing a business to make repairs is doubly costly.

The good news is that we have 247 availability and can respond quickly to any disaster you might face. Finding and implementing the right restoration plan is the priority of our expert team.

If you have experienced damage to your business or want to learn more about our commercial damage restoration services, contact us today. We’re here to act fast, 247.

Follow These Steps to Reduce Your Risk of Fires | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

6/3/2022 (Permalink)

interior view of a room with items completely destroyed by fire If your home is damaged in a house fire, SERVPRO® of North Lilburn is here to help. Contact us for any fire restoration need.

Fire damage never stops in this country, and already this year, the American Red Cross has responded to more than 20,000 house fires, which is only a small portion of the total fires that have occurred in the country so far in 2022.

As always, smoke detectors are the main way to prevent extreme home damage or a loss of life, but there are many other measures that you’re able to take to protect yourself and your home. Some are more complex than others, but most involve a good cleaning:

Clear Out the Kitchen

The kitchen is one of the most common places for home fires to begin. There are many reasons why this is the case, but taking your eyes off the food while cooking seems to be the leading cause.

Beyond that, having excessive clutter in the kitchen, including appliances and recipes or other flammable objects on the counter, poses an additional risk. The less cluttered your kitchen space is, the less likely that unexpected fires will occur.

Turning the cooking heat too high is another frequent source of fires in the home. This can cause food to burn more quickly and expel heat further from the intended location.

Ensure that you cook on the proper heat level with nothing that could catch fire in the vicinity to prevent these destructive eruptions.

Create a Defensible Space in Your Yard

When fires originate outside your home, your yard becomes the last line of defense. Taking steps to intentionally alter your landscape can protect the flames from spreading inside and will allow emergency services like the fire department to operate more efficiently should a disaster happen.

The dangers of fire damage have become so serious, that states like California are imposing defensible zone requirements that citizens must adhere to in their yards and property. These defensive maneuvers have been proven to be effective in slowing wildfires, so taking precautions like this may be the right move for you.

These landscaping techniques don’t prevent you from planting your beloved floral pieces and gardens—it instead takes those plants and recommends placing them in strategic locations that will prevent the spread of the fire. It’s also a good idea to remove any dead plants, leaves or flammable material, since these items will only fuel the flames and put your property at more risk.

Keep It Clean & Keep It Safe

Besides keeping a watchful eye on your kitchen while cooking and performing quality yard maintenance, a good spring-cleaning regimen can also limit the potential for fires. It’s important that you take adequate time every spring or summer to give your home appliances a deep-clean and dusting, along with inspecting the overlooked elements of your home like chimneys and fireplaces.

This may sound grueling, but reducing your risk of sustaining fire damage is actually a low effort. Simple tasks like dusting are easy ways to lower a fire’s ability to sprout. In particular, you should dust around appliances, outlets and anything that produces heat regularly.

In 2022, a home is much more than simply a roof over your head—it serves as a workspace for the adults, a play area for the children and a safe haven for the entire family. Putting in the effort to keep your home clean is one easy way to help stop fires in their tracks and prevent costly damages.

If you have experienced fire damage or want to learn more about our fire damage restoration services, contact us today. We’re here to act fast, 247.

Where to Shelter When a Storm Catches You Off Guard | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

5/25/2022 (Permalink)

multiple bright lightning strikes in the dark night sky The storm season is officially here. SERVPRO® of North Lilburn is here to help you navigate through any disaster.

Severe weather is a frightening thing no matter when it happens. Torrential rains, high winds and threats of hail are never pleasant, but if you are safely at home and near your emergency shelter area, it is much less frightening than if you are out and about. Unfortunately, the weather can be unpredictable and as such, can turn severe with little notice.

If severe weather begins to become a threat, it is important to get to a safe shelter as quickly as possible—but how do you determine what the safest option is? Below, we will go through some common scenarios for how you can stay as safe as possible no matter where you are when a storm strikes.

Determining the Safest Option When Sheltering From Severe Weather

Find indoor shelter when possible. If at all possible, it is best to be indoors if there is severe weather around. A shopping mall, store or gas station can be a good solution if you are in a populated area. If there is no building around, being in your car is safer than being outside, but avoid touching anything metal or using the electronics in the vehicle.

Get to low ground. If you are stuck outdoors, try to move to lower ground when possible. Lightning is the biggest threat, and it tends to seek out the highest area possible. Crouching down in an area that is low-lying and unexposed, such as a ditch, is the best strategy. Avoid being near tall objects, such as electrical towers, trees or light poles, if at all possible.

Follow the 30/30 rule. The 30/30 rule is a good rule of thumb in case a thunderstorm catches you outdoors. This states that you should stay in your shelter if thunder and lightning strikes are less than 30 seconds apart, and you should stay sheltered for 30 minutes after the last clap of thunder sounds.

Stay out of a crowd. If you are with a group of people when a storm becomes a threat, be sure to spread out from one another—that way you are less of a target for lightning strikes.

If you have damage to your home due to a storm, we are here to help. Get in touch today to learn more about our restoration process or report damage 24/7.

Are You Prepared for Severe Storms? | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

5/19/2022 (Permalink)

a dark cloudy sky with lighting strikes off in the distance If you discover storm damage to your home or business, reach out to SERVPRO® of North Lilburn right away.

Extreme weather is not only dangerous, it’s scary, too—and rightfully so. Severe storms can cause lightning, winds, hail and intense rain that can bring about flash flooding.

All of these events can cause serious property damage and increase your personal risk of damage. Plus, considering that there are around 100,000 thunderstorms throughout the United States every year, these events occur frequently in pretty much every part of the country.

In Georgia, we face almost every kind of natural disaster imaginable. The rainfall and humidity are a constant bother, combined with the risk of flooding due to all of the creeks and rivers. In fact, this latest bunch of storms brought down trees and power lines, and damaged the roads in Lilburn recently.

No one can actually control the weather, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be prepared for it. There are numerous steps you can take, from building emergency kits to formulating a strategy for when disaster strikes. It’s important to take steps, whether small or large, so you can be prepared for dangerous storms and hopefully reduce the impact they have on you.

Your Severe Weather Communication Strategy

First, it is important to know the difference between watches and warnings so you aren’t caught off-guard by a storm that you didn’t even know was coming.

It’s important to keep the lines of communication open with everyone in your immediate family or household. Beyond that, making sure that your phone and emergency radio are charged can help you stay up to date with the local authorities.

It’s always smart to have a backup plan, and this includes your phone. Keep your battery fully charged because storms often knock out power that can last for hours or days. It’s also a good idea to keep batteries and a battery-operated NOAA weather radio on hand.

Along with ensuring communication between your family and the local authorities, it’s important to have a plan for your home as well. Selecting and preparing a safe area in your home (basement, bathroom, ideally center of the house with no windows). On top of that, you should create a plan for communication in case not everyone is home during the storms.

Your Severe Weather Emergency Kit

Packing an emergency kit can seem daunting, but you just need to fill it with the essentials that your family might need over a 72-hour period. It’s a good idea to include nonperishable foods, plenty of clean water, working flashlights, backup batteries and first-aid supplies in the event that someone is injured.

Having all of these things readily available can save you a ton of trouble when you most need it.

Your Severe Weather Aftermath Checklist

When the severe weather has passed, you should audit your safety plan, make changes to it based on the situation and analyze your home for any damages. Once it is safe to do so, check your property for damage.

You will want to keep a close eye on your roof and seals around windows and doors, as these are areas where water damage is most likely.

In the unfortunate event that you do find damage, it’s important to know who to call. Knowing that you have a local team of restoration professionals like SERVPRO of North Lilburn, you can rest easier during severe storms. When damage happens, call us immediately and we’ll jump into action right away!

Once you have checked with your family and everyone is safe, reevaluating your safety plan is a good idea. Go through what worked, what didn’t and what could be improved to keep everyone safer. Doing the same thing with your emergency kit can help you be better prepared for when those storm clouds come through your area.

If you discover storm damage to your home or business, you can count on SERVPRO to handle the restoration. We’re here 247 to spring into action—get in touch with us today.

The Destructive Timetable of Water Damage | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

5/9/2022 (Permalink)

a bathroom sink showing signs of a water leak SERVPRO of North Lilburn is your 24/7 water restoration expert. Call us right away if you need immediate service.

Small water spots or leaky faucets and hoses might seem unimportant in the moment, but underestimating the destruction that moisture and standing water can cause is a big mistake. The average household leak can waste up to 10,000 gallons of water in a year.

Water damage starts slow and ramps up quickly, seeping into floors, walls and soft surfaces, and slipping through cracks in the foundation. It’s crucial to address the issues as soon as possible to achieve the best outcome.

Here’s some important information about the timeline of water damage:

In the First 24 Hours

If you live in a house, there is a one in four chance of your home being affected by flood damage in a 30-year period in a high-risk area near rivers and coasts. Knowing what to do next is essential in protecting your property.

The initial 24 to 48 hours after flooding or water damage is critical. Certain items will face immediate damage from water; drying and protecting your items timely is necessary to rescue them.

Soft furnishings and upholstery will soak through, and wooden structures can swell from the moisture. Personal artifacts like books, photographs, notes and documents are particularly vulnerable to warping and tearing beyond repair. In addition, mold begins development during this timeframe, so acting fast is essential in keeping your things safe.

At SERVPRO, our expertise combined with a “restore vs. replace” mentality can help you save money while preserving your precious and irreplaceable keepsakes. We stay in constant communication with you, especially when your items have been damaged beyond restoration. We will remove any damaged materials as soon as possible to expedite the drying and prevent the damage from spreading.

Within the First Week

After the 24-hour mark, water damage progresses exponentially as each second passes. Mold can spread like a wildfire when excessive moisture is present.

In hot humid climates, mold grows even quicker and begins immediately with the onset of water damage. As mold sets in, it has the capability to damage the home’s structure, studs and drywall.

Additionally, porous surfaces such as wood surfaces and walls will absorb the water immediately, becoming increasingly compromised. Water damage and flooding will also start corroding metal surfaces and items at this time.

After One Week

You want to avoid letting moisture sit for an extended period at all costs because some effects may be catastrophic or irreversible. With the passing of time, the costs and effort required to restore the structure increase substantially.

Even worse, as water sits and affects the home for long periods, the risk of structural damage skyrockets.

How SERVPRO Will Help

SERVPRO’s restoration process begins with the first call, ideally within the first 24 hours. We begin service work with thorough water extraction, helping prevent the spread of water and reducing the overall drying time.

Floors, furniture and personal belongings will most likely require cleaning, sanitizing and deodorization. After the bulk of the water has been removed, our specialists will use industry-leading drying equipment to remove the water you can’t see.

After these initial steps, we’ll perform an inspection on your property. Your home may require construction work to get it back in preloss condition. This step could include some minor repairs or even rebuilding entire sections of the home.

We simplify the restoration process by controlling the initial damage alleviation and the rebuilding/construction of the affected areas. Here at SERVPRO, we’ll keep you up to date with constant communication during each step, having you back in your home or business as quickly as we can.

Regardless of the type of water damage sustained, SERVPRO has the tools and teams to help your home or business recover. Contact us 247 when you need a dependable team to help you recover.

Dedicated Restoration Experts You Can Trust | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

4/20/2022 (Permalink)

two SERVPRO employees unloading cleaning equipment out of a green van No matter the damage sustained, SERVPRO of North Lilburn has the tools and team to help your home return to a normal state quickly.

At SERVPRO, we focus on more than basic cleanup, restoration and construction services. We’re here to take care of you 247 after any natural or manmade disaster strikes.

We are proud of the multiple certifications that each location has to ensure that we do the job the right way. From carpet cleaning to structural drying, we’ve got you covered against any issues.

Water Damage

Flooding isn’t limited to a certain time of year or place. It happens all over the country every single day.

More so, it only takes an inch of water to do serious damage to your home. In fact, floods cause more than $10 billion in damages nationwide every year.

If you’re a home or business owner, odds are that you will experience flooding issues over the course of your lifetime. At SERVPRO, we have the tools and the experience to deal with the damages. We work to help you understand the extent of the damage so that you can make the right choice for restoration.

Our specialized tools will detect hidden moisture and extract standing water from the home and business. In addition, we will assist you in forming a water damage restoration plan, ensuring that your home is clean, dry and restored to its former glory.

Fire Damage

Fires are extremely dangerous and scary because of how unpredictable they are. A fire department in the United States responds to a fire every 23 seconds, and there was roughly $8.1 billion in direct property damage and losses nationwide in 2020.

If fire damage affects your home or business, we’ll get to work with our seven-step restoration process. We begin by performing an inspection and a damage assessment that progresses through all the necessary, in-between steps before starting repairs and construction.

Storm Damage

Storms aren’t just rain and lightning; they encompass anything from wildfires and tornadoes to hurricanes, blizzards and floods. Regardless of the disaster, our main priority is to get you back in your newly restored home as soon as possible.

The damage from storms and water can weaken the structure of your home and cause other problems like mold. Even worse, it can affect your personal belongings and heirlooms. SERVPRO specializes in content restoration, with the mindset of restoring rather than replacing.

We offer a variety of services that include dry cleaning, wet cleaning, foam cleansing, and abrasive cleaning. If your home needs more extensive cleaning, we also offer move-out services, allowing us to bring your home back to preloss condition as soon as possible.

What Sets SERVPRO Apart?

We’re there when you need us. You can reach out to a SERVPRO expert via our 247 Emergency Line day or night and receive immediate assistance.

The SERVPRO experts in green are the No. 1 cleanup and restoration team in the country. We have over 50 years of experience and are locally owned and operated to be directly connected to each community we’re part of.

Lastly, we’re backed by a network of over 1,900 locations across the United States. So when disaster strikes, you can rest assured that we’ll have your business back to “Like it never even happened” status as quickly as possible.

Regardless of the type of damage sustained, SERVPRO has the tools and teams to help your home or business recover from its disastrous effects. Contact us anytime when you need a dependable team to help you rebuild your life.

Knowing What to Do After Storm Damage Gets Your Business Up and Running Quicker | SERVPRO of North Lilburn GA

10/7/2021 (Permalink)

storm damaged tress about to fall onto building roof Has your business experienced storm damage? Contact SERVPRO of North Lilburn GA at (770) 709-3266 for immediate assessment and remediation.

Building Owners and Property Managers Trust SERVPRO to Return Them to "Business as Usual" After a Storm

Storm damage to a business is devastating is more than one way.  Not only does it cause severe structural damage. It can also cause catastrophic losses in revenue. In Lilburn, Lawrenceville, and surrounding areas, we’re accustomed to storm damage. Keeping up with storm watches and warnings is imperative around here as conditions can change in an instant.

For low-rise buildings, we’re getting a lot of rain this year which means waterlogged tree roots need less wind for trees to be blown on to your roof. Some storm damage is much more substantial than roof damage and we handle it all. Not only do we mitigate and remediate, but we also can provide reconstruction as well. Our construction project managers and their teams have handled storm damage to universities, large government buildings like the Pentagon, hotels, and airports. Our disaster recovery teams are always “ready for whatever happens”.

When SERVPRO of North Lilburn is your provider of choice, you can rest assured we are ready to answer the call for whatever storm damage you incur. We receive emergency calls 24/7.  Our licensed professionals can be on their way to you shortly after we speak.  Until we arrive, we urge you to:

  • Be careful: We know you need pictures for insurance purposes so be careful and alert when surveying your business.

When we arrive, we make sure no further damage is incurred.  We also ensure the area is safe for our construction crew to begin the storm damage restoration process. During this process, we’re looking for and remedying possible dangerous conditions such as structural weakness, and electrical, as down power lines are usually an issue.

Water Damage from Storm Damage

Standing water can cause permanent damages by seeping into subfloor or wall cavities. Where standing water is above two inches, we can use submersible gas pumps to drain the affected area. Below two inches, we bring in portable water extraction units that reduce the risk of damaging your carpets or upholstery. However, the job does not finish there. 

Removing water is the first step. Secondary damages can occur if water resides hidden in areas of the building. We use moisture meters to seek out these areas and can remediate them using advanced technology. Drying mats, for example, can remove moisture from your subfloor without removing hardwood flooring. The use of deodorizers and dehumidifiers can help make the damage "Like it never even happened." 

You can trust SERVPRO of North Lilburn, GA to show up and be professional to every job.  As a reminder, the perks of working with us are:

From Lilburn churches, upscale shopping centers and fitness centers to downtown Atlanta commercial facilities, many properties depend on our fast response to protect their buildings and its contents from detrimental storm damage, flooding and loss scenarios. If your business experiences storm damage, contact SERVPRO of North Lilburn at (770) 709-3266 for immediate assessment and remediation.

Easy Ways to Make Your Home Safer From Fires | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

7/6/2021 (Permalink)

Yellow, orange, and red flames House fires are preventable. SERVPRO® of North Lilburn is available 24/7 in the event of an emergency.

Making your home safer from fire hazards isn’t as difficult as you might think.

You can add simple steps to your daily routine and simple home maintenance items to your checklist that will lower your risk for common causes of house fires.

Be Sure You Know How to Prevent Fires

Most of these fire prevention tips are easy to add to your home safety routine. They don’t cost a lot but can make your family safer by lowering your risk of a house fire.

Know how to fight a grease fire. Grease fires are a well-known kitchen hazard. Part of the danger they present is because grease fires can’t be put out with water. In fact, water makes these events worse. Instead, keep a fire extinguisher handy. Metal pan lids and baking soda can work for smaller grease fires, too.

Keep your fireplace clear of old ashes. If you enjoy using your wood-burning fireplace, be sure you’re not letting the ashes collect there. Instead, clean your fireplace regularly and dispose of your ashes safely.

Watch how you use your space heater. Don’t plug your space heater into an extension cord. Use one of your wall outlets instead. Also, take steps to ensure your space heater is clear on all sides by at least three feet.

Keep your smoke detectors working. Testing your smoke detectors, changing their batteries twice each year and replacing them every 10 years will ensure they are best able to help protect your family.

Consider switching to battery-operated candles. Scented candles are popular during the fall and winter months because they add a warm glow to your home and can smell delicious. But these can be a fire hazard if they’re left burning while you’re not home or knocked over. Battery-operated candles eliminate these hazards.

If your home is damaged due to a fire or any other cause, you can always count on us for restoration assistance. We have crews who are available 247 in the event of an emergency. Contact us at any time to learn more about our restoration services and how we can help your family.

How Our Focus on Restoration Helps Our Clients | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

7/6/2021 (Permalink)

orange sign and sky in the background Have you sustained property damage and feeling overwhelmed? We are here to help, contact SERVPRO® of North Lilburn to start the process.

When you experience damage to your household, whether it be from a natural disaster or some other type of emergency, the mental and emotional impacts can be difficult to handle throughout recovery. Working to regain a sense of normalcy and get back in your home is hard, but it can help your family begin to heal.

There are few things better for your recovery efforts than choosing the right restoration company to work with. We focus on restoring your items completely to their pre-damaged state, instead of pressuring you toward expensive replacements that will cost you more time and money in the long run. With our restoration-first mindset, we can help your recovery process be as smooth as possible for your family.

How Restoration Saves You Time and Money

We can help you save money on your insurance. You can claim many types of household damage on your home insurance policy, but for things like water damage, they can be quite costly. This can lead to an increase in your monthly premium, which can add up significantly. By restoring your home and belongings instead of making you replace them, we can keep the cost of your claim lower.

We can protect your sentimental items. Getting your family to safety is the top priority in any kind of emergency scenario, so as you evacuate, you will not have time to grab even the most sentimental items in the home. Fortunately, we are able to help. We have invested in the most state of the art restoration equipment available, which has enabled us to restore photographs, heirlooms and other irreplaceable items that would be devastating to lose.

We make sure your home feels like home again. It is emotional to go back home after a disaster has caused damage, but we can help make sure your house still feels like home. We handle all the cosmetic considerations, such as paint, flooring and more, and put your belongings where they go in your house to ensure it feels like home.

If you have damages and are feeling overwhelmed, we are here to help. You can call us as soon as you need to in order to begin the restoration process. Contact us today to learn more.

Helping Business Owners in North Lilburn Thrive During Uncertain Times | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

7/6/2021 (Permalink)

People wearing white hazmat suits If you need cleaning assistance at your business, we’re here. Contact SERVPRO® of North Lilburn to learn more.

How much work have you put into making your North Lilburn business venture successful? If you’re like most entrepreneurs, the answer is “a lot.”

We know it’s hard work because our locally owned business is also part of the North Lilburn business community. We have a passion for ensuring that our fellow business owners succeed. It helps keep our community strong. And it’s important to individual business owners like you, too.

We know building a business is anything but easy. When you do it, you’ll have to work hard. In some cases, that includes a lot of long days and nights.

Planning for future growth and challenges is part of owning a business. However, even the most thorough and promising five-year plan can’t predict everything. The COVID-19 pandemic is a powerful example of unpredictability. If you own a business, you’ve likely spent a lot of time looking for new ways to reach and serve your customers.

Some local businesses have found new ways to serve customers remotely, while others opt to open up restaurants, stores, and companies for in-person services. There’s help for you regardless of how you’ve decided to move forward.

Reopening With Safety in Mind

The good news is that everyone in our community and the surrounding communities wants you to succeed. There are business loanstips, advice, and more from sources you can trust.

Businesses that are open again are searching for new ways to ensure in-person interactions are safe. That’s where we can help you. We’ll ensure your business is “Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.” Here’s how our process works:

  • First, our technicians will consult with you about your business’ needs and organize an individualized cleaning plan.
  • Then, the team will clean your space. Our technicians use a high-level system to ensure you’re ready for customers. We use proprietary EPA-Approved Hospital-Grade cleaning solutions. Plus, we use cleaning and decontamination standards directly from the CDC.
  • The last step is certifying your business. You can open again with confidence.

If you need cleaning assistance at your business, we’re here. We have crews who are available 24⁄7 in the event of an emergency. Contact us at any time to learn more about our cleaning services and how we can help you.

Safety Considerations to Prevent Grill Fires | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

7/6/2021 (Permalink)

Food on grill SERVPRO® of North Lilburn is the fire restoration expert. To learn more give us a call or contact us online.

When you want to spend a summer day outside, a freshly grilled meal is one of the best ways to make the most of it. Grilling is a great cooking method for nearly anything, but because it involves an open flame, we do always want to remind the community to take the proper safety measures every time it is time to cook outdoors.

Grill fires happen more frequently than many would assume according to reporting from the U.S. Fire Administration—close to 6,000 fires are a result of grilling incidents every year. However, many of these incidents are entirely preventable, so it is wise to know the top safety tips to remember.

The Top Grill Safety Tips to Remember

Create a safe zone around your grill. Having your grill located in a good spot involves placing it somewhere that is both convenient and safe. Because flare-ups spreading to other objects are a common cause of grilling fires, a three-foot buffer is recommended to have surrounding the grill that is free from flammable objects.

Clean your grill grates often. Your grilling grates can get dirty with every use, which is why it is best to brush them after each grilling session. Stuck on bits of food and grease not only make consistent grilling less achievable, but they also increase the risk of fires as they can suddenly ignite if temperatures rise hot enough.

Never leave the grill unattended. Catching a grill fire before it gets out of hand can be the difference in a small incident and a large emergency, so never walk away from the grill when it is lit. If you have to take a break, have someone swap in for you and always keep a fire extinguisher within arms’ reach.

Inspect the grill regularly. Grills can be subject to wear and tear with age, especially the propane connections and tubes. It is best to do a visual inspection before you get ready to light the grill so you are aware of any potential spots that could cause a gas leak, which could be quite dangerous.

If you have a grill fire that does damage to your home, we are here to help. You can call us any time, day or night, to have a quick response from our restoration experts.

North Lilburn Residents Can Get Expert Help Dealing With Fire Damage l SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

7/6/2021 (Permalink)

Flames coming from a house If you have fire damage due to a heating malfunction or other issue, count on SERVPRO® of North Lilburn to fully restore your home.

No one likes to think about dealing with the aftermath of a house fire, but millions of them happen here in the U.S. every year. And that number could include members of the community here.

More fires happen during the colder months of the year, and they’re often caused by how we heat our homes or celebrate the holiday season. Christmas tree accidents are a leading cause of house fires..

If you’re using a space heater without an automatic shutoff mechanism, it can topple over and cause a fire. Broken furnaces and mishaps with other appliances happen sometimes.

Prattville residents can rely on a team of local experts if your home ever needs fire damage restoration or repairs. We’re prepared to work with you to remediate and repair in the aftermath of a fire.

Why Choose SERVPRO

Want to know why so many families in the North Lilburn area trust our work? Here’s what we offer our customers:

We’re available 247. Beginning the restoration process quickly is an important step in getting your home back to its original state and ready for you to make good memories once more. When it’s an emergency, we’re available at any time.

We are locally owned. SERVPRO locations are everywhere—all across the United States. But this location is locally owned. Because we’re a SERVPRO location, we can use the resources, equipment and training you would find at a leading-edge company with the advantage of choosing a partner here in the community.

We believe in restoration. Our team helps families recover from fire damage in a way that’s both logical and economical. Experts help through each step of the process, working to save your family time and money on the repair process and insurance premiums.

We can help with any of your restoration needs. House fires can damage your walls, your furniture’s upholstery and more. Issues resulting from water and smoke are common problems, too. We have the tools and resources to remediate these issues.

If you have fire damage in your home due to a kitchen, heating or other fire, you can count on us for restoration assistance. Our team is always ready to meet your needs and help you restore your home. Contact us at any time to learn more about our restoration services.

How Our Cleaning Technology Makes a Difference for Your Business | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

7/6/2021 (Permalink)

Someone in a white hazmat suit spraying a surface Our cleaning technology can help put business concerns at ease. If you need a deep cleaning contact SERVPRO® of North Lilburn.

Operating a business during a pandemic is a challenge. And it’s one that business owners here in Matthews are meeting with resilience.

Because we want to be a resource and support for business owners during this unprecedented time, we’ve pulled together tools and information you can use to keep your doors open.

Pandemic Resources You Can Use

The Mecklenburg County government has helpful resources for business owners and other residents to track the prevalence of COVID-19 in our county. You can find the latest information about Mecklenburg County here.

Business owners can also get information they can trust from the Small Business Administration. Their website includes information that can also help you deal with added pandemic stress. The SBA recommends setting realistic goals for the pandemic, among other things.

And of course, you want to know who to turn to if your in-person business needs a deep-cleaning after any type of exposure. Here in Matthews, you can call on SERVPRO for that help.

We have advanced technology that can be used to ensure your business is clean and ready for customers. Our technicians use an electrostatic sprayer.

How Our Electrostatic Sprayer Works

You may not have heard of an electrostatic sprayer or understand why having this powerful technology in our arsenal makes a difference. Let’s take a closer look at how it works.

Our sprayer charges the disinfectant we use with a positive charge. That allows the particles to make a 360-degree coating on objects. So we can use less product and still get a powerful result.

Additionally, our sprayer allows us to provide touchless disinfection services. That means you can rest assured nothing else is introduced into your business while we’re cleaning the space.

We’re here to help you at any time if your business needs powerful touchless disinfection services. We’re here early mornings, nights and weekends if you need us. Don’t wait to call.

If you need cleaning assistance at your business, we’re here. We have crews who are available 247 in the event of an emergency. Contact us at any time to learn more about our cleaning services and how we can help you.

Building a Solid Evacuation Plan for Your North Lilburn Business | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

7/1/2021 (Permalink)

Emergency graphic Here are some helpful tips we’ve put together to help you build a solid emergency plan. Contact SERVPRO® of North Lilburn to learn more.

Every business needs an evacuation plan in case of a fire or another disaster. In many cases, OSHA requires it and even publishes their own standards to check your emergency plans against.

Plus, it’s a good way to ensure both your employees and your customers are safe if something unexpected happens. (And, considering everything that happened in 2020 with the pandemic, planning for the unexpected now certainly seems wise.)

We’ve put together some tips to help you build a solid evacuation and emergency plan if your business should need it. We’ve worked in the disaster restoration and recovery business for years, so our team understands how these processes can work.

Things to Consider

We use the term “emergency” or “evacuation” plan, but it should be more than one plan in reality. Here’s why:

Some disasters require you to shelter in place. In the event of a fire, of course, you’ll want to have the routes out of the building posted and employees trained to help with the process. But in other cases, sheltering in place is the right call. That usually is the best option if a severe storm or tornado has been spotted in the area. So, you’ll want to have a plan in mind that covers all types of disaster scenarios.

Your employees’ roles can change. You’ll want to talk with your employees about head counts, evacuation routes and their role in leading people out. You may also want to establish a set meeting place to ensure that everyone you know is in the building has gotten out. Or if they haven’t, how many people first responders should be looking for inside the building.

Some special equipment may be required. Depending on your business and the type of disaster you’re dealing with, respirators and other equipment may be required.

If your business is damaged due to fire, water or any other cause, you can always count on us for restoration assistance. We have crews who are available 247 in the event of an emergency. Contact us at any time to learn more about our restoration services.

Let us help you get back to business| SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

6/28/2021 (Permalink)

Green SERVPRO® vehicle When disaster strikes, every hour spent worrying about the damage is a lost hour of productivity. Let us help you quickly get back to business!

You put everything into your business. At SERVPRO® of Prattville, we strive to provide that same level of excellence in servicing your property.

When disaster strikes, every hour spent worrying about the damage is a lost hour of productivity. Being in limbo during this period of time can be frustrating and anxiety-inducing. Our goal is to help you get back to business as quickly as possible! We are available 24 hours a day and 365 days a year and are prepared for the unpredictable.

Our technicians are trained in water removal; fire, smoke, and soot restoration; reconstruction, and more. Additionally, they have the equipment needed to service your property, whether it’s a large building or a big box store. We will manage the restoration of your property from mitigation to, if needed, restoration. Learn more about our services here.

If your business has been damaged due to a disaster or if you need any of our other service, you can depend on us. You can contact us at any hour of the day to learn more about our services or to report damages.

Rebuilding After A Natural Disaster Impacts Your North Lilburn Business | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

6/24/2021 (Permalink)

female SERVPRO employee showing an employee information on a tablet SERVPRO of North Lilburn knows the commercial restoration process inside and out. Here are some great tips in choosing the right restoration company.

Here’s a question for business owners: What was the biggest lesson you learned dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic during 2020 (and beyond)?

For many business owners, the answer is clear. You can’t always plan for what will happen in the future or predict it. But you can be nimble, imaginative and look for new ways to do business even during less than ideal circumstances.

And that’s true of any issue that impacts your business. While few of us had plans for a pandemic, many business owners already have a disaster plan in place for more common natural disasters like severe storms, fires or floods.

In our years working with business owners like you, we’ve learned that being prepared for a disaster through planning and dealing with a disaster can be a very different experience. That’s why our team has pulled together some of the best tips for business owners who are facing the rebuilding process after a disaster.

Advice Business Owners Can Use

You can reopen your business quickly and efficiently after a disaster. Here’s how we recommend that you do it:

Work your disaster plan. It’s smart to work on this plan before you need it because you’ll be in a better frame of mind to think things through. For example, some may consider moving to a backup location to continue offering services.

Reach out to your employees. The people who work for you will be impacted by your business having to close or change temporarily and may need assistance. The Small Business Administration (SBA) can be a good resource for you.

Stay in communication with your insurance company. Take plenty of pictures of the damage and build an inventory of everything that was lost or damaged during the disaster. Make providing any documentation they ask for a priority.

Update the members of your community. Communicate with your suppliers, your employees, your customers and your wider community so that they know where you are in the restoration process. You’ll also want to let them know if you’re working from a temporary location. Think about using social media or an email list as a tool.

Work with the right partners. Choose competent professionals to work on your restoration process and repair any of the damage. It will make opening up again easier.

If a fire, flood or any other cause damages your business, you can always count on us for restoration assistance. We have crews who are available 247 in the event of an emergency. Contact us at any time to learn more about our restoration services and how we can help you.

Recovering at Your Business After a Disaster Strikes | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

6/14/2021 (Permalink)

insurance policies binders and pen sitting on black table in larger conference room If your business is hit by a disaster, Contact SERVPRO of North Lilburn. We are here to guide you through the process.

Careful planning and strategizing is a key part of being a business owner, both for all of your everyday business decisions and when it comes to emergencies. Disasters devastate businesses every single year, leaving many business owners confused and unsure of how and if they will be able to reopen. Through careful planning, you can mitigate quite a bit of this uncertainty.

When you are considering how a disaster could impact your business, the first thing to be aware of is safety. Plan ahead to make sure you and your staff will be safe when a dangerous situation arises, and then consider how you will recover if there is damage to your building. Your restoration provider, your insurance company and your customers will all want to keep in touch, and you will have many resources available to you from organizations for financial assistance.

Ensuring Your Business Can Recover From a Disaster

Make contact with your insurance and restoration providers. No two commercial insurance policies are the same, so getting in touch with your insurance provider quickly after damage occurs is recommended. The process of filing a claim will vary, but once you get the details settled with your insurance company, you should reach out to your restoration provider as quickly as you are able so they can begin working on the damages.

Give customers updates on your status. Because of social media, it is easier than ever to keep in touch with your customers in real-time—and after a disaster, you absolutely should. Consider providing updates on your reopening timeline and any options customers have for supporting you while you work to recover (i.e. purchasing gift cards, making online orders, etc.).

Consider all your options for assistance. While a disaster is always a difficult thing to endure, business owners do have plenty of resources available for recovery through the Small Business Administration. Their disaster loan program is quite possibly the biggest help, as it is easy to qualify for, offers flexible repayment solutions and provides financial assistance for a variety of post-disaster expenses incurred.

If your business has been damaged due to a disaster, we’re here to help. Contact us at any hour to report your damage or to learn more about our commercial restoration services.

Prepare in Advance for Severe Weather | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

6/7/2021 (Permalink)

Yellow sign that says "stormy weather ahead" If you suspect storm damage from a storm, contact us. Our team is eager to offer quick assistance to start the restoration process.

It is difficult to know if a storm that is forecasted to move through an area will be severe enough to cause damage before it arrives. Storms—as well as the damage they cause—can vary wildly, which is why we always recommend taking an approach grounded in advanced preparation to remain as safe as possible.

By taking steps to protect your home, you can be certain that no matter what type of storm moves through your area, you are as protected as possible.

Prepare your home as much as possible. Though the nature of storm damage might seem erratic, by doing some preparation work in advance to protect your property, you can ensure you are taking the right steps to mitigate any possible damages. Trimming back any dead or overhanging trees is a great start, as is securing any objects that could possibly become loose during a storm. Many homeowners also have whole-home generators installed, allowing for utility usage if your power is out.

Create a family communications plan. When your family is all at home when severe weather is forecasted to come through the area, you can move as a group to your designated sheltering area and be certain you are all safe. However, if a storm catches one or more of your family members while they are out and about, it is important to have a communications plan so you can check in and be certain that everyone is safe.

Make sure your emergency kit is stocked. The best thing you can do to be prepared for any emergency is to have an emergency kit in your home, and storms are no exception. Your emergency kit can house everything your family might need, both during the storm and after the fact. Items like flashlights, batteries, first aid supplies, food and water are all good to keep on-hand just in case.

Consider getting a weather radio. Having cell phones has made it much easier to receive emergency weather alerts no matter where you are, but in case of severe weather, it is always good to have a backup such as a weather radio. Storms can cause power outages and even knock out cell towers, so having a weather radio that is either powered by replaceable batteries or a manual system is smart.

If your home is damaged by a storm, you can depend on us to take care of any damages. Contact us at any hour to report damage and receive a rapid response.

What Is the Danger of a Flash Flood? | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

6/1/2021 (Permalink)

Trees in storm damage SERVPRO® of North Lilburn is your local water & flood restoration expert. We will get the job done right, contact us today.

There is so much danger surrounding severe weather, but few things present more hazards than flash flooding. For weather events, floods are the second most dangerous condition that could occur in the country, and flash floods create the most hazardous scenarios of all.

When a flash flood becomes possible, it can be extremely dangerous to anyone who finds themselves in its way. For this reason, we always encourage people to know the facts about flash floods ahead of time so they can create a safety plan and take action in the event o danger.

How Flash Floods Become So Dangerous

Floods are always dangerous and quite serious, but with flash floods, they carry even more hazard due to the element of surprise. Flash floods must start within six hours after a heavy rain by definition, but in many incidents, they start in under three. This creates a rapid situation where people in the path of the flood must quickly get out of its way.

Stay Aware of Flash Flood Warnings

Having a reliable way to receive local weather alerts is so important if severe weather is possible, especially if there is the potential for a flash flood. If you see that a flash flood watch is issued, stay alert and stay tuned.

A flash flood warning is far more serious, meaning you should execute your safety plan quickly. For a flash flood emergency, it is important to do everything you can to get to higher ground.

How to Evacuate a Flash Flood Safely

Because of how frightening it can be to discover that a flash flood is on the way, it is so important that you know the safety tips beforehand so you can make better choices under pressure.

  • Sign up for local weather alerts and be sure you stay tuned if severe weather is possible.
  • Plan and practice your household evacuation plan.
  • Do not attempt to cross a flooded pathway or road.
  • Avoid contact with any floodwater.
  • Be aware of several evacuation routes in case your main one becomes flooded.

If your home or business has been damaged due to a flood or other severe weather, you can depend on us. Contact us at any hour to learn more about our services or to report damage to your property.

Restoring Your Belongings after Storm Damage | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

5/26/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® water damage graphic Storms threaten our peace of mind and our homes. Click here to learn about how SERVPRO® of North Lilburn can restore your belongings and serve you.

For many of us home is everything. However, storms threaten our homes in more ways than one. Not only does a storm threaten your home’s structure, but the quality of your belongings and keepsakes. Our restoration services can help you save money and give you back your peace of mind by preserving your precious belongings.

Nowadays, we hold many of our memories and keepsakes digitally on our computers, phones, family videotape, and more. Please note that water-damaged electronics can present a serious hazard so do not attempt to operate any of them in the wake of water damage. Let us coordinate the restoration of your electronics for you!

First, we will clean the outside of your electronic devices to help stop any further corrosion and damage. From there, a qualified electronics technician will clean and inspect the electronic devices.

More traditionally, valuable documents like wedding certificates and photographs make our house a home. Extreme caution must be taken with items like these because they can be delicate and easy to destroy. Although some documents may not be restored to pre-water damage condition, SERVPRO® of North Lilburn may be able to save a great deal of them and help minimize further damage. Depending on the type of documents and the level of water damage, we have five options for the restoration process: air-drying, dehumidification, freezer drying, vacuum freeze-drying, and vacuum thermal drying.

If you have storm or water damage anywhere in your home you can count on us to help. You can contact us at any hour of the day to learn more about our services or to report damages.

Your Guide to Water Damage Repairs in North Lilburn | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

4/12/2021 (Permalink)

white wall with water damage spots and peeling paint Do you have any water damage to your walls or ceiling? Contact SERVPRO® of North Lilburn, we will help guide you through the restoration process.

If you have to file a water damage claim in 2021, you won’t be alone. Far from it, actually!

Did you know water damage claims has been growing steadily every year?

One in 50 American homeowners file one of these water damage claims each year. Even before the number of claims started rising, they were some of the most common claims made by homeowners.

You may be wondering when a leak and the resulting water issues become an issue that requires professional services and remediation help. Most homeowners aren’t sure.

You may know that some water can be cleaned up with towels or a mop and bucket if caught early enough. But if it’s more serious, water can start to damage your home within hours.

Here’s what you might see when your home has water damage that needs remediation by professionals:

Your windows or walls are warped. Wood in your home, like your window panes and walls, can start to warp if the water damage is severe. That means it’s vital if you notice these signs to get remediation help.

The floorboards or furniture show signs of damage. Wet wood will start to warp within days. If that happens in your home, it’s best to start seeking help from professionals who can help you restore your home.

You notice your home has a musty smell. Smell can be among the first signs of mold damage, meaning if you notice that scent, it’s time to call in a professional to help you deal with remediation issues.

If you have water damage in your home due to a burst pipe or another cause, you can count on us for restoration assistance. We have teams who are available 247 in the event of an emergency. Contact us at any time to learn more about our restoration services.

The Reason Why Flash Floods Are Hazardous | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

4/12/2021 (Permalink)

Trees in storm damage SERVPRO® of North Lilburn is your local water & flood restoration expert. We will get the job done right, contact us today.

If it is a possibility that any type of severe weather will occur, staying safe is the top priority for everyone in its path. If that severe weather event happens to be a flash flood, staying safe becomes even more vital—and more difficult. Flooding is responsible for many deaths across the country each year, second only to heat in the weather-related fatality category. While any flood is dangerous, flash floods are especially concerning.

The sudden onset and little notice for flash floods makes them extremely hazardous, and they often impact urban areas and other parts of towns that are not used to flooding conditions. However, by knowing the facts, you can be safer in case you are ever faced with flash flooding conditions.

What Are the Risks of Flash Floods?

There is a level of risk associated with any type of flood, but due to the rapid onset of flash flooding, they present more risks than other types. Flash floods typically happen within three hours of heavy rainfall, often happening even sooner than that. With little notice, many people are caught by surprise by flash floods and do not know how to react.

What Is Important to Note About the Flash Flood Warning System?

Staying aware of local weather notices is key if a flash flood is a possibility, as this will provide you with the most accurate overview of rapidly changing conditions. If there is a flash flood watch issued, that means to stay alert, as conditions are ripe for a flash flood to occur.

If that is escalated to a warning, it is important to begin to execute your evacuation or safety plan. If there is a flash flood emergency declared, move as quickly as possible to higher ground.

What Should I Remember About Flash Flood Safety?

If there is a flash flood warning, safety is key—as is being able to think quickly to keep yourself and your family safe. Memorizing these tips can help you plan and execute your evacuation plan safely, even with little notice.

  • Tune into local weather alerts so you can stay up-to-date on conditions.
  • Plan out your evacuation and review the plan with every member of your household.
  • Do not try to cross floodwaters, either on foot or in the car.
  • Do not come into contact with floodwater if possible.
  • Have multiple evacuation routes in mind in case water blocks your path.

If your home or business has been damaged due to a flood or other severe weather, you can depend on us. Contact us at any hour to learn more about our services or to report damage to your property.

Here’s What You Do After Water Damage Happens to Your Home | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

4/12/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® water damage graphic Water damage can be devastating and overwhelming. Take these steps immediately after water damage.

Here’s What You Do After Water Damage Happens to Your Home | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

Flooding in your home can be damaging and devastating. Anything from heavy rains to burst pipes and appliance malfunctions can easily land you in this overwhelming position.

Relax, we’re here to help! Here are some steps to take immediately after water damage happens to your home.

Safety First

Your belongings can be replaced, but your family cannot be. Make sure you and your family are safe. Beware of electrical and “slip and fall” hazards. Stay out of rooms where ceilings are sagging should it collapse. Water damage can lead to mold growth within hours which can cause health effects after prolonged exposure. With that said, after you determine that everyone is safe it’s important to act immediately to take care of the problem.

Call Us

Within 24-48 hours, water damage cleanup should begin. There are a few routes you can take from here, but we recommend that you give us a call as soon as possible. After we collect the necessary information to best serve you, we’ll come to your property to assess the damage and get to work.

Start Cleanup

Before we arrive, you might start trying to clean up the mess. Although tempting, don’t use a household vacuum to remove water. Instead, use a mop to clean up excess water. You should gather colored and loose items, like rugs, from floors as they can leave behind a stain should they meet water.

After you’ve done what you can you might find that the rest of the damage requires professional assistance. At SERVPRO®, we have the expertise and equipment to help complete the job.

We got it from here! From there, we’ll take the following steps:

Water Removal

We have powerful pumps and vacuums that can remove up to hundreds of thousands of gallons of water. We’ll use these to minimize further damage to your property. To remove water from hard to reach places, we’ll use air movers and humidifiers.

Cleaning and Sanitizing

Water damage can destroy expensive and meaningful items like furniture and clothing. Furthermore, water damage can leave behind a musty smell. Our specialized cleaning techniques, air scrubbers, and fogging equipment can restore and sanitize your belongings and remove unpleasant odors.


Sometimes, restoring your property to pre-water damage condition requires reconstruction. This can range from replacing drywall panels to rebuilding rooms of the property. Whatever solution your home needs, we will do our part in helping you get it.

If you have water damage anywhere in your home you can count on us to help. You can contact us at any hour of the day to learn more about our services or to report damages.

Make a Water Damage Check Part of Your Routine Maintenance | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

4/12/2021 (Permalink)

water damage to wall Do you have any water damage in your home? Contact SERVPRO® of North Lilburn, we are your local water restoration company and here to help.

There are many ways in which a house can develop issues, but one of the most detrimental things for homeowners is hidden water damage. Not only will there be problems with water spots, mold and more because of it, but it can also lead to structural problems in the home’s walls depending on what parts are effective.

Thankfully, there are many things you can look for to check for water damage in the home as part of your regular home maintenance routines. This can help you catch any issues before they become too serious and has the added benefit of not being as expensive of a claim on your insurance.

How to Check for Water Damage Around Your Home

Inspect your walls and ceilings. Walls tend to hide leaks rather well, but if you look closely at your drywall, you can often find evidence that they are there. Small things like discolored areas, paint that is peeling or soft spots might be indicative of a hidden leak that you should have a professional check out ASAP.

Don’t forget to look down. If water damage is present, it can gradually work its way down and get into the floor of your home, soaking into the subfloor and causing problems. If you notice any soft spots or buckling of your floor, it might be a sign that the subfloor has become saturated with moisture.

Inspect your roof. Your roof is your home’s best defense against water damage, so it is wise to check on it often. You can inspect it easily from the ground with binoculars to look for loose shingles or other signs of wear. You can also go out during the next rain shower to make sure your gutters are properly functioning and keeping water away from your foundation.

Pay close attention to the basement. Basements are not supposed to be the damp and musty places they have been given the reputation of being—in fact, they should not be. Check your basement often for signs of moisture and mold, and if you do notice any issues, be sure to have a professional check it out right away.

If you have water damage anywhere in your home, we are here to help. You can contact us at any hour to learn more about our services or to report damages. Get in touch today to speak with a water damage restoration expert.

Water damage? We have you covered. | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

4/12/2021 (Permalink)

Water damage caused by broken dishwasher If there's water damage at your property, give us a call!

It’s 2 am and you awake to the sound of running water.  As you groggily come to your senses, you decide to check out the unusual noise, only to find that there is water everywhere. What do you do?

The first thing you should do is call SERVPRO® of North Lilburn to begin water mitigation.  Water is known as a “universal solvent” because it dissolves more substances than any other liquid, and the moment it is released upon your home, it begins eating away at your walls, floors, and anything in its path.  This is why mitigation is so important and the sooner the better.  

Mitigation means to lessen the damage, and this is why your insurance company works so closely with restoration companies. They want us to get out there as soon as possible day or night to begin the clean up so that it lessens the damage that the water is doing to your home.  Did you know that a sheet of drywall can absorb as much as 6 inches of water in less than 3 hours?  This is the reason your first call should be to SERVPRO of Montgomery because we are “faster to any size disaster.” 

We can handle any size job at SERVPRO® of North Lilburn and make your home “Like it never even happened.” 

Call us today at today!

You Can Do More Than You Think to Protect Your North Lilburn Home From Water Damage | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

4/12/2021 (Permalink)

Water droplets If you need help dealing with any damage caused by water, contact SERVPRO® of North Lilburn today.

Here’s a fact you might not know: One out of every 50 American homeowners will have to file a water damage claim next year.

That means if you need water damage help, you won’t be alone. Given the numbers, someone in your circle of friends, family members and coworkers will likely have to file a claim, too.

But have you thought about the things that can cause water damage? Storms, flash flooding and major appliance malfunctions are usually at the top of that list. But other things can cause water damage—namely heavy rains.

You can take basic precautions to lower your water damage risk. Thoughtful planning can actually go a long way toward protecting your home. Plus, most of the things you can do to protect your home are simple.

Cut Your Risk for Rain Damage

We see many water-damaged homes, so our team has in-depth knowledge of some of the ways water can damage a home. That means we can offer tips that can help you avoid it, too.

Here are some things experts recommend:

Understand the way your yard drains. Knowing how your yard drains around your home is key to protecting your home. If the water in your yard drains toward your home, then it’s time to chat with a landscaping expert. They can help you find ways to protect your yard.

Use native plants. The flowers and shrubs you choose can do more for your home than add to the curb appeal. Landscaping can help protect your home from water damage, especially if you choose native plants. Talk to a local expert about native plants or visit a native plant sale.

Explore sealing your roof. Experts estimate that almost 95% of damage is caused by water finding its way through gaps in your shingles, which can be prevented with this step. It’s definitely worth considering.

If you need help dealing with damage caused by water, fire or any other issue, we’re here to help you restore your home. We have crews who are available 247 in the event of an emergency. Contact us at any time to learn more about us and how we can help you restore your home to its original state.

How Would You Answer These Fire Safety Questions? | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

4/12/2021 (Permalink)

Yellow, orange, and red flames House fires trend to peak during the winter. SERVPRO® of North Lilburn is available 24/7 in the event of an emergency.

You can take simple steps today to keep your home and family safer from winter fire risks.

These fire safety questions offer you a roadmap for easy, inexpensive ways to maintain your home and lower your fire risk:

Do you know if your furnace is in good condition? Just because your furnace is working doesn’t mean it’s in good shape. Dirty, clogged vents from your furnace can create a fire hazard that puts your family at risk. The fix is surprisingly simple. If you haven’t had your furnace checked by a heating and air professional this year, it’s a good idea to have it looked over and ensure the ventilation is clear and everything is in good working order.

Does your family have a kitchen fire extinguisher? Grease fires can happen in any kitchen. Because these fires don’t respond to water (it makes them worse) and they’re a common threat to homeowners, keep a fire extinguisher handy. Fire extinguishers can help you put out a small grease fire before it becomes an enormous blaze.

Are you using your fireplace safely? Fireplaces with chimneys that are clogged and dirty create a fire hazard. If you want to light a crackling fire, be sure you’re you’re disposing of the ashes from your last fire correctly. Also, never light a fire before you are sure your chimney is in good shape.

Do you use battery-operated candles? Many people love the look and scent of a traditional candle burning at home. But they can be a fire hazard if you don’t use them properly and blow them out when you leave your home. These issues aren’t a concern if you opt for a battery-operated option.

If your home is damaged due to a fire or any other cause, you can always count on us for restoration assistance. We have crews who are available 247 in the event of an emergency. Contact us at any time to learn more about our restoration services and how we can help your family.

Odor Removal after Fire Damage | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

4/12/2021 (Permalink)

yellow, orange, and red flames on the stove Fire damage, including smoke and soot, can leave behind an awful smell that affects your belongings. Click here to learn the best practices.

One of the most troubling side effects of fire damage is the smoky odor it leaves behind. Why does smoke seem to stick to everything it touches? Smoke particles are tiny and can easily embed into porous materials like carpets, furniture, fabrics, books, and even paint which are, unfortunately, very common to our homes. Furthermore, certain materials, like plastics, that burned in the fire can make removing the smell even tougher. With that said, it’s best to leave fire, smoke, and soot restoration to the professionals!

After you’ve called us and before you leave the home, please be aware of how much you’re moving around the house. Try to limit your movements because with each step or touch you can further embed soot particles into upholstery and carpets. This means that even though it might be instinctive to throw sooty towels into the washer or start washing your walls, you shouldn’t!

At SERVPRO® of Montgomery, we have technicians who have the training, equipment, and several odor removal products to identify and efficiently eliminate these odors. Our technicians can identify not only the cause of the odor, but the conditions when smoke or a fire touched the surfaces of your belongings. This knowledge enables them to often remove the odor over time without a trace.

Successfully removing offensive odors can be a challenging task, so give us a call, and leave the job to us! We’ll take care of you.

If your home or business needs fire, smoke, or soot restoration or any of our services, we are here to help. You can contact us at any hour to learn more about our services or to report damages. Get in touch today to speak with our team regarding our services.

Doing What You Can to Reduce Your Fire Risk at Home | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

4/12/2021 (Permalink)

Hand turning off smoke alarm If you experience any damage due to a fire, we are here to help. Reach out to SERVPRO® of North Lilburn to learn more.

There will never be a good time to experience a house fire, but never experiencing one at all is certainly preferred. Practicing prevention can go a long way in reducing the likelihood that you will experience a house fire. It only takes 30 seconds for a fire to spread through the home and cause serious damages, but by preventing them altogether, you can keep your household significantly safer.

Reducing your overall risk profile is so important to your safety when it comes to house fires. By making sure your home is equipped with safety features, your family is prepared and you are practicing good habits, you can mitigate a fire’s likelihood and impact.

How You Can Reduce Your Household Fire Risk

Check your smoke detectors. Smoke detectors are always the first step in improving your household fire safety, as they will be the thing that notifies you if a fire has started. Be sure to do a monthly test to make sure they are operational, and keep track of when they were installed so you know when to replace the unit altogether.

Create a fire escape plan. Making sure that your family members feel comfortable escaping your home quickly in case of a fire is so important. Fire escapes should be done in under two minutes to avoid dangerous smoke inhalation. By drafting a solid plan and practicing it often, you can be certain that everyone will know exactly what to do.

Limit your fire risks. Practicing good fire safety habits on a daily basis can really add up, as you are reducing the chances that a fire can even start. Simple things, like not running cords under rugs, always attending to open flames and avoiding using frayed wires, will go a long way in ensuring your home will not be impacted by a fire to begin with.

Keep a fire extinguisher handy. Fire extinguishers are so important for having nearby while using any open flame. Though it is important to only use a fire extinguisher when the fire is small and contained, having one nearby can be the difference between a small flare-up and a large-scale house fire that causes significant damage.

If your home is damaged by a house fire, we are here to help. Our expert fire restoration technicians are here 247 to spring into action as soon as you call. Contact us at any hour to report your damage and receive a quick response.

Easy Ways to Make Your Home Safer From Fires This Winter | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

4/12/2021 (Permalink)

Yellow, orange, and red flames House fires trend to peak during the winter. SERVPRO® of North Lilburn is available 24/7 in the event of an emergency.

Making your home safer from fire hazards isn’t as difficult as you might think.

You can add simple steps to your daily routine and simple home maintenance items to your checklist that will lower your risk for common causes of house fires.

Be Sure You Know How to Prevent Fires

Most of these fire prevention tips are easy to add to your home safety routine. They don’t cost a lot but can make your family safer by lowering your risk of a house fire.

Know how to fight a grease fire. Grease fires are a well-known kitchen hazard. Part of the danger they present is because grease fires can’t be put out with water. In fact, water makes these events worse. Instead, keep a fire extinguisher handy. Metal pan lids and baking soda can work for smaller grease fires, too.

Keep your fireplace clear of old ashes. If you enjoy using your wood-burning fireplace, be sure you’re not letting the ashes collect there. Instead, clean your fireplace regularly and dispose of your ashes safely.

Watch how you use your space heater. Don’t plug your space heater into an extension cord. Use one of your wall outlets instead. Also, take steps to ensure your space heater is clear on all sides by at least three feet.

Keep your smoke detectors working. Testing your smoke detectors, changing their batteries twice each year and replacing them every 10 years will ensure they are best able to help protect your family.

Consider switching to battery-operated candles. Scented candles are popular during the fall and winter months because they add a warm glow to your home and can smell delicious. But these can be a fire hazard if they’re left burning while you’re not home or knocked over. Battery-operated candles eliminate these hazards.

If your home is damaged due to a fire or any other cause, you can always count on us for restoration assistance. We have crews who are available 247 in the event of an emergency. Contact us at any time to learn more about our restoration services and how we can help your family.

Ramping Up Your Spring Storm Safety at Home | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

4/12/2021 (Permalink)

Stormy weather If you experience any property damage from spring storms, contact SERVPRO® of North Lilburn.

This year’s cold, wet winter is quickly coming to an end. Even in Georgia, where winters are typically mild, it’s easy to get spring fever during these long, dreary pandemic winter days.

So, if you’re thrilled to turn the page in February and start March with dreams of a warm spring afternoon filling your head, no one can blame you. It’s a great time to start planning new projects. For you, that might mean you want to create a vegetable garden or redo your landscaping.

Or maybe you like to spend the spring hiking or enjoying the outdoors before summer’s heat sends you back inside.

Spring is an enjoyable season, but like any season, it also brings some hazards for homeowners to manage. When it comes to this season, healthy and severe thunderstorms are always a concern.

While we don’t have the ability to make a storm take a different path around our home, we take steps to make our homes as safe and secure as possible, so they’re in good shape if a severe storm hits.

Projects to Do This Spring

Add these items to your project list this spring.

Cut and remove tree branches and limbs that need it. Limbs and branches that hang over your garage or home can be a hazard during storms. You can keep them from falling on your roof by cutting them down.

Declutter your gutters. We talk about the importance of this project every season. Keep your drains clean so that the water around your home is moving in the right direction instead of backing up and causing water damage.

Repair your roof.If you can check your roof to be sure it doesn’t have any missing shingles. Look for signs of a leak, too.

Make sure your home’s sump pump works. Not every family has one of these (or needs it), but it’s important to be sure it’s working correctly before your house goes through a rainy spring.

Don’t let items around your home become hazards. Be sure your patio furniture or other similar things don’t become tools for the wind to damage your home.

If a fire, flood or any other cause damage to your home, you can always count on us for restoration assistance. We are available 247 in the event of an emergency. Contact us at any time to learn more about our restoration services and how we can help you.

Quickly Getting to Safety if a Storm Starts Suddenly | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

4/12/2021 (Permalink)

Lightning strike Have you been affected by a storm event? SERVPRO® of North Lilburn is available 24/7 and ready to assist you with any storm damage.

If you are enjoying a clear summer day, you may not even consider the possibility that the weather can turn sour—but clear skies can be deceiving. Storms thrive off of heat and humidity, so sudden pop-ups can occur with little notice and leave people desperate to find shelter.

Fortunately, there are many options for sheltering safely from a summer storm so you can be better prepared no matter where you are.

Be Prepared for a Storm No Matter Where You Are

Know your options for shelter. It would be ideal if you find out about an incoming storm somewhere you can also seek shelter, but that is not always the case when a storm catches you out and about. Experts recommend knowing how to seek shelter in your car safely in case of a sudden storm so you can always pull over and be relatively protected from the weather.

Practice electrical safety. Because thunder is caused by lightning, any thunderstorm has the potential to lead to lightning damage as well. No matter where you shelter, there is a possibility that the building will get struck, which can cause a dangerous power surge. If you can, unplug all the electronics in the vicinity to be safer. For your home and your office, installing inexpensive surge protectors around every outlet is a wise move.

Avoid direct contact with concrete. While concrete is one of the sturdiest materials to construct with, it does present certain considerations when it comes to stormy weather. Concrete is often reinforced with metal pieces, so it is recommended that you avoid coming into direct contact with it during a storm in case the building is struck by lightning.

Stay indoors for at least 30 minutes. If the skies clear suddenly after a summer storm, you may be antsy to get back outside, but beware of the false sense of security. Lightning can travel extreme distances, even striking up to 30 miles away from where the clouds are. For this reason, it is best to wait for a half-hour after the last thunderclap before heading back out.

If your home sustains damage due to a storm, you can count on us to help. Contact us at any hour to learn more about our storm restoration process.

Add These Projects to Your To-Do List and Prevent Storm Damage l SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

4/12/2021 (Permalink)

heavy rain coming down from dark clouds If you experience any property damage from spring storms, contact SERVPRO® of North Lilburn.

Do you have spring fever?

Even though Georgia winters are mild by comparison, it’s easy to see why you would be ready for the seasons to change this year. Between a pandemic and wet, dreary days, we all want something to look forward to.

Spring is also the time many of us start planning new projects. For you, that might mean deciding how you want to change up your home’s landscaping for the new season. Or you might research parks in the area to (finally) get outside.

Most of us enjoy changing the seasons, but there are always hazards that can come along with it, too. Spring thunderstorms can cause a headache for many homeowners.

The good news is that are many ways you can ensure your home is ready to withstand the weather, and it doesn’t take as long as you might think.

Many of the projects that will help you protect your home can be completed over a long weekend. They’re well worth the time you’ll invest.

Are These Projects on Your To-Do List?

Here are some home improvement projects that need to be a priority:

Don’t let tree branches threaten your roof. Limbs and branches hanging over your home can be hazardous. Winds can bring them down and cause damage. You can prevent this from happening by cutting them down.

Spend time cleaning your gutters. Clean gutters allow water to move around your home the correct way. Don’t let water backup up your home and cause water damage.

Check your roof for leaks and damage. Be sure your roof doesn’t have any missing shingles. You don’t want to end up in a situation where you find out your home has a leaky roof during a thunderstorm.

If a fire, flood or any other cause damage to your home, you can always count on us for restoration assistance. We are available 247 in the event of an emergency. Contact us at any time to learn more about our restoration services and how we can help you.

Why We Focus on Restoration Instead of Replacement | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

4/12/2021 (Permalink)

orange sign and sky in the background Have you sustained property damage and feeling overwhelmed? We are here to help, contact SERVPRO® of North Lilburn.

If you have damage done to your home, it is a difficult thing to process and recover from. Dealing with the emotional impact of the actual emergency in addition to the recovery process can be a long and uphill battle, but the sooner you can get back into your home, the sooner you can begin to rebuild your life.

Though it can always be difficult to begin the recovery process, working with a good restoration company can make a tremendous difference. We will focus on restoring your home and belongings, instead of simply recommending a replacement, so you can save time and money and get back home more quickly. This can help you feel more at home when you return to your household, helping your family heal.

How Restoration Can Lead to Saving Time and Money

We can help you save money on your insurance. Thankfully, homeowners insurance will often cover major losses from emergencies or disasters, but an expensive claim can raise your premium as well. By restoring what we are able to instead of fully liquidating your home and belongings, we can keep the claim costs low, saving you money over time.

We can protect your sentimental items. When you have to quickly leave the home in the event of an emergency, there are likely many precious, irreplaceable items that are left behind. With our fleet of restoration equipment, however, we can restore many of these items to look exactly as they did before the damage. We have restored photographs, art, heirlooms and many other irreplaceable items over the years.

We make sure your home feels like home again. Going home after a disaster is quite an emotional experience, but by restoring your items when possible, we can ensure it truly feels like home when you walk in the door. From furniture to cosmetic touches, we can handle all the elements of restoration that make a difference in the way your home feels.

If you have damages and are feeling overwhelmed, we are here to help. You can call us as soon as you need to in order to begin the restoration process. Contact us today to learn more.

Here’s What Every Home Restoration Project Has in Common | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

4/12/2021 (Permalink)

black glasses and pen sitting on top of white insurance policy If your home is damaged due to a disaster, Contact SERVPRO® of North Lilburn. From start to finish, we will help navigate the restoration process.

No matter why you need home restoration, you have at least one thing in common with the millions of American homeowners filing damage claims each year. What is it? The importance of getting started on your project promptly.

Why is timing so important? It’s simple.

Common household damage culprits can get worse much sooner than you probably expect. Hardwood floors and furniture can show damage within just a few days, and mold can begin to grow within hours.

We’re Always Here

That’s why we’re passionate about providing service to our community 247 because we know that timing is everything when your home is damaged. No matter what time your emergency occurs, we’ll be here to answer your questions, address your concerns and start on your home restoration plan.

There are plenty of other powerful reasons to choose SERVPRO beyond our speed and availability:

Our team members are all highly skilled experts in their field. When you interact with one of our technicians, you’re talking with an expert. We ensure they have the latest training and certifications that ensure the strategy they’re suggesting will consider the latest advances in home restoration.

Our technicians use the most up-to-date technology. Our relationship with SERVPRO allows us to bring their leading-edge technology here to our community. And it gives our technicians the tools they need to restore your home.

Why You May Need Restoration Services

There are a wide variety of reasons people seek our help. In many cases, people need home restoration services after severe weather moves through their areaAccidents and appliance malfunctions can also do a lot of damage to a home.

If your home is damaged due to fire, water or any other cause, you can always count on us for restoration assistance. We have teams who are available 247 in the event of an emergency. Contact us at any time to learn more about our restoration services and how we can help your family.

Minutes Matter for North Lilburn Homeowners When They Need Restoration Services | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

4/12/2021 (Permalink)

black glasses and pen sitting on top of white insurance policy If your home is damaged due to a disaster, Contact SERVPRO® of North Lilburn. We are here to help from start to finish.

Do you know what every homeowners insurance claim has one thing in common? And it might not be what you think.

Every home is indeed unique, and every homeowner’s restoration needs are slightly different. But in every case in our years of experience, we’ve noticed that every job we work has one thing in common—timing.

No matter what kind of damage your home suffers, starting the remediation process quickly will help ensure that your home can be economically restored to its original state.

Timing matters more than you might expect when your home is damaged, especially if you’re dealing with damage caused by water (like flooding or a burst pipe). Within a few hours, you can begin seeing the signs of water damage, including the earliest sign of mold (usually a musty odor permeating your home).

Common Reasons Families Need Restoration Services

Homeowners will need restoration help in 2021 for various reasons. They’ll include severe weather issues, such as wind, hail and rainAccidents and appliance malfunctions can cause significant damage to homes, too.

Regardless of why you need help, it’s important to move quickly and choose a team of experts you can trust.

How SERVPRO Is Different

Our team is always here to help you when you need us the most. That means we’re available to answer your questions and help you get the process started at any time. We’ll answer 247 if you call us and help you get the restoration process started during an emergency.

There are other good reasons to choose SERVPRO, too. Here’s what makes us different:

Our teams are staffed by skilled technicians. Our teams are staffed by experts. They hold high-level certifications in their fields. So that means they will bring their wealth of knowledge about water damage to your home.

We use leading-edge equipment on our jobs. We have the ability to access the best technology and the latest equipment because we’re affiliated with SERVPRO. When we work with you, you can be confident we’ll bring both skill and technology to your home’s restoration process.

Our SERVPRO is a locally owned business. When you reach out to us, you can be confident that you’re talking to a member of your community. Our team members live here in the community and are ready to serve their family members, friends and neighbors.

If your home is damaged due to fire, water or any other cause, you can always count on us for restoration assistance. We have teams who are available 247 in the event of an emergency. Contact us at any time to learn more about our restoration services and how we can help your family.

Residential Cleaning Services | SERVPRO® of North Lilburn

4/12/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® vehicle parked in front of a building Let’s be honest. Clean ducts aren’t necessarily at the top of our day-to-day priority list, but it’s important!

Let’s be honest. Clean ducts aren’t necessarily at the top of our day-to-day priority list, but it’s important!

The phrase “duct cleaning” usually refers to cleaning heating and cooling systems such as an air conditioning unit (HVAC) or ventilation. If these pieces of equipment are not properly installed or maintained, their parts can collect dust or pollen. If this occurs in a humid or moist environment, this material can be released into parts of the home. Breathing this in can cause health effects. Essentially, failing to maintain your ducts can lead to poor air quality in the home.

Don’t let that happen to you! Call SERVPRO® of Prattville for a duct cleaning.


  1. Our technicians have the skillset needed to give your home the detailed cleaning that it needs to look its best.
  2. We have the equipment and training needed to eliminate offensive odors from your home.
  3. An HVAC cleaning can help reduce the potential for mold growth.

If you need our services, you can depend on us. You can contact us at any hour of the day to learn more about our services or to report damages.

Call SERVPRO of North Lilburn If Your Water Heater Leaks!

5/1/2020 (Permalink)

A malfunctioning heater could expose your home to water-related incidents. Water heaters are generally built to last decades of high usage since they can be costly to replace. However, with the sheer volume of water passing through a heater during the winter months can cause year on year corrosion of the steel storage tanks. When these leak inside an airing or heating closet, they can cause significant amounts of harm to your property. 

A heater with corrosion can start to leak over time, leading to water damage in your home. The likelihood of tanks bursting increases when there is steel corrosion, which can have a sizable impact. Performing regular maintenance checks and replacing the anode rod inside your water heater when necessary is the best way of avoiding water emergencies. However, accidents do happen, in which case you should have a firm backup plan in place to limit the losses to your property's structure.

One potential challenge SERVPRO technicians have in restoring structure around a large appliance is restrictive access. Typically, heating systems are built into closets or small enclosures out of the way of the main rooms in your house. These enclosed areas increase water migration because water builds up in a concentrated area, which can lead to water problems inside the cavities of your home. 

Water restoration technicians with experience can duct seal the enclosure and attach dehumidification hoses into the area to speed up the evaporation process rapidly. Since water extractors are likely to be unable to dry such a small space effectively, SERVPRO relies on closed-system dehumidification to dry. We may also need to assess the adjacent walls as well as the subfloor of your property to see how far excess moisture is traveling.

Water heater failure can cause extensive harm in small spaces. Contact SERVPRO of North Lilburn at 770-577-2470

SERVPRO of North Lilburn Is Here For Your Commercial Properties

5/1/2020 (Permalink)

Flooding and water damage events at Lilburn commercial properties are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and flexible response. Whether we’re dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

Our professionals are trained to be mindful of legal and environmental concerns and strive to fully restore the damaged area while working within your budgetary constraints. We understand that every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when an emergency situation arises in your business, give us a call and we’ll be there fast with the help you need.

SERVPRO of North Lilburn specializes in the cleanup and restoration of commercial and residential property after a water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Call us today for any of your commercial needs! 770-709-3266

Did You Suffer From A Fire Damage? Call us!

5/1/2020 (Permalink)

Smoke and soot are very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allow us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.  

Smoke and soot facts:

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

Different Types of Smoke:

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO of Kirkland will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information:

  • Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber
      • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.
  • Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood
      • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises, therefore, smoke rises.
  • Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire
    • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor. 

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions.  We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.  We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

Call SERVPRO of North Lilburn at 770-709-3266

Are You Prepared For Storms?

5/1/2020 (Permalink)

Did you know September is National Preparedness Month? 

Different types of disasters and emergencies happen in communities across the country, but there are key steps that every household can take to be better prepared for them. If you do nothing else this month, take time to create a disaster plan including an emergency escape plan.

Make a clear plan of what to do in an emergency and in case of an evacuation.

Identify clear roles for everyone in the house.

Discuss how to prepare and respond to emergencies that can happen at home, work, and school.

Make a list of all the important things you may forget when in an emergency.

Have a disaster kit assembled for everyone in the house.

Have an out of the area emergency contact person saved on a smartphone.

Practice evacuating your home twice a year, especially if you have kids or pets. This makes it a routine and can make a real emergency situation less stressful.

According to the Red Cross, there are many disaster apps now available for smartphones and tablets that can be downloaded to help with emergencies. Some of these apps include a full emergency app, tornado, hurricane, earthquake, wildfire, and flood apps. If any of these disasters are common in your areas I would recommend downloading the corresponding app. With these apps, you can know when to evacuate, where shelter may be located, and exactly where the disaster occurred.

Go to: http://www.redcross.org/get-help/prepare-for-emergencies/mobile-apps for more information

We are Cleaning Experts

4/1/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO is Here to Help during this time of need

During this unprecedented time caused by the global pandemic of coronavirus, this is a reminder to our customers that we are specialists in cleaning services, and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards.

Specialized Training

We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work that regular janitorial staff perform on a daily basis.

The CDC encourages cleaning of high-touch surfaces such as counters, tabletops, doorknobs, light switches, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets and tables. Other spaces mentioned in the CDC’s guidance for commercial spaces include:

  • Kitchen/Food Areas
  • Bathrooms
  • Schools/Classrooms
  • Offices
  • Retail Spaces
  • Water Fountains
  • Shelving/Racks
  • Sales Counters
  • Carpets and Rugs
  • Stair Handrails
  • Elevator Cars
  • Playground Equipment
  • Fitness Equipment

Specialized Products

The CDC recommends usage of a labeled hospital-grade disinfectant with claims against similar pathogens to the coronavirus. Multiple products in the SERVPRO product line carry the EPA-approved emerging pathogens claims. While there is currently no product tested against this particular strain of the coronavirus, we are following all guidelines as provided by the CDC and local authorities.

Call Today for a Proactive Cleaning

If your home or business needs deep cleaning services, call the experts today – SERVPRO of North Lilburn 770.709.3266




SERVPRO of North Lilburn Can Save Your Contents

3/23/2020 (Permalink)

Saving Contents with Water Damage in North Lilburn

Homeowners discovering water deterioration at a late stage can face a real challenge. On the one hand, replacing content and structure can ensure that there are no further issues or cross-contamination. On the other hand, contents are what make a house a home and can hold sentimental value. Not to mention that the costs and work to replace large amounts of structure can rise quickly — our restoration services center on restoring rather than replacing. We use gifted water restoration technicians (WRT) to achieve surprising results.

When you discover water damage in your Lilburn home, the first thing to do is contact your insurance provider. SERVPRO of North Lilburn can work with your insurer to restore your property on time and on-budget. Some items with prolonged exposure may still need replacing. Unfortunately, after seventy-two hours, a clean water emergency can deteriorate into a grey or black one. Severe levels of water contamination often result in the wide scale replacement of porous materials like drywall.

One thing that SERVPRO of North Lilburn can do is provide professional care and attention to your content. Specialized services from document recovery to mitigating deterioration of valuable electronic devices like computers or televisions can often be carried out on-site. While reversing the water damage is difficult, we can prevent further damage from occurring- a process referred to as mitigating loss.

Our team of SERVPRO technicians is experts at mitigating loss. Fabrics are naturally porous, which can create a problem as they absorb contamination in water levels quickly. We provide customers the opportunity to restore these fabrics by sending them to an external facility for mechanical cleaning. Chief among our mechanical cleaning equipment is our Esporta washing machines, which can remove up to 98% of soiling from fabrics.

While home emergencies can, and often do, come at precisely the wrong time. You can have confidence that many of your items are restorable if you use a professional restoration service like ours. We operate emergency contact lines twenty-four hours a day and utilize local technicians to reduce call-out times, as little as four hours from notification of loss.

Time is of the essence in home restoration, contact SERVPRO of North Lilburn at 707.709.3266.

Faster For You

3/23/2020 (Permalink)

Every second counts after fire, storm, or water damage at a residence in North Lilburn, Georgia. Some mitigation and restoration services take longer than others to respond to damage. These four factors make SERVPRO Faster to Any Size Disaster.

  1. Franchise Locations Nationwide

A local franchise can quickly respond to calls. In addition to returning a call within one hour, a nearby location can also have trained experts on site for an assessment within four hours. It is critical to act quickly to limit the damage.

  1. Trained and Certified Staff

The quality of training is a major benefit of relying on a local franchise of a national corporation. SERVPRO provides new franchise and employee certification training. This company is also an approved training school for Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification. Trained professionals can respond Faster to Any Size Disaster.

  1. Large Scale Loss Response

In the event of a major flood, storm or other large-scale loss, a local franchise can achieve the shortest response times. If a region is experiencing increased demand for mitigation and restoration services, the national corporation can call on nearby franchises to provide additional equipment and expertise and reduce wait times.

  1. One-Stop Mitigation and Restoration

A service equipped to perform both mitigation and restoration is likely to shorten the length of the overall cleanup and restoration process. Rather than contacting two companies and juggling estimates and schedules when filing an insurance claim, homeowners or insurance representatives can rely on a single service to provide a complete estimate and restore a residence as quickly as possible.

Homeowners and insurers can count on SERVPRO to be Faster to Any Size Disaster in North Lilburn.  Calls should be responded to within one hour, and an on-site visit should take place within four hours. Professionals will follow up on this assessment with a verbal briefing and an estimate.

Give us a call at 770.709.3266

What To Do Until Help Arrives After A Fire

11/19/2019 (Permalink)



  • Limit movement in the home to prevent soot particles from being embedded into upholstery and carpet. 
  • Keep hands clean. Soot on hands can further soil upholstery, walls, and woodwork. 
  • Place dry, colorfast towels or old linens on rugs, upholstery, and carpet traffic areas. 
  • If electricity is off, empty freezer and refrigerator completely and prop doors open to help prevent odor. 
  • Wipe soot from chrome on kitchen and bathroom faucets, trim and appliances, then protect these surfaces with a light coating of lubricant. 
  • If heat is off during winter, pour RV antifreeze in sinks, toilet bowls, holding tanks and to tubs to avoid freezing pipes and fixtures. 
  • Wash both sides of leaves on house plants. 
  • Change the HVAC filter, but leave the system off until a trained professional can check the system. 
  • Tape double layers of cheesecloth over air registers to stop particles of soot from getting in or out of the HVAC system. 

SERVPRO of North Lilburn is a team of specialists, trained to professionally clean your home and personal belongings. If you experience a fire in your North Lilburn home or business, give us a call at (770) 709-3266. 

Are Your Pipes Ready for Cold Weather?

10/29/2019 (Permalink)

Fall weather is upon us, which means lots of pumpkin spice, sweaters, and football.  Yay! However, fall weather also means, winter is right around the corner. Which means colder temperatures, higher electric bills, and possibly snow.   

That’s why it is important to prepare for the colder weather by winterizing your pipes.  Below is a checklist of important things to consider/complete.

  1. Use insulation sleeves to insulate pipes. Make sure you cover the pipes fully and do not leave any gaps without insulation as cold air can reach these areas and affect the pipe. 
  2. Be sure to inspect the outside areas of the home or property. Cold air can enter through cracks and cause freezing.  That is why it is important to seal any visible cracks with caulk or spray foam.
  3. When freezing temperatures do occur it is a good idea to allow a faucet to drip to allow water to move continuously throughout the pipes preventing freezing water.
  4. If the home or property has a crawl space be sure that it properly insulated and block any openings that can allow cold air in.

These measures should ensure that your home or property will be safe from water damage this winter.  But, if you do suffer from a water loss, remember that SERVPRO of North Lilburn is always “here to help.”

Our Emergency Ready Profile Can Help Your Business Be Prepared

10/14/2019 (Permalink)

If you own a business and suddenly have a water or fire damage, would you and your employees be prepared?

SERVPRO of North Lilburn offers the ERP: Emergency Ready Profile, a useful tool that can help prepare your business for anything that may happen. The SERVPRO Emergency Ready Profile serves as a quick reference document, detailing important building and contact information. It can be an ideal supplement to any existing emergency preparedness plan. Rather than simply reacting to a disaster, businesses can be proactive by establishing a relationship with a restoration company. SERVPRO of North Lilburn is a leader in fire and water damage response and can help you get your property back in working order.

The SERVPRO Emergency Ready Profile offers the following:

A free assessment of your facility's emergency preparedness.

Secure information in one location that will help you get back into your building following a disaster.

Facility details such as shut off valve locations, priority contact information and identification of the line of command to authorize emergency work to begin.

Call us today for your ERP at (770) 709-3266!

How Much Do You Know About Mold?

9/26/2019 (Permalink)

Mold is among the worst silent but dangerous contaminants known to grow in buildings. It can grow both indoors and outdoors. All it needs is a wet or damp surface such as carpets, wood, ceiling tiles, insulation, and drywall just to mention a few.

Mold growth can start and spread within 48 hours if it is not checked. It can have a significant impact and damages to your building's physical structure and the quality of your home. A lot of people in Manhattan have mold allergies. For safety purposes, it is vital to ensure that you get rid of any mold growth causing agents before the damage occurs.

We are here to help you with the remediation of mold damages. After carrying out a comprehensive inspection, our mold damage remediation specialists will contain the affected surfaces with physical barriers to ensure that the growth does not spread during the restoration process.

Some of the important facts to note about mold problem are;

  • Mold can affect your health and that of your pets. It also compromises the physical structure of your building
  • Mold growth occurs mostly in warm and damp surfaces under humid conditions
  • Mold is hard to see since it grows in hidden areas like under the floors, under the ceiling carpet and in walls.
  • If the mold is not yet visible, after two days, it can affect any wet material in the house
  • Whether you already suspect a mold problem or already seen the problem, only a professional can help you identify its source and the extent of the damage
  • Some home remedies for example bleaches can add to the problem

It is wise to avoid using your homemade remedies to minimize the issue and let a professional handle it for you. If you suspect or you see that you have a mold issue in North Lilburn, call us at (707) 709-3266 and we will immediately respond to solve your problem before it worsens.

Tips to Avoid Kitchen Fires

9/23/2019 (Permalink)

Did you know that the leading cause of house fires is cooking fires? 

It’s also the number one cause for injuries! 

Here are some tips to help prevent cooking fires: 

When cooking, you should never leave the kitchen unattended. 

Stay in the kitchen when you fry, broil or grill. 

Turn off the heating source when you leave the kitchen, for any amount of time. 

Keep flammable objects away from the stovetop. 

Clean ovens and stovetops regularly to remove any food debris, oil or grease. 

Don’t wear loose-fitting clothing while cooking. 

SERVPRO of Downtown Charleston knows how to properly restore your home after a fire. Call us at (843) 577-2470 immediately after the fire is out so we can get to your property and help you.

We Have The State Of The Art Equipment To Restore Your Lilburn Home

8/9/2019 (Permalink)

We have the technicians to place and operate our state of the art equipment. We are ready at a moments notice so don't hesitate and call right away.

Flood Damage Drying And Restoration In Lilburn 

Storms in Lilburn and the surrounding area can drop an incredible amount of water in a very short amount of time. The rain can quickly overflow sewers and storm drains, leading to homes flooded from one end to the other.

To complete Lilburn flood damage restoration, drying the structure is extremely important. Anyone can set up a series of fans in a home, but SERVPRO restoration teams understand that properly drying the interior of each residence prevents further problems such as drywall rot and odors that can result in more damage and expense.

When flood damage becomes trapped in floors or behind walls, it evaporates far slower than water on floors and carpets. Increasing ventilation and circulation is crucial to speeding up evaporation. The tools used to increase it include exhaust fans, dehumidifiers, and air movers.

First, though, SERVPRO technicians have to expose the parts of the home with trapped water, draining and removing as much as possible. They lift a floorboard that is normally under a bookcase or other piece of furniture to improve ventilation and insert a small hose connected to an extraction wand to draw out water trapped underneath. They next replace the wand with an air mover to increase circulation by forcing warm, dry air inside to displace the cold, damp air.

For walls, team members remove floor trim and, if the drywall is still intact, drill a hole into each affected wall cavity for ventilation. After letting the water drain, they increase circulation with an air mover which speeds up the drying process.

The moisture forced out from the walls and floors now increases the humidity level inside the home. To eliminate this problem, technicians set up a dehumidifier in each affected room to draw out water from the air at about 20 gallons every 24 hours. They also install the exhaust fans at key exit points to increase air circulation and the efficiency of the dehumidifiers.   

For SERVPRO of North Lilburn, our task is always to serve our neighbors here, Pleasant Hill, or the surrounding area in returning their homes to a dry, safe condition after any flood or another water intrusion. If this describes your residence, call us today at (770) 709-3266 to schedule an inspection. We are here for you and your home.

See more about Lilburn.

The Restoration Services You Can Expect from SERVPRO in Lilburn

7/31/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO will be there for their Lilburn community when disaster strikes.

You can always count on us for all restoration services in Lilburn

We have always prided ourselves on the quality work and the fast response that we offer when emergencies and disasters threaten Lilburn residences. As traumatic and damaging as these situations can become, our extensive experience and network of franchises nearby can help us tackle even substantial loss incidents with confidence and efficiency. We know that your home or your business is more than just a heap of construction materials – so we mobilize quickly to help protect your property and the memories that it holds. We live up to the motto that We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster. 


Water loss incidents require experience and efficiency, as many homeowners can barely recognize the source of the damage, let alone its full spread throughout their Lilburn property. Part of our success in offering restoration services to the area stems from having the premier equipment for recovery work, and quickly, our trained professionals can turn the situation around positively. Without this confident and capable response during the crisis, materials used in the construction of the property and the contents within it continue to be at risk until these measures get taken. 

As with many of the other restoration services that we offer, our SERVPRO team specializes in content management to protect the personal belongings, furniture, apparel, and other items within your Lilburn house. The skilled professionals that we designate to protect your belongings throughout cleaning and drying in our facility are involved with your possessions every step of the way. They can help restore them to the highest quality and protect them in a climate-controlled environment until they can get safely returned to the house after the restoration. 

Knowing how to dry out water damage in Lilburn homes is a critical skill to have, and our technicians arrive with the full measure of our inventory to begin addressing concerns like extraction and thorough drying. We have multiple water removal tools and hundreds of air movers and dehumidifiers to make a significant change quickly. The faster these tasks can complete, the less likely that widespread demolition and subcontracted reconstruction must occur to recover the damage. 


Fires are among the most destructive forces that Lilburn homeowners face, and this is primarily because it is common to flee these instances as they occur, so the situation continually worsens until extinguishment. As fast as first responders and firefighters can arrive at your damaged property, it can be impossible to limit the spread and severity of many of these conditions. We can offer you well-trained service personnel that arrives with a broad inventory of cleaning, deodorization, and air filtering equipment and devices. 

As you might expect, content management is a significant factor in our fire damage recovery of Lilburn properties as well. Our professionals can quickly and thoroughly assess the damage throughout the entire property and earmark specific items, belongings, and possessions for removal in the pack-out phase that occurs shortly after that. These items, once in our care at the SERVPRO facility, get professionally cleaned, deodorized, dried, and safely stored until it is time for their return. 

Containment is a big part of the work that must occur when our technicians first arrive at a fire damage situation in Lilburn. With physical barriers and the employment of devices like hydroxyl generators and air scrubbers, we can save our customers both time and money on the work that their property needs. 


Mold is a highly underrated threat, especially considering the humid climate that many residents can expect throughout the year. Understanding your relative humidity levels and knowing when an area “feels different” can help to identify a threat. You are always the first line of defense against a growing mold concern. The objective of our SERVPRO professionals is to learn the full extent of this mold damage in Lilburn properties and customize a remediation plan tailored to the specific needs and obstacles present in one specific emergency. 

While many companies around the area might offer ‘mold removal’ these are just strong words with baseless facts or worse yet, completely unsubstantiated sciences. We cannot tell you that we can remove all the mold present in any Lilburn house because spores naturally exist in every conceivable environment our customers encounter. Colonization, on the other hand, is a symptom that we can eliminate and restore safe living on the property. 

We have multiple remediation strategies that differ based on the specific needs of your house and how severe the mold damage is in your property. With a full line of antimicrobial products and machines that can implement approaches like media blasting and sandblasting, we can quickly recover many hosting materials supporting mold colonies in Lilburn homes and businesses. 


Storm relief and disaster response are areas where our SERVPRO of North Lilburn team must shine and excel. We push to be the fastest to these damaging situations, because we understand how quickly threats like structural breaches can become widespread flooding and ultimately mold concerns. Much of the work that we do when natural disasters impact your property is to reduce the presence of floodwater and begin the recovery of a house impacted by these emergencies. 

Disaster relief often pulls multiple levels of our response team together, unlike water and fire recovery teams that we dispatch. Storm damage in Lilburn homes typically starts with our water loss team complete with Water Restoration Technicians (WRT) with experience in Applied Structural Drying (ASD), but must also often utilize our mold remediators also endorsed through the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC.) In more widespread circumstances, houses require our biohazard cleaning technicians accredited through the American Bio Recovery Association (ABRA) as well.  

As much as structural breaches can be alarming, the fast response that we can offer during these devastating storm effects at your Lilburn home can reduce the deterioration, degradation, and destruction of exposed materials and contents. 

There are multiple levels of recovery necessary in every restoration project our experienced SERVPRO of North Lilburn team undertakes. If you want a truly tailored experience designed to get things back to normal as quickly as possible, you can count on the professionals that can make any loss incident “Like it never even happened.” Give us a call today at (770) 709-3266.

To learn more about Lilburn, click here.

When Flooding Causes Damage To Your Lilburn Property, Our Technicians Are Ready 24/7!

7/15/2019 (Permalink)

When commercial flood damage strikes, SERVPRO of North Lilburn is available 24/7 to work quickly and lessen the time until your business reopens.

SERVPRO Treats Doctor's Office In Lilburn With Commercial Flood Damage

There could be a loose comparison to a property in need of water damage restoration, much like a sick patient visits a doctor to become well. Our technicians find the source of the issues, causes of the damage and fix it through proprietary cleaning and restoration services.

SERVPRO responded to a call from a physician's office in Lilburn with commercial flood damage caused by improper roof drainage from damaged gutters which directed water into the property instead of diverting it away. What had been a slight problem became exacerbated by the regionally heavy storms. In cases where there is damage to the structure, we do different types of temporary repairs such as:

    •    Tarping over damaged roofing to stop any further water coming in.
    •    Packing out paperwork and files to secure storage
    •    Moving out furnishings as needed during the mitigation process

The front of the building was affected with heavy saturation of the carpeting and reception room furnishings. Water entered via the ceiling, and our technicians drilled weep holes to assist with the airflow. We noted buckling of the sheetrock had not occurred, so there was restoration potential after drying, thus saving the owner the cost of replacement. The furniture was quickly packed out for cleaning and disinfection in another area. SERVPRO team members are certified as Upholstery and Fabric Cleaning Technicians and dried, cleaned and deodorized the cushions on the wet reception room chairs for reuse when the office reopened for patients.

Our certified Water Damage Restoration Technicians extracted water from the carpeting using weighted extraction wands and loosened one side to float it for complete drying with our air movers and followed up with hand cleaning and disinfection of affected surfaces. Because this is a business that caters to clients on-site, our certified Odor Control Technicians used ultra-low volume fogging to eliminate the residual water odors so there would be no reminders of the water damage when the office reopened.

When commercial flood damage strikes, SERVPRO of North Lilburn is available at (770) 709-3266 to work quickly and lessen the time until your business reopens and make your water loss incident “Like it never even happened.”

For more about Lilburn click here.

Flood Damage and Odors in Your Lilburn Home

7/3/2019 (Permalink)

Is flooding causing lingering odors in your home? Call SERVPRO to sestore your home today!

How the Containment of Microbes Is Crucial to Control Odors Caused by Flood Damage in Your Lilburn Residence 

The gutters that run from one side of your Lilburn home to the other direct the rain down to the ground via the downspouts after it falls onto your roof, protecting your home's exterior sides and the foundation. Your roof keeps storms from soaking your home from overhead.

When one of these, or something else, causes storm-related problems with a Lilburn home, flood damage can happen within only a few minutes. Drying and cleaning the affected locations make such a home habitable after a disaster, but odors can make doing so quite unpleasant. SERVPRO uses different ways to get rid of unwanted and offensive odors for our customers.

Odors generally come from airborne particles, and not just the presence of gases. Such particles show the breaking down of substances somewhere in the home. After a flood, your home contains multiple locations of odor-producers. Even though we eliminate as much of these substances as possible, odors can persist. Storms can force a wide variety of debris into your residence. Moisture that came from clean sources, including a broken water line, can also produce smells that you find distracting.

A diverse set of odor-causing sources requires that SERVPRO uses multiple methods to control such odors. As SERVPRO teams work on a home with any type of storm or flood damage, an air scrubber or two runs to clean the air of microscopic-sized particles. These can include odor-causing particles. We learn different methods while studying for certification from the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC). Our Odor Control Technician (OCT) understands how important odors, or their absence, are to homeowners.

With contaminated water, many times odors come from microbes on surfaces. Wherever this happens, a disinfectant sprayed onto the area can kill both microbes and their odors.

For house-wide odor elimination, we use Ultra Low Volume foggers with pairing agents. These eliminate odor-causing particles. When the fog's chemicals bond with unwanted particles, they no longer cause odors.

Activated charcoal strips the air of odors and leaves a sweet scent behind. This method does not harm fabrics, and SERVPRO prefers using it over ozone generators, which have limitations on usage.

To help ensure our customer stays satisfied with our efforts, we install time-released beads that slowly waft a highly pleasant scent into the area. We use these as a final step to boost our earlier efforts.

SERVPRO of North Lilburn can make it all smell “Like it never even happened.” after a storm or flood. Damage to your home is not always visible. Contact us for help with water-borne smells and odors that you need eliminating. Our 24-hour service line is (770) 709-3266.

More about Lilburn.

How To Minimize The Water Damage In Your Lilburn Hotel

6/24/2019 (Permalink)

We're available no matter what time or day that you need us.

What You Can Do To Minimize Your Losses When A Room In Your Lilburn Hotel Suffers Water Damage

Owning a large scale enterprise based on renovations can be very rewarding, but there is always the chance that something like water damage can throw your business off. When water-based damages interrupt any business that you own, it is essential for you to get help as soon as possible. Promptly dealing with the problem is the key to a smooth and swift remediation process.

The water damage in your Lilburn hotel came from a very popular suite overlooking the trees in Bryson Park. A cracked pipe, which ran through the ceiling above the suite, allowed water to leak down the walls and onto the floor. The water then followed gravity downward and flowed directly into the room underneath the suite as well.

At SERVPRO, we understand this can be a stressful time for you as the owner of the business in question. You undoubtedly have to cancel renovations to one of your most profitable rooms, as well as an additional room beneath it. We know that canceling reservations means a loss of foot traffic and income for your establishment. For this reason, SERVPRO is available whenever you need us, and we always try to get to your property as swiftly as possible after your call.

SERVPRO can begin the brief investigation of the damage as soon as we reach your hotel, prepared with a van-full of advanced technology made with fighting water damage in mind. After our Institution of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration (IICRC)-certified technicians identify the problem areas, SERVPRO can make a remediation plan and immediately begin to address the damage.

SERVPRO can start by removing all of the standing water from the suite, using rover-mounted extractors and wet/dry vacuums. Afterward, we can focus on the areas that suffered the most damage and are not salvageable, such as sections of the drywall and the hardwood flooring. Once removed, SERVPRO can begin to use drying equipment, such as dehumidifiers, heaters, drying mats, and ventilation fans, to pull the excess moisture out of the suite. Meanwhile, another team can remediate the room directly below, following similar steps. Our main goal is to make it “Like it never even happened” as swiftly as possible.

If your business is hit suddenly with water damage, react swiftly. Dial (770) 709-3266 to get in contact with SERVPRO of North Lilburn. We're available no matter what time or day that you need us.

For more about Lilburn click here.

How to Dry Your Lilburn Home After a Water Loss Event

6/20/2019 (Permalink)

Water damages flooring and this flooring had to be removed after a pipe burst. SERVPRO has the know-how to dry your home.

What to Do Before SERVPRO Arrives for

Water damage is often both sudden and unexpected when it happens in a home. There are actions you can take to help minimize loss and stay safe before our technicians arrive. 

When SERVPRO takes a call to perform water removal in Lilburn homes, we determine the general scale of the damage from the caller and advise homeowners not to move wet materials such as area rugs as saturated items may be cumbersome. If homeowners want to blot or mop up excess water and it is safe to do, it can assist in lessening water loss. 

In the case of water dripping from ceilings, wiping away water from wood furniture and removing tabletop items to another area of the home can help prevent warping of the wood on a case by case basis. If upholstered furnishing received water, propping up the cushions, so all sides receive air before our technicians arrive increases the restoration potential. When ceilings show signs of damage from water, do not turn on light fixtures and double check ceiling fixtures to ensure the water has not collected within them. 

In the case of wet carpeting, wrap the legs of furniture legs with aluminum foil or place furnishings up on wooden blocks to create a barrier between the leg and the wet carpeting to avoid stains. To prevent transfer stains on damp carpeting, remove items such as magazines, books or printed plastic bags that have ink that stains. 

SERVPRO technicians arrive quickly to perform water extraction, and we use different kinds of equipment ranging from portable pumps with weighted extraction wands to push water out of carpeting. We always use wands on the initial pass because a carpet is 50% weaker when wet and aggressive pushing and movement has to potential to cause delamination of the carpeting. 

Contact SERVPRO of North Lilburn at (770) 709-3266 when you need water removal in your home. We have the equipment and training to handle any size home disaster and make your water loss "Like it never even happened." 

More about North Lilburn.

If The Fabrics In Your Lilburn Home Are Damaged By A Fire, Let Our Experts Help!

6/4/2019 (Permalink)

Call (770) 709-3266 at any time of the day and have your problem fixed.

How To Professionally Fix Fire-Damaged Fabrics In Your Lilburn Home

The fire damage restoration method we choose when attending to your property is determined by the type of fire your property experiences. Different types of combustion emit different kinds of chemicals, which means the composition of their odors and soot is entirely different. As an example, you cannot expect the smoke particles that results from burning wood to have the same composition as that of burning plastics. We have the experience of choosing the right cleaning method as we work to restore your Lilburn property.

If you spot some soot on your fabrics after your Lilburn home experiences fire damage, do not make a mistake of wiping or rubbing it away. Since smoke is oily, there are chances of grounding it into the fabric and causing permanent stains. We pre-test fabrics to make sure that the damage is not exacerbated during cleanup. Our SERVPRO technicians can also vacuum the affected couches, blankets, and drapes. During vacuuming, we hold the nozzle some considerable distance above the item and avoid upright vacuuming to prevent forcing the soot into the fabric.

After removing the soot from your clothing, we can further restore them by using a washing machine. We also have some techniques to restore the non-washable garments. By looking at the type of smoke particles resting on different surfaces, we can come up with a cleaning method to clean the floors, walls, and ceiling. Once cleaning is complete, we apply disinfectants on the areas to prevent possible mold growth.

Unpleasant odors usually result when materials burn. The smell can move around the structure and penetrate cracks and other inaccessible locations. We never use a fragrance as a final way of addressing the odor problem. They are only useful when we need to make the site pleasant for work. It is a mistake to mask unpleasant smells using perfumed sprays since they mask the odor for a while. The fragrance may also trigger a chemical reaction with the existent smell and lead to an exclusively new odor. In such instances, our SERVPRO technicians perform deodorization. We may perform thermal fogging, a deodorization technique that produces dry fog, which is characterized by small particles that penetrate hard to reach areas to neutralize the odor-causing particles.

SERVPRO of North Lilburn has been restoring both commercial and residential properties for years. The unique training we undergo, and the specialized equipment we use has made us industry leaders. Call (770) 709-3266 at any time of the day and have your problem fixed.

Click here for more about Lilburn.

Our Trained Specialists Are Available 24/7 To Restore Your Norcross Home

5/31/2019 (Permalink)

Water damage occurred in this home when a water feed line to the refrigerator failed, we showed up right away and began restoration.

Water Damage Restoration in Your Norcross Home

A convenient feature on your refrigerator in your home in Norcross, your ice maker can also cause huge problems. If the water supply line cracks or another part of the device fails, you can have a hidden leak going on underneath your flooring for some time before you realize you have an issue. This kind of leak can cause damage to your drywall, flooring, subflooring, and basement ceiling.

It is smart to keep an eye on the water supply tubing of your ice maker regularly. If you’ve already experienced water damage in your Norcross home from your refrigerator ice maker, you need help right away to prevent additional damage. SERVPRO is a professional water damage remediation company. We have trained specialists who can correct the problem and restore the damaged areas in a timely fashion. In the end, you won’t even be able to tell that anything happened.

Checking your water supply line is something you can do yourself. Carefully pull your refrigerator away from the wall. Have help doing this for safety reasons and go slow. You have to sweep away all the accumulated dust bunnies. A small diameter copper or plastic tube should be clipped to the back of your fridge which runs vertically over the surface. This is the water supply line to your ice maker. A vacuum can be used to remove the dust around the tube, and you can vacuum dust from all of the vents as well.

Inspect the tube carefully and check for signs of water on the floor. If there are any signs of stress or wear, or the tubing is more than ten years old, you should replace it with a new tube. Preferably, a flexible stainless-steel tube should be used instead of plastic, as it is much sturdier. Just like the water supply hose to your washing machine, these lines can leak or burst and create all kinds of damage before you even see the problem.

One part of the restoration process that SERVPRO staff performs is deodorization. The first step to this is getting rid of the moisture in the affected area. For some jobs, we need to use various methods of deodorization because one deodorant might not work on every odor present. We have specific production guidelines for the three primary deodorization process, which include wet fogging, dry fogging, and activated oxygen. A venting, high-velocity box fan is also used before and after the deodorization process to ventilate your structure. Using one shortens the amount of time you and your family need to be out of the area.

SERVPRO of North Lilburn can make quick work of the water damage in your home in Lilburn, Pleasant Hill, or the surrounding areas after an ice machine leak. Just give us a call at (770) as 709-3266 soon as you realize there is an issue, and we can have it all cleaned up in no time.

Enjoy the “sweet sounds of summer” in downtown Norcross, click here for more information.

Our Team Is Prepared To Handle Your Lilburn Water Damage Restoration

5/17/2019 (Permalink)

Homeowners need a professional water damage restoration company they can count on in a hurry. We are prepared with the necessary equipment.

Second Floor Water Damage in Your Lilburn Home

Water loss incidents that affect your Lilburn home might not always start in the places you might expect, and when plumbing breaks or toilets overflow on the second floor of your residence, these effects can spread quickly throughout the property. Without the proper containment and mitigation of this situation, these damages can spread far beyond the source to saturate through floors and ceilings, into walls, and even irreparably damage contents within the house.

From the time that water damage emergencies begin in your Lilburn house, steps must get taken to get qualified responders there quickly to begin addressing these concerns. With plumbing ruptures and clean water overflows in bathrooms on the second floor, the higher volume of excess water often spreads out of this room beyond the water-resistant flooring and materials. In carpeted hallways, pooling water has a much easier path to penetrate floors, and eventually through the ceiling of the main level of the house.

Our SERVPRO team must contain the spread of water throughout your residence immediately upon our arrival, as the less widespread these effects can become, the less restoration work that your property ultimately needs. In most situations, air movers and dehumidification units can help to slow or even stop the progress of spreading saturation and moisture throughout the property. These pieces of equipment can also help to remove and restore damages in accessible areas of the house.

The Inject-Dry System is a minimally invasive approach to address saturation and dampness in ceiling spaces, flooring, and wall cavities. Where it gets believed that affected materials can get preserved and not removed and replaced, this approach can ensure that the moisture content drops well below acceptable parameters to prevent secondary effects like mold growth from occurring.

Second-floor water loss incidents can spread far beyond the source of the water damage and affect many areas of your house simultaneously. Recovering from this loss event requires the expertise and equipment of our SERVPRO of North Lilburn team. Give us a call anytime at (770) 709-3266.

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Our Fast Response Will Restore Your Home In Lilburn To Pre-Damage Condition After A Flood

5/8/2019 (Permalink)

When dealing with flood damage, SERVPRO of North Lilburn can assist you to extract the water and dry your property completely.

How To Get Fast Flood Damage Restoration For Your Lilburn Residence

Flooding is a common problem because of extreme weather and other factors caused by climate change. Increased urbanization adds impermeable surfaces like pavements and alters the natural drainage system. This leads to flooding when water from heavy rain overwhelms the stormwater drainage capacity of a city.

If your Lilburn home has flood damage, extracting the water and drying your property quickly and properly is imperative. Water damage can leave you with wet floors, walls, and a musky smell. Drying the floors, walls, furniture and other areas is a challenge, but a professional restoration company like SERVPRO can handle the situation to restore your home to its pre-flood damage condition. We can use submersible or truck mounted pumps to remove the water. We can then use equipment like air movers and dehumidifiers to dry your home.

It often takes several days for a home to dry. Our technicians monitor the drying process to ensure that the equipment works properly, and the structure is drying. By keeping the drying equipment operating, we ensure that there is dry air and air movement required to dry a house.

Flood water can pick up sewage and hazardous chemicals, creating an unhealthy environment. We categorize it as black water, which usually contains disease-causing agents like fungi, bacteria, parasites, and viruses. It can also cause mold spores to grow in your home within 24 to 48 hours. Our technicians are trained to clean and remove biohazardous substances from homes and dispose of them properly while abiding by OSHA regulations. We are equipped with the right cleaning products and personal protective gear like full body suits, full face masks, and rubber or latex gloves to handle bio-hazardous substances. We can disinfect the affected areas to eliminate health hazards.

At SERVPRO, we make the restoration process easier by mitigating the damage and rebuilding the affected areas. This can reduce your entire cost and save time. We offer several services intended to restore a home to its preloss condition, including removing and replacing drywall, repairing hardwood or tile flooring and painting.

When dealing with flood damage, SERVPRO of North Lilburn can assist you to extract the water and dry your property completely. You can contact us at (770) 709-3266 anytime for restoration services. We’re Faster to Any Size Disaster.

Click here for more about Lilburn.

Call Our Crew After A Fire Has Damaged Your Lilburn Home

4/23/2019 (Permalink)

Instead of stressing over the damage, give us a call at (770) 709-3266 and let us handle everything for you.

Fire Damage Restoration And Move Outs In Your Lilburn Home

At any time, fires from a failed appliance are a devastating disaster for your Lilburn home. Recovering and cleaning up after a fire can leave you feeling lost and unsure of what to do next. However, the longer you hesitate, the more damage is done to your property by the settled soot and smoke. The acidity in these particles continues to damage your structure and possessions until it is cleaned up.

Whether the fire damage in your Lilburn home resulted from a microwave, outdated wiring, or a dryer vent, you need professional help from a remediation company. Our staff at SERVPRO understand that this is a traumatic event for you and your family, and we work efficiently and tirelessly to ensure you a cleanup process that is less stressful for you.

Dryers are one of those appliances that you can set it and then walk away. However, it is not a good idea to ever turn your dryer on and then leave home. A buildup of lint is a widespread cause for fires being ignited in your dryer. Cleaning out the lint from the trap each time you use the machine is a must, plus you need to clean out the vent regularly as well.

During the restoration process, SERVPRO staff take some of your possessions to be stored and then cleaned. After cleaning is done, contents are stored again until the repair and restoration of your home are finished. There are things we keep in mind when storing your contents, including allowing aisles so we can easily access your items. Also, contaminated, dirty boxes are kept in a separate area from items which have been cleaned to avoid them being soiled again. All items are also tagged and sorted separately from boxed contents.

Even though a majority of storage areas give limited access, valuable items and electronics are stored in a separate secure locked area that requires a sign-in sheet to get access. We do not use plastic to cover your furniture, as high humidity can result in condensation underneath the plastic, affect any finishes or varnish. In hot weather, the plastic covers can stick to furniture and bond with the varnish.

Microwaves can also begin a fire in your home when the food in it overheats, inappropriate items are put in the microwave to heat, routine maintenance and cleaning hasn’t been performed, or the wiring is faulty. Your regular oven, overloaded circuits, and old wires can also be fire hazards. Be sure to monitor all these items in your home and replace any old or faulty wires.

SERVPRO of North Lilburn can come to the rescue and restore your home in Pleasant Hill, Lilburn, or the surrounding areas after a fire. Instead of stressing over the damage, give us a call at (770) 709-3266 and let us handle everything for you.

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If Your Lilburn Home Requires Professional Fire Damage Services, Our Crew Can Help!

4/16/2019 (Permalink)

Give us a call today at (770) 709-3266 to restore your home to its preloss condition.

Appliance-Related Fire Damage In A Lilburn Home

The last thing anyone expects to discover in their bathroom is fire. When the heating element on your hair dryer malfunctions, however, it can create hard-to-clean fire damage on your walls and bathroom fixtures, not to mention odors from overheated electronics and other heat-exposed objects. It can be overwhelming to consider having to clean up all of the soot and odor on your own.

When you encounter accidental fire damage in your Lilburn rental home, SERVPRO technicians are ready to come to your property within hours to mitigate damage, clean up soot, and eliminate foul odors from burnt particles in your bathroom.

Dry soot is much easier to clean than its wet counterpart, and in a humid area such as a bathroom after a shower poses unique challenges in the cleanup process. Heat combines with moisture and condensation to cause tough-to-clean stains that require more than dry soot cleanup often requires. A variety of cleaning techniques may be used to mitigate tough stains, films from burnt residue, and other forms of heat damage before deodorizing can take place. Bathroom vents can be cleaned to prevent the spread of odors, generally by knocking soot out of place and vacuuming it up. HEPA air scrubbers with filters that can catch particles as small as 0.3 microns may also be used to decontaminate air and kill odors.

One method of deodorization, among multiple techniques that may be used to eliminate odors in your home, is thermal fogging, a dry deodorization method that releases a smoke-like dry fog that interacts directly with odor-causing particles to eliminate odor. The droplets that release this fog are roughly 0.5 microns in size and highly effective in removing odors from fire damage. Industrial ventilation box fans used after deodorizing can quickly ventilate a home, especially after thermal fogging, which requires air to be exchanged 40 times to ensure removal of residues and vapors.

SERVPRO of North Lilburn is ready to aid you when you need disaster cleanup in your home. Give us a call today at (770) 709-3266 to restore your home to its preloss condition.

Click here for more about Lilburn.

Want to Step Up Your Flood Damage Remediation Process in Lilburn? You Need to Read This First

4/14/2019 (Permalink)

Make sure that your business stays open after flood damage by contacting SERVPRO right away for remediation services.

Drying your Property Quickly after Commercial Flood Damage in Lilburn

A natural weather event can cause extensive flooding in your place of work. As a property manager ensuring that these damages are dealt with efficiently is your responsibility. Often, loose debris, wet floors, and fittings can become a safety hazard to your staff or customers. We offer honest, professional assistance to commercial property managers to help them get their business back on track after property damages.

The central tenet of our commercial flood damage in Lilburn service is to communicate and respond quickly. Crew chiefs here at SERVPRO are professionally qualified to remediate properties with water repair technician certificates and applied structural drying certificates awarded by the IICRC. Each crew chief heads a team of servicemen who can act quickly to remove moisture and sanitize the affected area.

In the event of a natural weather event, debris is not uncommon in the property. Windows can be smashed; hard wooden flooring begins to warp or buckle as well as loose branches or other forms of debris. We can act quickly for the removal and disposal of loose waste. In many cases, we can restore the structural components of the property by using proper drying techniques.

The first step is to remove any items that may obstruct the job site or the equipment we are using. After that, we can bring in submersible gas-powered pumping equipment to remove standing water and deposit it into an open sewer point. Excess quantities of water naturally migrate into drier areas so by starting from the source and working outwards we can assess the entire property accurately.

Once the majority of water is taken care of, our next step is to bring in water extraction units, rapid air movers and dehumidifiers. Extractors are much more efficient than other types of removal equipment without being unnecessarily harsh on wet fabrics or upholstery. On the other hand, rapid air movers in combination with dehumidifiers can help to draw moisture from hard floors made from concrete or wood.

Getting the property dry is the quickest way to getting your business back to work, contact SERVPRO of North Lilburn at (770) 709-3266 today.

Click here for more information about the city of Lilburn.

Call Our Certified Technicians For All Your Lilburn Water Damage Restoration Needs

3/28/2019 (Permalink)

When you have a water leak we can handle the water cleanup and dry all of the affected areas. We are available 24/7 so call us right away.

Your Basement In Lilburn Needs Water Removal Services

Owning your home in Lilburn included visions of a beautiful backyard and community and lovely neighbors, but never did you think that one day your basement would be filled with water as the result of a leaky washing machine left unattended overnight. Suddenly you require a professional team to help you restore the peace in your home and return it to mint condition.

When you need water removal services in Lilburn, SERVPRO is at your fingertips. A quick call to our 24/7 rapid response team sets into motion the restoration process for your home. Upon arrival, our IICRC-certified technicians assess the situation and determine the best course of action to mitigate the loss of time and money a water-soaked basement can have. By applying our knowledge and expertise, we can draw up a plan to restore your home as soon as possible.

Our SERVPRO Green Fleet is equipped with different tools to address the particular needs of each home we serve. If the standing water in your basement is over two inches deep, we use submersible pumps to extract it. We may complement these efforts with handheld equipment to access tucked away corners where our pumps may not be suitable. For some homes, we may drill holes in the baseboards to extract any moisture that has seeped into the wall cavity and make sure none of it remains. Our moisture meters and hygrometers give us readings that inform us of our progress and allow us to adjust as needed.

As the drying process goes on, we work with you on preserving the contents of your home as much as possible. Our SERVPRO crew brings in air movers and dehumidifiers to encourage the movement of air and the quick drying of your basement. This efficiency is essential in preventing the spread of mold and the growth of bacteria that results from leaving standing water unattended.

When your Lilburn home needs support, SERVPRO of North Lilburn is here to help. Call us at (770) 709-3266 and allow us to work with you to leave your home "Like it never even happened."

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Considerations Before Flood Damage Remediation in Your Lilburn Home

3/24/2019 (Permalink)

Sometimes flooding and other storm damage cannot be prevented. Contact SERVPRO for effective remediation efforts.

Steps That Can Improve Turnaround Time After Flood Damage in Lilburn

Restoring the damages caused by flooding takes several steps including removal of standing water and cleaning up the debris and soiling in the property, so it takes time. Involving a professional restoration service is one way to speed up the recovery process. However, the chosen restorer should also take steps to ensure a faster turnaround.

It is possible to get faster results during the restoration of flood damage in Lilburn by planning the procedure to follow at the beginning. Establishing aspects such as whether there is a need to remove some materials such as drywall or move contents help because it limits time wastage. Our SERVPRO technicians carry out evaluation on arrival at the loss site. Using equipment such as thermal cameras and moisture sensors, we can establish the level of water migration especially in concealed wall cavities and crawl spaces determining whether to perform flood cuts or take other steps immediately.

Extracting water and cleaning up affected areas take up a significant portion of the restoration effort. Having sufficient resources can help reduce the time taken because the problem is attacked from different angles. Our SERVPRO technicians bring several units of restoration equipment including truck-mounted water extractors, submersible pumps, and portable water extractors. Operating such equipment together quickens the water removal process. We also have other tools including floor scrubbers and power washers, which help during cleaning.

In most cases, a flooding problem is temporary ending once cleanup and reconstruction of the affected area is over. However, the process can take longer is secondary problems develop. One common secondary issue is mold development if the moisture from floodwater is not dried properly. Our SERVPRO technicians take moisture readings in wet materials and surrounding areas allowing us to set a drying goal. We use air movers and dehumidifiers to extract moisture until we satisfy our drying goal, restoring your property to the preloss state.

In case of flooding, call SERVPRO of North Lilburn to help. You can reach us at (770) 709-3266 any time. We're Faster To Any Size Disaster.

Click here for more information about Lilburn.

The Impact of Water Damage in Your Lilburn Home

3/19/2019 (Permalink)

When damage is not found initially, problems can result. Call SERVPRO for a thorough assessment so that the job can be done well, preventing issues.

SERVPRO Follows the Path of the Water in Order to Prevent Finding Secondary Damage Later On

Significant amounts of water from a flood, a broken pipe, or an overflowing tub to rises in humidity from over-watered plants, a constantly damp basement, or a poorly functioning dehumidifier can lead to various problems in a home. These problems all have a solution, and each one begins with eliminating the excess water. 
After the issue of excess water is eliminated from your Lilburn home, SERVPRO can start restoring areas affected by water damage. These areas can have different signs of water damage. Any area of your home can become affected adversely by water. 
Walls and ceilings can show signs of water damage in different ways. Wallpapers and borders can detach after their adhesive backing becomes too watery. Drywall can crumble and disintegrate, including the drywall used in the ceiling. Water stain can also appear, and in various sizes and shades of brown. 
Wood items can swell, crack, splinter, warp, and lose their glossy finishes. Stairs can become hazardous to climb or descend when steps are uneven, and boards have come loose from the stairwell base. Doors and frames can fail to work together, making them perilously tight when attempting to open the door or increasingly difficult to close when desired. Windows that have wooden frames can react to water damage similarly. 
Carpeting and other flooring systems can also become damaged by exposure to water. If wood, again, hazards can develop rather quickly due to swelling of the floorboards. This is also relevant when wooden underlay is saturated, although this can quickly deteriorate and become unable to support the weight of heavy furniture. In bathrooms and kitchens, where tile or linoleum are more common, the adhesive can detach and cause loosened tiles or bubbles to form under solid linoleum. 
Your personal belongings can also become water damaged. SERVPRO technicians can restore much of the typical household's contents when water damage is involved. To restore everything “Like it never even happened.” call us, SERVPRO of North Lilburn. Our number, (770) 709-3266, is like us – local to you and always available, every day, each and every hour. 

For more information regarding Lilburn, click here

How to Deal with Flood Damage to Your Lilburn Home

3/19/2019 (Permalink)

When your flooding prevention efforts fail, SERVPRO is here to help restore your home.

SERVPRO Offers Rapid Response to Flood Damaged Homes

Floods have always been a part of Lilburn history. While many of the residents here have taken precautions to thwart invasive water from entering their home, there are times where these measures fail. The resulting damages could be overwhelming to see at first, especially if this is the first time it has ever happened to you.

Our SERVPRO technicians are always ready to handle any manner of flood damage to your Lilburn home. Understanding that your house and what you have inside of it are of the utmost importance to you is evident in the service that we provide every one of our clients. Our commitment to customer satisfaction begins with your phone call, where we will dispatch our professionals to your home quickly.

With flood damages, often the first step that our SERVPRO team will take is to stop the water coming into the house. Whether this is something like patching up existing holes in the foundation that are allowing water to penetrate the block or something even more invasive that permits high volumes of water to reach areas of your house. Stopping the water comes before any restoration efforts.

Our team will then get to work on removing the water from the area. Given that this usually means a significant amount, we commonly dispatch a pump truck with the technicians to your house. Truck mounted pumps are the fastest means of removing all of the pooled water. From here, our IICRC certified technicians use wet vacs for a more concise and concentrated water removal process.

Finally, we use air movers for drying out the saturated structural components and contents of the affected area. The process ensures that there is no lingering moisture, which could result in the growth of mold or allow for degradation of the structure. Our fast and thorough process will lessen any incurred expense not covered by insurance, and simultaneously prevents damage to contents that are irreplaceable.

Our rapid response team is always standing by for when you might need restoration services. You can call SERVPRO of North Lilburn anytime at (770) 709-3266.

Click here for more information about Lilburn, Georgia.

Why Technology is Needed for Water Removal in Lilburn

3/15/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of North Lilburn has the equipment and expertise to remove water from your property.

Why Advanced Equipment is Essential to Water Removal in your Lilburn Home

An unchecked leak or structural weakness could result in large quantities of water spreading around your home. Liquids can quickly saturate fabrics, furniture or upholstery and begin to stain them. Equally, water can migrate to areas unseen to the naked eye and can quickly stagnate or become hotbeds for microbial growth. Professional help can help to both restore your property to preloss conditions and protect it against further damages.

The quality of service for water removal in Lilburn depends very much on the provider. Most agencies have access to gas-powered pumps, as well as water extraction equipment which makes removing standing water a relatively easy process. However, guarding against further damages by checking behind walls, fittings and floors can often go beyond their scope.

SERVPRO is a local company with access to national scale resources. IICRC certifies our technicians in applied structural drying and odor control. These qualifications are essential to protecting your home from future damages. It is not uncommon for mold damages to occur several weeks after a water damage event like this; a thorough drying of your home inside and out can prevent secondary issues.

One essential equipment we use is Thermal Imaging Cameras. These use infrared light to detect hidden moisture pockets from inside wall cavities. By scanning the affected area, your SERVPRO technician can accurately assess the level of water migration and whether or not to mobilize specialist drying equipment.

In the case where moisture has migrated beneath your subfloor or behind walls we can use structural cavity drying equipment. Dry mats, for example, can be placed on hard tiles and draw moisture from underneath them — these technologies work primarily by using a centralized vacuum hub which channels through air flow tubes. Water can be drawn up ensuring the drying of cavities beneath your floor.

Access to expert equipment can protect your home from future damages, contact SERVPRO of North Lilburn at (770) 709-3266 for your restoration needs.

Click here for more about Lilburn.

SERVPRO Acts As A Rapid Response Team To Handle Restoration In Your Lilburn Home

3/11/2019 (Permalink)

We have the equipment and trained technicians waiting for your call 24/7 so call us right away.

The First Steps to Controlling Odors Caused by Fire in Lilburn Homes and Apartments

Any fire that consumes solid materials like furniture, toys, wooden items, or other common things found in the homes around Lilburn also produces smoke. Smoke contains partially burned particles of various sizes that settle on every surface inside the home. The particles, or soot, causes the house to smell acrid and bitter.

SERVPRO helps many homeowners in Lilburn with fire damage mitigation of physical property but also with practical methods that remove the substances that leave odors behind after a fire. Fires do not need to affect your entire home's structure to produce unwanted odors in every room. Odors only need a source, and soot from the fire and smoke causes intense odors. The scent becomes especially pungent whenever heat or humidity increase.

The first part of mitigating odors starts with the cleanup of the surfaces in your home. We remove fire damaged items, which also removes an abundance of soot. We box up otherwise undamaged items for cleaning at our facility, where we unpack them and load them into our ultrasonic cleaning machine. Other teams remove soot from surfaces with specially designed sponges. These pull soot away from walls and mirrors without leaving streaks. The tiny pores in the sponges pull large amounts of soot off each surface and keep it locked away. The way it does this keeps streaks from happening. It also does the job while dry, meaning it does not require rinsing. When needed, we switch to another sponge to prevent overloading. One thing we remind our customers is that with lighter colored painted walls, some stains might remain. We do this even if the walls must still get a new coat of paint. Painting over soot only leads to the soot bleeding through later.

SERVPRO of North Lilburn uses these and other methods to remove the odor in homes after a fire. Degreasers also play a role, as does thermal fogging and other odor control measures used by our Odor Control Technicians (OCT). Call us at (770) 709-3266, so we can help make our home smell “Like it never even happened.”

Visit downtown Lilburn click here for more details.

Does Your Pleasant Hill Home Have A Musty Odor That Won't Go Away? Call Our Team Today!

2/21/2019 (Permalink)

When you find a leaky pipe call our trained technicians right away so they begin restoring the effected areas to prevent further damage.

SERVPRO Picks Up Where Homeowner Left Off Repairing Mold Damage in Pleasant Hill

Mold in the home can be deceiving. Homeowners see a small area of mold growth and spray it with a bleach and water mixture, and when the spots lighten, they assume the mold damage has been handled. Unfortunately, mold often is doing damage unseen behind the drywall and crevices and cracks where hand cleaning cannot effectively reach. The giveaway is a musty odor that won't go away despite the best cleaning efforts.

SERVPRO was called to a Pleasant Hill home to determine if there was a mold issue as the homeowner suspected. Our technicians are Applied Microbial Remediation Technicians and are IICRC Certified, so they know the latest and most effective way to mitigate the mold and restore affected areas.

The technicians found that a small leak in a pipe was adding moisture that was leaking through a wall area drop by drop. The homeowner immediately had the advised plumbing repairs completed, and SERVPRO technicians began the process of making the area inhospitable for mold.

First and foremost, mold needs moisture. WIth the plumbing repairs completed, there was no more water entering the area, so it now needed to be completely dried. The technicians contained the area to stop mold spores from spreading any further. Air movers were positioned to dry the moist area while dehumidifiers lowered the chance of moisture retention. The drywall behind the leak was not restorable, and the technicians neatly removed it to go forward with the drying process.

After the area was dry and confirmed by digital moisture detectors, the technicians chose to use the waterless and very effective soda blasting method to loosen the residual mold on the drywall that could be saved. The area was vacuumed using HEPA filters to capture both mold and spores. After replacing the drywall, the technicians wiped down all the surfaces in the affected area with powerful antifungal solutions to inhibit any mold growth in the future.

Mold damage is never a problem to take on alone. SERVPRO of North Lilburn is available to help you 24/7. Our certified technicians are knowledgeable and experience in the safe remediation of mold in the home, call (770) 709-3266 to get started now.

Visiting Lilburn click here for a list of attrractions you won't want to miss.

Why Flood Damage in Pleasant Hill Is No Friend To Small Business

2/15/2019 (Permalink)

Whether in your clothing store or other small business, flood damage is a situation which needs to be quickly remedied. Contact SERVPRO.

Commercial Flood Damage in Pleasant Hill Often Involves Drying Out Contents

If your clothing store in Pleasant Hill ever happens to get caught in a thunderstorm, our SERVPRO technicians can provide much assistance. If your roof leaks or moisture enters in another way after stormy weather, you may need to call in a professional restoration company to complete your commercial flood damage mitigation. Whenever moisture gets into the interior of a structure, structural components, as well as the products in your store, could get ruined. Your contents are considered anything inside of your business that is not permanently attached to the building. During many commercial flood damage situations, we often deal with issues involving both your building materials and contents.

In clothing stores, the excessive amount of cloth items can create different scenarios that can cause secondary problems. Your fabric products can hold in moisture and raise the relative humidity inside the building which can lead to more commercial flood damage inside your Pleasant Hill shop. High humidity levels can cause issues with drywall, ceilings, and other objects that did not initially get wet during the storm. Cloth items can also hold in mildew-like smells that can exist after your building materials get dried out. If humidity levels stay high due to wet contents for more than 48 hours, microbes that are naturally present in the building can activate, and mold can form.

To prevent fungal growth from taking place, our SERVPRO technicians can take measures to rapidly dry out any wet items including both your building materials and store products or contents. To speed up the natural drying and evaporation process, we set up a combination of air movers and dehumidifiers. The air movers create a counterclockwise airflow that pushes air around so that moisture can keep evaporating from wet surfaces. The dehumidifiers do the work of removing moisture from the air and lowering indoor humidity levels.

In situations where several items inside your store get wet, we can move out your contents and dry out your products and structural components separately. Sometimes drying objects in different locations can help reduce the overall drying time. If you ever notice wet items inside your clothing store after a thunderstorm, call SERVPRO of North Lilburn at (770) 709-3266 24 hours a day.

Click here for more information about Pleasant Hill.

How to Protect Your Belongings From a Flash Flood in Lilburn

1/23/2019 (Permalink)

Spring rains are on their way, Are you prepared for possible flash floods?

Protecting Belongings When Flash Floods Affect Lilburn Homes

After a long and steady rain or heavy rainfall that happens over a brief period, Lilburn homes can suffer from natural disasters. Flash flooding can affect many more homes than what lies in lower elevation properties, though these stand the highest risks of becoming damaged by floods developing quickly. Our team provides fast responses to ensure that irreplaceable contents in your home can get protected from rising waters and exposure through our effective mitigation tactics.

Flood damage can impact your Lilburn property in many destructive ways, and it is often the contents and personal belongings within the house that absorb much of this damage. While no homeowner wants to deal with the headache of reconstruction and restoration for their property, there are keepsakes and personal items that hold sentimental values worth protecting. Our SERVPRO professionals can arrive quickly with our effective mitigation techniques to move these items to safety and work to restore them individually for their later return to your restored home.

Our pack-out process is one of the first stages of mitigation when flooding has occurred. Our dedicated and highly-trained technicians assess the full scope of the damage throughout your property and tag items for removal to a safe location or one of our nearby facilities. Once these items have gotten carefully removed from the damaged areas, our professionals can get to work on the necessary steps to restore your home entirely.

While in our care, the items that have gotten removed from a flood-damaged home receive individual treatment to clean, dry and disinfect them before their return to your restored house. Once this restoration process ultimately completes, including any necessary reconstruction, our contents department can return these items to their original positions within the property.

Protecting the things that matter most is part of the pride that our professionals take in flood mitigation and restoration for the customers we serve. If your home falls victim to flash flooding or water damages, give our SERVPRO of North Lilburn rapid response team a call today at (770) 709-3266.

Click here for more information about Camp Creek Greenway.

Lilburn Laundry Done without Water Damaging Mishaps with Proper Inspections of the Appliance

1/15/2019 (Permalink)

Water Leaks Are Great for Ducks, Not So Much for Lilburn Homes--Call SERVPRO for Cleanup and Restoration

Regular Maintenance of a Washing Machine in a Lilburn Home Helps Avoid a Water Loss

Experiencing a malfunctioning washing machine in your Lilburn home can be a bit of a nightmare, considering how much water it can put out into your home all at once. Regular maintenance done to the machine can help you avoid this problem and save your money on the cleanup that it would involve.
When you do experience a water damage emergency in your Lilburn home because of your washing machine, our staff at SERVPRO can help take care of the situation and get your home dry again. We work promptly to avoid additional damage, such as the growth of mold.
The first thing you can do to keep your washer working great is to check the water hoses periodically for any signs of weakness or wear and tear. If you find any blistering or cracks, the hose should be replaced. Any damage like this can cause a burst or a leak, and costly flood damage to your home. If this has happened to you, SERVPRO techs have the tools and skills to help you out. It is recommended by both manufacturers to replace your hose every five years. For a higher quality hose, choose stainless steel.
Do not overload your machine. Follow the instructions in the owner’s manual for the right loading sizes. Loads that are oversized throw the machine off balance which can lead to problems. You should also keep the machine level. It is not normal for your washer to shake the walls and floor of your laundry room. If the machine does not have all its legs on the floor and is exactly level, it might rock back and forth and vigorously vibrate. Most machines have adjustable legs at least in the back of the machine if you need to make adjustments to make the machine level.
Using the right amount of detergent is also helpful. No matter what it says on the detergent itself, follow the recommendations from the manufacturer of the machine. If you have soft water, you need to lower the amount of soap used. It is also common for detergent residue to build up inside the tub of your washing machine. Therefore, you need to use a cleaner once a month to keep your washing machine free of odor-causing residue.
SERVPRO of North Lilburn is always available to help you if your washing machine in your home in Pleasant Hill, Lilburn, or the surrounding areas does malfunction. Give us a call at (770) 709-3266 when you need our assistance cleaning up a water damage emergency.

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How Professionals Assess Fire Damage to Your Lilburn Home

1/8/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO can assess the property damage from a fire and help you to quickly restore your home.

Removing Fire Damage Quickly from Lilburn Homes

Your Lilburn home is not a safe place for you to be once a fire has occurred. Even with the first responders and firefighters leaving the scene, there still could be environmental or structural concerns that could pose significant threats to the health and wellbeing of those that choose to assess the damage themselves. Getting debris and other direct threats removed from the property immediately is a job for professional technicians like ours.

As tempting as it might often be to inspect the fire damage to your Lilburn home on your own, this is not a wise decision to make. Even our technicians performing assessments on fire-damaged properties run a risk of injury or hazardous exposure, and that is why we suit up in personal protective equipment designed to keep us safe. Our extensive safety training helps to keep us protected from potential hazards, but also ensures that we install the appropriate precautionary measures to protect the occupants of the house or anyone else that might attempt to get inside.

Regardless of the severity of the fire itself, smoke and soot damage are often common contributors to the effects spread throughout the property. Smoke residue and odors are among the most challenging for homeowners to remove, but our SERVPRO team have advanced equipment designed to remove this residue, soot, and eliminate odors present in the affected areas and beyond.

Debris removal and demolition are also early stages for our restoration process, and they both require precautions to prevent further smoke particulates, dust, debris, and soot from circulating through the house. To reduce this kick up of harsh particles, our SERVPRO technicians on-site can set up our air scrubbers and hydroxyl generators. These machines can remove particulates from the air as small as 0.3 microns.

While many homeowners want to know the severity of the fire damages to their home, a wise choice for this assessment is our experienced SERVPRO of North Lilburn response team. We can quickly arrive after the disaster has occurred and work to restore your property to its original condition. Give us a call anytime you need us at (770) 709-3266.

Click here for information about Camp Creek Greenway Trail.

You Can Trust Our Experts When Water Damage Plagues Your Lilburn Home

12/27/2018 (Permalink)

Our employees learn from full-time instructors in state-of-the-art facilities that ensure top quality education standards.

SERVPRO Technicians Are Highly Trained For Water Cleanup In Lilburn

The core of SERVPRO's ability to provide premium water cleanup solutions to Lilburn homeowners is our highly trained and adaptable team of technicians. Every individual on our work crews, whether they are brand new on the job or a veteran employee with years of experience, is trained and certified at a national level to provide superior care for your home in as short a time as possible. To get an idea of just how thoroughly our technicians know their stuff, here is a quick overview of the training available to them.

Initial Training at SERVPRO HQ
By learning damage restoration techniques from a specialized class at our national headquarters, our technicians learn to take care of water cleanup in Lilburn to a standard that exceeds local and state standards. Our employees learn from full-time instructors in state-of-the-art facilities that ensure top quality education standards. Multiple weeks of courses culminate in rigorous final testing and hands-on exercises that ensure every technician has a solid grasp on our techniques.

Optional Continued Training
Many SERVPRO technicians choose to take their training further with online and in-person training that grants them specialized knowledge of the types of work they enjoy the most. We make sure to spread out these highly trained individuals in our teams, making each job we take highly likely to have multiple technicians with advanced knowledge assigned to it.

Mentorship and Guidance
Newer franchise employees get paired with those with years of experience under their belts to make sure that veteran eyes are always watching their work. By combining freshly trained individuals with those who have been on our team for years, we make sure that water in your home gets cleaned up with minimal complications or examples of human error.

SERVPRO of North Lilburn handles water damage cleanup, mitigation, and restoration work in homes across the local area. Call us 24/7 at (770) 709-3266.

Click here for more about Lilburn.

After A Storm Has Hit Your Lilburn Home Trust The Professionals To Come To Your Rescue

12/21/2018 (Permalink)

Fallen tree on the roof after a big storm.

Why Experience is Essential for Repairing Flood Damage in Lilburn Properties

Flash flooding can be devastating and as little as 2 feet of rushing water has the power to uproot trees and flip SUV's. In a community like ours keeping abreast of flood warnings is a necessary part of everyday life. We would also recommend creating an emergency kit containing essential documents, a cell phone, satellite radio as well as medication in a sealed, water-proof carrier. Reparations after the event need professional attention, and that is what we are here for.

A call-out to a property in the aftermath of Flood Damage in Lilburn is something we have much experience in. Being able to move and store items, relocate citizens and make ongoing repairs on site are just some of the essential things that experience has taught us. SERVPRO operate a 24-hour emergency call line for natural disasters with both individual IICRC certificate holders and Large Loss response teams.

Mitigating loss and establishing a safe environment for contractors to begin restoration is the first port of call in an emergency. Our technicians are trained to identify and remedy potential hazards like electrics as well as structural weakness. SERVPRO can restore power to property or perform emergency board ups to prevent further damages as soon as we arrive on site. 

Standing water can cause permanent damages by seeping into subfloor or wall cavities. Where standing water is above two inches we can use submersible gas pumps to drain the affected area. Below two inches, we bring in portable water extraction units that reduce the risk of damaging your carpets or upholstery. However, the job does not finish there. 

Removing water is the first step of the procedure. Secondary damages can occur if water resides hidden in areas of the home. We use moisture meters to seek out these areas and can remediate them using advanced technology. Drying mats, for example, are capable of removing moisture from your subfloor without removing hardwood flooring. The use of deodorizers and dehumidifiers can help make the damage "Like it never even happened." 

If you return to a damaged home after a natural disaster, contact SERVPRO of North Lilburn at (770) 709-3266 for immediate assessment and remediation.
Click here for more information on the fun things you can do in downtown Lilburn.

The Real Truth Behind Commercial Mold Damage Remediation in Pleasant Hill

12/14/2018 (Permalink)

When your storeroom is facing mold damage, call SERVPRO right away to investigate the cause and mitigate the situation.

SERVPRO Provides Superior Mold Remediation Services for Factories in Pleasant Hill

Mold remediation work for factories in Pleasant Hill can be difficult work involving multiple crews working simultaneously on different parts of the project. Coordination between these teams is critical to ensure that the job gets done right. SERVPRO keeps a large staff on hand and under one roof to ensure our ability to handle large-scale mold remediation issues when they arise. Depending on the scale and parameters of the infestation, our crews may be working on all of these segments and more at once.

Repairing Leaks
Many cases of mold remediation we handle in Pleasant Hill factories stem from water leaks in the building. Whether these leaks are from a water line or the outside elements, they hold the potential to cause much more than just mold damage to your property and goods. Water leaks can destabilize structural elements, corrode machinery, and even change humidity levels enough to interfere with your production capabilities. One of our top priorities for any mold remediation project is to find and cut off sources of water in the area.

Inventory Protection
Regardless of whether or not the mold has spread to your inventory and materials, we put measures in place to protect your goods from further damage. Many types of fungi can spread their spores through the air, so depending on the situation, we may try to remove your inventory entirely until there is no more risk of damage to it. This process happens according to the wishes of you and your insurance provider.

Wall Removal
Temporarily removing walls can be an important step in many mold remediation projects, but the materials and layouts used in factory walls can pose a serious challenge to unprepared technicians. SERVPRO technicians are trained to adapt to these obstacles by using heavy machinery and coordinated team efforts to find and eliminate mold growth throughout the facility.

SERVPRO of North Lilburn provides professional-grade mold damage remediation and restoration solutions to businesses across the area. Call us at (770) 709-3266 for our services or a quote.

Click here for more about Pleasant Hill.

How Downstairs Flood Damage in Your Lilburn Home Also Damages Upper Levels

11/27/2018 (Permalink)

Water on lower levels affects upper levels of houses as well.

Standing Water in the Basement can Create Flood Damage in Your Lilburn Home

Flooding does not need to cover your living room floors to affect your Lilburn home. Minor flooding that enters into only below-ground areas can easily create problems in above-ground sections. This can include odors and elevated humidity that makes breathing uncomfortable.  

Residents can rely on us to mitigate all aspects of flood damage in Lilburn. Because we are a locally owned and operated company, we understand the concerns of many residents in our area about elevated humidity in their residences. Standing water from heavy rainfall or unexpected snowmelt can cause this problem within larger porches, crawl spaces and root cellars, as well.  

Our technicians are Faster To Any Size Disaster and begin working as soon as possible. Extracting the water from your basement or cellar can significantly reduce the amount of odor experienced, and also pull the humidity down closer to an average amount. Just extracting the floodwater does not eliminate these problems, in any case.  

Removing the water vapor from your home's environment requires we use devices that extract the moisture from both the air and any materials that absorbed it. We work on the most saturated ones by directing air at them at an angle which whisks the moisture out instead of pushing it deeper into the wall, carpet, furniture, or other items. Other technicians regularly monitor the amount the moisture decreases, so we know how quickly this occurs.  

Because the air absorbs this moisture coming out of different articles around your home, we also use dehumidifiers and desiccant machines to trap the newly-released humidity before it can settle elsewhere. Steady evaporation of water is another aspect of flood damage.  

We also use techniques that eliminate the odor flood damage leaves behind from your home. The use of ozone gas produces excellent results but can produce unwanted discoloration. Instead, in locations where dampness remains, we use hydroxyl gas machines to deodorize homes and businesses effectively. This gas is highly safe and does not require you to leave your home. We can continue working inside on your home's water damage mitigation while the machine continues to run.  

SERVPRO of North Lilburn wants to do their share in helping those in the community live in safe, clean, dry homes. Flooding can bring in unpleasant odors from the silt and organic debris it carries. We extract, deodorize, clean, and dry out homes sustaining flood damage on a regular basis. We can do the same for you. Call us at (770) 709-3266, 24/7, any day of the year.

Much of Lilburn’s history is as a railroad town.  Click here to read more.

Proven Tips to Avoid Fire Damage in Lilburn Around the Holidays

11/16/2018 (Permalink)

Candles create a warm festive mood. Stay vigilant when using candles and contact SERVPRO should you have fire damage.

Leaving Candles Lit in Your Lilburn Home Unattended Can Cause Fire Damage

During the fall season, it may be tempting to light a lot of candles inside of your home, but leaving them unattended can lead to fire damage. Candles that are lit in your home should always be placed on a flat and open surface, without any drapes nearby. Despite how small the flame is, it can still spread and cause a lot of damage if left alone in an unsafe space.
Leaving a candle in your dining room window didn't seem like such a bad idea at the time, but the drapes caught ablaze and caused fire damage inside your Lilburn home. When small fires like this break out, it is still essential for you to call for professional restoration surfaces as soon as you can after the blaze is extinguished. The fire can still cause damage inside your home after it is put out. For example, the longer that you wait to call for help, the more discoloration the soot can cause.
Here at SERVPRO, when you contact us, we make an effort to gather the appropriate equipment for the job and then rush to your home. As professionals in the restoration industry, we know how swiftly fire damage can spread. With this knowledge in mind, we always make an effort to get to your home as swiftly as we can.
When we arrive at your home, our SERVPRO technicians can get to work straight away. First, we can clean up the bits of burnt scrap leftover by the drapes. After, SERVPRO can get to work cleaning up the scorch marks along your window sill and walls.
A common way of tackling staining left by a fire is to use a spray-and-wipe method with a solution made to tackle the specific type of soot that was left behind. Usually, the solution can either be lubricative, meant to lift the grime away from the surface gently, or chemically-based. Once our SERVPRO technicians finish removing the soot from your dining room, we can use thermal foggers to tackle the particles in the air that are responsible for the foul smell fire causes and leave your home feeling like it did before the damage happened.
When you find fire damage inside of your home, it is imperative that you call for help immediately. Reach out to SERVPRO of North Lilburn by dialing the number (770) 709-3266. Day or night, our technicians are ready to help you.

Click here for more about Lilburn.

When a Broken Pipe Makes You Feel Like You Are ‘Sittin’ on the Dock of the Bay’ in Your Lilburn Home

10/24/2018 (Permalink)

A small burst pipe can quickly create a lot of damage.

Stopping And Remediating Water Damage Around Lilburn

Water can affect Lilburn homes in many ways. Usually, it is a positive manner, such as when a sprinkler irrigates the lawn and provides a beautiful, green field for bare feet in the Summer. Once Winter rolls around, water can cause more problems than benefits.

For most Lilburn homeowners, water damage is a result of a plumbing failure in, or near, the home. SERVPRO specialists often have to deal with a ruptured pipe that burst due to a cold snap. Other reasons to step into a pool of water in the kitchen are cracked connectors under the sink or a split line that used to feed the ice maker in a refrigerator.  

Our technicians can repair or replace minor plumbing issues like these. If there is a major break anywhere in the home, we recommend the homeowner calls in a licensed plumber or general contractor to make repairs.  

After we stop the source of the problem, SERVPRO team members remove the water using commercial pumps and extraction wands. These machines enable us to remove most of the water within a day or two, depending on the size of the home and how much water flooded the residence.  

Once we remove the standing water, our teams start remediating the damage. Technicians carefully lift and roll up the carpet to remove the pad underneath and dispose of it. Then, they use air movers to blow warm, dry air over the floor. If the inside humidity is very high, technicians can set up dehumidifiers to draw water out of the air, speeding up the drying time for the floors.  

With the floor dry, technicians carefully roll the carpet back into place. If the carpet is still damp, they lift it at opposite points with an air mover at one end and a box fan at the other. This technique enables us to force dry air across and under the carpet while drawing moisture out of the carpet and blowing it out of the affected area.  

Removing the water and drying the carpets and floors are the immediate steps SERVPRO of North Lilburn takes to protect area homes. Our goal is to return each residence to its original, dry state, so homeowners can return to their life before the water turned their kitchen and living room into a child’s wading pool. Call us today at (770) 709-3266 to schedule a visit.

The Yellow River Wildlife Sanctuary is located in Lilburn.  Click here for more information.

Make Sure Your Water-Damaged Lilburn Commercial Property is on Solid Flooring

10/15/2018 (Permalink)

Sometimes after water damage, the existing flooring must be removed. SERVPRO has the equipment and expertise to remediate and restore your office.

How Commercial Water Cleanup Services Restore Your Lilburn Business after the Disaster  

You need commercial water cleanup services when your business experiences a water incident. If the wetness remains in place for a long time, it can ruin your items and the building's interior finishing. It is only after the building is thoroughly clean and dry that some of the replacements and repairs can be made. We are going to go through some of the procedures that our team performs when restoring different sections of your Lilburn property.  

There are certain aspects we consider before choosing appropriate commercial water cleanup procedures to perform in your Lilburn office. If your office has OSB or plywood subfloor, there are chances of such building structures swelling or separating after being submerged by water. Our SERVPRO technicians have to replace the affected sections to ensure the new floor covering does not buckle. When we remove the floor covering, we make sure the subflooring is entirely dry, and we check for warping before the installation of new flooring. We might put in place air movers and dehumidifiers to speed up drying.  

There are also specialized cleaning procedures for water damaged offices with tile and sheet flooring. If we discover any separation or swelling, then we have to remove the wooden subfloor. It is also necessary to remove the entire sheet if the water has seeped through loose parts of the sheet flooring. The ease with which we remove such structures depends on the type of adhesive and material.  

Our SERVPRO technicians prevent further damage and reduce the chances of mold growth by using disinfects to clean woodwork, floors, and wall finishes as soon as the water damage incident takes place. If surfaces are already moldy, we put in place containment measures to prevent the mold from spreading into uncontaminated areas. If the walls have lead-based paint, we do not use scraping or sanding as an option.  

Apart from cleaning, SERVPRO of North Lilburn can perform other restoration processes to restore your business after a disaster. Call (770) 709-3266 to learn more about our services and benefit from our 24-hour emergency services.

Fire destroyed the business district of Lilburn in 1920.  For more information on Lilburn's history, click here.

How We Minimize The Effects Of Flood Damage In Your Lilburn Home After A Warm Spell

10/4/2018 (Permalink)

Lilburn residents might find minor flood damage in areas of their homes after a period of warmer than normal weather.

Warm Spells After Snowfall Can Leave Homes With Flood Damage In Lilburn

While many in Lilburn welcome a warmer day after winter cold settles in and blankets our area in a beautiful layer of snow, this warm air can cause problems for those living in lower areas and valleys. It doesn't take much to melt snow when sunlight hits it directly, and this water can trickle into areas that might never otherwise experience problems.

Lilburn residents might find minor flood damage in areas of their homes after a period of warmer than normal weather. SERVPRO is always ready to mitigate this and remove excess water and moisture before other problems can develop. Protecting your home is a very cost-effective way to keep restoration expenses low. It also prevents the loss of belongings with high sentimental value.

When we arrive to begin the mitigation process on your home, we take measured readings of the amount of moisture in different materials. Some of these may not have been affected by the flooding, but we use these to help us gain a better idea of the standard moisture content throughout your home. This knowledge helps us determine when your home's affected materials do reach acceptable percentages of moisture content.

To achieve these levels, we eliminate the water, moisture, and water vapor we detect inside your residence. We efficiently extract liquid water, but causing absorbent materials to release their hold on moisture can require a manual change in the environment. We cannot wait for the materials to dry out naturally. This would take too long. We cause this to happen much more rapidly than it typically would by increasing both the temperature and the air currents. As the heat forces the water molecules to leave such materials for drier conditions found in the air, we use air currents created with our air movers to direct the moistened air either outside or near powerful desiccant machines. Water vapor already present merely joins the newly released moisture and also becomes trapped in these machines.

Cleaning up and getting rid of the griminess left behind by a flood protects your home and family from microbial populations, some of which can cause health effects. Not only does everything feel clean after we finish, but it is also sanitary.

SERVPRO of North Lilburn also serves those in Pleasant Hill and can make your home clean, safe, and dry again, just “Like it never even happened” when your home experiences flood damage. Please call us at (770) 709-3266, so we can assist you in mitigating your house.

Click here for more about Lilburn.

Great Mold Remediation for Lilburn Homes by SERVPRO

9/27/2018 (Permalink)

Lilburn Properties with Mold Damage Count on SERVPRO for Remediation and Containment of Mold Spores

Preventing Recurring Mold Damage in Lilburn

Mold spores are part and parcel of a home environment, residing in attics, crawlspaces and underneath floorboards. They are not necessarily a problem until they come into contact with a warm, moist environment where they can germinate. With the right conditions, mold can grow within 24 hours and form full-size colonies within 48-hours.

When dealing with mold damage in Lilburn, the priority is to prevent the affected area from spreading. Since mold spores travel primarily through air-flow, it is crucial that the area of infection is contained, and careful precautions made to establish clean rooms as well as decontamination zones. We can do this by putting up barriers, sealing rooms or applying negative air-pressure.

SERVPRO offers a two-step solution to properties that are showing signs of mold growth. The first is to scrub mold away using abrasive cleaning methods alongside sanitizers for sensitive surfaces and fabrics. Porous materials like fabrics may have to be sent to a facility where they can be treated using Esporta washing machines. We aim to restore rather than replace and can surprise you with the amount we can salvage from items that might seem beyond repair.

As we clear away mold, our technicians can pack up the contaminated contents and dispose of them properly. Once all visible signs have been removed, we can focus on grappling to keep the mold from returning to the treated areas. SERVPRO achieve this by measuring humidity levels in the affected area and restoring them to the correct level.

We cannot remove 100% of mold spores from your home, but we can restore the affected area so they cannot proliferate. Using dehumidifiers to remove moisture from the air, and thoroughly drying any areas where moisture has built up can help prevent mold damage from recurring. We then fully-deodorize the area using chemical neutralizers to leave your home clean, sanitized and smelling fresh.

If you see signs of mold in your home, it cannot disappear by itself contact SERVPRO of North Lilburn at (770) 709-3266 to book a service.

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Preparing For Disasters Minimizes The Risk Of Commercial Water Damage In Lilburn Factories

9/17/2018 (Permalink)

When flooding occurs without warning, it quickly causes severe and drastic effects all over a factory.

Preparing For Commercial Water Damage

When flooding occurs without warning, it quickly causes severe and drastic effects all over a factory. Lilburn factories and plants can experience flooding from either severe weather events or when broken pipes release thousands of gallons. Trees that create tears in the roof during a rainstorm can also create floods, as can back up drains.

Lilburn factory owners can prepare for some of the effects of commercial flood damage and help protect their employees. Flooding can create problems with your factory's drinking water supply, so the EPA recommends certain precautions take place on a regular basis to ensure the health of your workers. This and many other ways to protect both your workforce and your business are laid out in the EPA's website as their commitment to National Preparedness Month.

While you do all you can to protect your employees from drinking contaminated water during a disaster that might prevent their safe evacuation, the after-effects linger after the disaster. SERVPRO technicians know how to mitigate flood damage and keep the current situation from worsening in other areas. Damaged merchandise can easily contaminate or saturate undamaged goods, so we steadily work to separate the two from each other. We can clean damaged items and equipment and follow this up with sanitizing methods that inhibit the growth of microorganisms.

Quickly getting your assembly lines back up and running normally after a catastrophic accident means less downtime that can affect your profits, customer satisfaction, and even employee morale. We understand that your factory produces goods that a diverse number of other businesses require, so we work continually to get every bit of flood damage inside your factory mitigated.

Some areas require removal of materials, but we strive to restore as much as possible without replacements. Reducing your restoration costs can also help you recover more quickly. When things revert to normal employees impacted the most emotionally often feel reassured and able to concentrate on their work again.

SERVPRO of North Lilburn is always ready to mitigate flood damage. Faster To Any Size Disaster, our technicians know that a rapid recovery can make a world of difference to you and your employees. Contact us at (770) 709-3266 for mitigation and restoration services tailored to your company's precise needs.

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Severe Thunderstorms Can Cause Flood Damage Inside of Your Lilburn Home

9/12/2018 (Permalink)

One of the best ways to avoid flood damage inside of your home is to be prepared.

Severe Thunderstorms Can Cause Flood Damage

One of the best ways to avoid flood damage inside of your home is to be prepared. Keeping track of intense storms as they come your way and making sure that your home is appropriately secure during them is one of the best ways to avoid damages. The best thing that you can do when you know that a harsh storm is heading your way is to set up a generator outside of your home to provide emergency power to you. Having a generator can allow you to have some essential power in times of danger. However, even with preparation, the waters can still find a way inside of your home. In situations like these, professional help is close by to call on for aid.

Severe thunderstorms can bring harsh winds which can move fast enough to bend over trees and knock branches lose, a problem that can cause flood damage inside of your Lilburn home. The debris can break a window and force an entry point into your home, allowing the water from the storm to get inside. Once this water inside of your home, it has the potential to cause further problems if left unchecked. Thus, it is wise to call for help as soon as you can.

When SERVPRO arrives at your home and investigates the flood damage inside of your kitchen, our IICRC-certified techs can devise the best solution. Our first goal is to extract any standing water from inside your residence. SERVPRO can use advanced equipment such as industrial-quality wet/dry vacuums to do this job. We can also use thermal imaging technology to look for water that might have found its way into your walls or beneath the base of your cabinets. Additionally, dehumidifiers and air movers can be used by our SERVPRO techs to remove excess moisture and water vapor from inside of your kitchen, including the moisture that has set into your cabinets.

If a severe storm gets the better of your home and causes flood damage, never hesitate. Call the number (770) 709-3266 to contact SERVPRO of North Lilburn. Day or night, we can address the damage inside of your home.

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Mold Damage Technicians In Pleasant Hill Describe The Importance Of Containment

8/28/2018 (Permalink)

If there is excessive moisture inside your home, mold damage can cause problems to organic building materials.

The Importance Of Containment

If a water leak or spill gets building materials wet and you do not notice the problem right away, many issues can negatively affect your Pleasant Hill property. If there is excessive moisture inside your home, mold damage can cause problems to organic building materials. Fungi can spread to several areas inside a structure and can cause health effects with some people. If not mitigated quickly, the mold damage can get worse and spread to sections of your home that are far away from the initial source.

Certain parts of a house are especially susceptible to microbial growth because they have the right temperature and contain a large number of organic materials such as wood or paper. Dark, confined spaces like attics are likely places to experience mold damage in Pleasant Hill. If you ever smell a musty aroma or see a fungus form, it is wise to call our SERVPRO experts immediately. We can show up promptly and help keep the problems from getting worse and help prevent spores from spreading.

A major problem when dealing with fungal issues is the fact that spores can become airborne and spread all over a structure very quickly. Our SERVPRO technicians are IICRC certified and have experience dealing with several different types of mold contamination situations. SERVPRO's main goal with any project is to mitigate the problems without causing contamination in areas that were previously unaffected.

The first thing we do to keep microbes from getting into the air and spreading is to build a containment chamber. A containment chamber is put up with metal poles and heavy-duty plastic. We use the plastic to seal off any areas that are contaminated inside your home. Once containment is put up, we often attach an air scrubber to a hole on the side to create negative air pressure inside the chamber.

The air scrubber sucks in dust and particles created by the work process. The scrubber pulls the air past a HEPA filter that traps in hazardous particles. If you ever notice the presence of a fungus inside your home, call SERVPRO of North Lilburn at (770) 709-3266 24 hours a day.

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A Severe Thunderstorm Can Flood Your Lilburn Small Pawn Shop

8/20/2018 (Permalink)

Floodwaters can find their way into your shop even if all the windows and doors are locked.

A Severe Thunderstorm Can Flood Your Shop

Flood damage is a substantial possibility during a severe storm that brings hundreds of gallons of rushing water to your business in just moments. Floodwaters can find their way into your shop even if all the windows and doors are locked. For example, water and wind can both carry window-breaking debris inside of your shop. Once an entry is forced, your previously secure shop suddenly is vulnerable to the water. By the time you arrive at your store in the morning, there is stagnant water up to your knees inside.

The flood damage inside of your Lilburn pawn shop is a danger to the valuables inside, also the structure of your building. The whole purpose of a pawn shop is to buy things of value and then resell them. If the floodwaters manage to inflict damage onto your valuables, they can decrease the worth of them. For this reason, as well as the physical well-being of your store, it is vital to call for professional damage remediation services. The faster that a team can arrive, the more likely it is that your goods can be recovered and repaired.

When you call SERVPRO, our first goal is to get to you as quickly as possible. We understand how valuable your time as a business owner is. The less time your store has to remain closed, the less income can be lost for your establishment.

SERVPRO uses top-of-the-line technology while on the job. To remove the standing water from your shop, our technicians can employ the use of truck-mounted wet/dry vacuums, submersible pumps, and extractors. Our tools are designed to remove the water as fast as possible, minimizing the potential threat of further complications, such as water and mold damage.

When it comes to your inventory, our IICRC-certified techs can take stock while attempting remediations. Because some valuables, such as paintings, can be very hard to save from floodwaters, we can make a list of any goods lost. Our professionals strive to make all aspects of the damage easier for you, including any potential insurance claims.

When it comes to the physical building your shop is inside, our technicians can make sure it is at an acceptable level of dryness using a moisture meter. Should your store be below the level, SERVPRO can set up ventilation fans and air movers to help remove the excess moisture.

Should your establishment suffer flood damage during a severe storm, never hesitate. Dial SERVPRO of North Lilburn by the number (770) 709-3266. Our experts are available night and day, seven days a week.

Click here for more about Lilburn.

Factors To Consider For A Successful Water Cleanup Process In Lilburn

8/9/2018 (Permalink)

The water cleanup process is an important step when you need to restore your property.

Water Cleanup Process

The water cleanup process is an important step when you need to restore your property even if the source of the water was as a result of a plumbing breakage or an appliance failure. If you do not remove the water as soon as possible, it may cause further damage to your property and create favorable conditions for mold growth. If you are working with a restoration professional in Lilburn, there are a few facts you need to understand about the remediation procedures.

When our SERVPRO technicians are performing water cleanup in Lilburn, we begin by performing moisture measurement. By measuring the amount of moisture, we can determine the scope of work and the methods to use. During this process, we can use moisture meters and sensors to detect the moisture presence. Since we already have the correct picture of the initial extent of water ingress and damage, we can set drying goals.

As an initial assessment, our SERVPRO technicians may take non-invasive moisture readings in non-affected contents to establish control parameters and measurements. When we are taking these measurements, we take into consideration factors such as the material's permeance, the existence of water barriers, the relative humidity, temperature, and the primary purpose of the property. If we suspect moisture exists below the surface, then we may take in-depth readings using invasive techniques.

The goal of setting a drying goal is to return your property and materials to their preloss state. By knowing the parameters of the various materials, our SERVPRO team can set a drying goal to assist in solving the pre-existing water damage problem. Some of the moisture measurement methodology and equipment we use during the restoration include moisture meters, moisture sensors, thermo-hygrometers, remote monitoring systems, thermal imaging, radio wave, Borescope, humidity boxes, and sleeves.

SERVPRO of North Lilburn has a track record in water, fire, storm, and mold damage remediation. Call us at (770) 709-3266 to learn more about our services.

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Lesser Considered Fire Damages in Your Lilburn Residence

7/31/2018 (Permalink)

After the firefighters leave and you and your family are safe, contact SERVPRO to remediate the damage left behind.

Fire Damage Encompasses Many Aspects Including Water and Lingering Odors

While there are many blatant effects that a widespread fire can have on your Lilburn home, you often do not consider some of the secondary effects and threats that your house faces in light of the incident. Understanding all of the threats and effects you can expect after a fire in your home can prepare you for finding the best professional restoration company to handle the substantial task of bringing your home back to preloss conditions.

Often the initial effects from a fire in your house are difficult to miss. It might not even be safe for you to enter your home following extinguishment, leaving the assessment of the fire damages in your Lilburn residence to the hands of experienced estimators and restoration specialists like our SERVPRO team.

One of the lesser known effects that most homeowners do not consider when it comes to restoring their home after a fire, is the water damage throughout their property. With fire extinguishing efforts that prove invaluable to preserving the structure of your house throughout the worst of the blaze, this process unfortunately also leaves pooled water and overly saturated areas throughout your home that must also get restored.

Another lesser considered effect from a fire in your home that might not prove as glaring and abrasive as structural damage or even water damages is the lingering odor. This smoke damage presents itself as a long-lasting charring smell or odor emitted from the combustion of certain materials in your house. While SERVPRO deodorizing efforts can eliminate this nauseating presence, it makes attempting to live in your home long after the fire has occurred a challenging ordeal before the odor removal occurs.

Likely you try to assess the damage that your home sustains during a widespread fire but tend to overlook additional work that might have to happen to remove odors, water damages, or even to rebuild areas of your home. Finding the right restoration company to help see you through all of these obstacles is one of the easier parts of this situation, as many depend on the reliable services of our SERVPRO of North Lilburn restoration specialists. Give our rapid response team a call anytime at (770) 709-3266.

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The Reality Of Appliance Degradation In Your Lilburn Home

7/19/2018 (Permalink)

One of the first things that any homeowner should be mindful of is the wear and tear on the appliances they have.

The Reality Of Appliance Degradation

Many Lilburn homeowners are not fully aware of the moving parts that allow their washing machine to work as it should. For example, in many modern washing machine appliances, one singular sensor is what determines the level to which the machine fills itself with water for vital functions of cycle settings. However, that is not all that hinges so delicately on sensors for disaster prevention.

Your appliances in your home undoubtedly serve to make your life easier, but this comfortable living can result in some disastrous circumstances sometimes. While many Lilburn homeowners would rather contend with water removal services by our SERVPRO professionals than forego having appliances at all, there are some things that you can do to limit the possibility of a significant water loss incident.

One of the first things that any homeowner should be mindful of is the wear and tear on the appliances they have. All machines have a finite lifespan, but with a little bit of maintenance and moderate repair work, this life can get exponentially extended. Regular servicing also limits the possibility of mechanical failures which cause the need for SERVPRO water removal services and restoration work.

Another consideration that should get made about your appliances is when they have reached their limitations. Much of the problems with machines in your home begin with improper use. For example, overloading dishwashers and washing machines well beyond their intended capacities. Properly using your appliances within their respective guidelines allows them to last longer without incident.

Sometimes just servicing your appliances regularly is not enough to stop water loss incidents from occurring. If you are experiencing this situation in your home, it is best to act quickly to help mitigate potential damages to the structural components of your home. Our experienced technicians can respond quickly to begin the extraction work and restoration process. When you are contending with a water disaster in your home, trust our SERVPRO of North Lilburn water damage restoration specialists to help you clean up the mess. Give us a call 24/7 at (770) 709-3266.

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Mold Damage Spreads Easily within Pleasant Hill Homes

7/9/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Says Eliminate Moisture to Help Control Mold Infestations in the Pleasant Hill Area

Spores Are Everywhere, Call SERVPRO When Mold Remediation Is Needed

Microbes outnumber humans on our planet and come in many different varieties. Mold and mildew exist in our Pleasant Hill homes and rarely become a nuisance. Small imbalances in a house's interior environment can seem insignificant to occupants, but these microbes take increased moisture as an invitation to begin growing wildly.
Property owners around Pleasant Hill might notice mold damage on walls, floors, and ceilings near or in bathrooms and kitchens, but microbes can damage any area in a home. This issue often happens merely because water vapor travels so quickly in the air, and typically ends up in the same places spores get carried. The combination of the two makes it exceptionally easy for microbial activity to surge.
Microbes also thrive better in areas where little sunlight reaches. Also, while spores travel on drafts, more powerful gusts of air can make it more difficult for mildew and mold to attach well enough to surfaces. Behind large pieces of furniture, like cabinets and wardrobes, air flow patterns can slow down, depositing cellulose-rich dust, microbes, and water vapor all in the same place. Similarly, the floor under furniture and larger appliances can harbor microbial infestations. Regardless of where you find them in your residence, SERVPRO technicians efficiently remediate all types of mold damage.
We also locate other areas that might suffer from mold damage by using our moisture-detection equipment. This works well because mold and other microbes find it immensely challenging to grow in arid environments. Finding an area containing elevated moisture can lead us to hidden mold, which SERVPRO technicians can then remove from your house. Infrared imaging indicates cooler areas within wall cavities and voids which may indicate a higher moisture content. Most molds do not have a distinct musty smell given off and can allow fungi to remain hidden and undetected, able to continue growing and damaging your home.
SERVPRO of North Lilburn's dedicated professionals quickly remediate homes suffering from mold damage and help prevent its recurrence. If you notice signs of mold taking over your residence, call our 24-hour emergency service line at (770) 709-3266. Answered 365 days a year, you can always contact us for the services your home needs.

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Commercial Water Damage in Lilburn

6/30/2018 (Permalink)

When the toilet has overflowed many times at your business location, the bathroom has suffered water damage. Contact our SERVPRO technicians.

Team SERVPRO Has Many Methods at Its Disposal to Remediate Water Damage

Water damage from floods, broken pipes, plumbing leaks, appliance malfunctions, and sewage backup can all lead to unexpected losses in your business. Restoring everything to its original state is the first priority. Indeed, it is important to minimize interruptions to the business and do everything possible to resume normal operations. This often requires employing the services of a reputable restoration company.
At SERVPRO, we are dedicated to restoring local businesses to preloss conditions as quickly as possible after commercial water damage in Lilburn. Our technicians are highly trained and certified by the IICRC, ensuring that the cleanup process goes quickly and smoothly. We also use advanced tools and equipment that are up to par with industry standards in every restoration project.
Water damage can occur as a result of toilet overflowing or clogging, old pipes, a leaking roof, or general plumbing problems. SERVPRO experts can assess the issue by tracing any pockets of excess water and then removing them accordingly. We use professional equipment to locate these pockets, including thermal imaging and moisture meters.
In some cases, we may transfer certain furniture, personal belongings, IT equipment, machinery, and other movable items that have sustained water damage to our cleaning laboratory. If necessary, these contents can be taken apart before drying, cleaning, and putting them back again. We also work with a team of highly-experienced in-house contractors, who can restore water-damaged ceilings, flooring, paint, walls, woodwork, and other structural elements.
Saving books and documents that have sustained commercial water damage takes thought. SERVPRO technicians can prevent additional damage, but we may not be able to reverse the existing damage. The idea is to stop further water and moisture damage, and dry items to the best possible condition. For this, we use five methods. These are vacuum thermal-drying, vacuum freeze-drying, freezer drying, dehumidification, and air-drying.
If you experience a flooding event in your business, SERVPRO of North Lilburn is there to reduce the impact of the resultant commercial water damage. We have an active emergency response team that can be on site within a few hours after contacting us. You can reach us anytime at (770) 709-3266.
Click here for more information on the city of Lilburn.

Rapid Response to Your Flood Damaged Pleasant Hill Home

6/11/2018 (Permalink)

When flooding occurs, drying out the property should be the first concern. Contact SERVPRO immediately for dry out and remediation services.

Team SERVPRO Takes Pride in Fast Arrival on the Scene and Efficient Service

Working to keep your home protected from natural disasters is something that started back when your Pleasant Hill home first got constructed. Over time, however, the integrity of these preventative measures begin to degrade and become less effective. While it does not always happen all at once, the house eventually loses a long-standing battle with the pressures of external water, and flooding ensues.

Regardless of whether or not the flood damages to your Pleasant Hill home only affected your lower levels or if you get threatened by flooding in your attic, the risks and damages associated with the incident are the same. Finding a way to overcome these harmful effects is an uphill battle if you go at it alone, but with the help of our SERVPRO professionals, the process can go more quickly and get done to high industry standards we follow.

Our team of technicians can arrive quickly at your home and get to work on what is necessary to remove the present water. If flooding is still occurring, our SERVPRO professionals can seal up smaller holes and penetration points using hydraulic cement. This application can eliminate the pressing threat of further damages from these vulnerable positions.

Extraction of the water is likely one of the most critical steps short of drying to overcoming the flood damage present in your home. This process often gets achieved by the use of portable pumps and wet-vacs with extraction wands. Drying follows this process and involves thoroughly assessing any present moisture and eliminating it. Often thermal imagery gets used to determine where moisture and dampness linger out of sight to make the drying efforts as thorough as possible.

Flooding is an unfortunate event that often affects multiple houses in your area at the same time. With choosing professional restoration services from our SERVPRO of North Lilburn professionals, you can rest assured that we respond quickly and work to overcome any obstacle between your current damage and the restoration of your house. Give us a call anytime you need us at (770) 709-3266.
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Tips and Fire Damage Restoration Services for Your Lilburn Home

6/10/2018 (Permalink)

When fire strikes your Lilburn property, SERVPRO strikes back.

Learn About SERVPRO's Fire Restoration Tips & Services for Your Lilburn Property

Having a fire in your Lilburn home is a devastating experience for everyone in your family. Events like these can severely impact your decisions, actions, and reactions making it almost impossible under certain circumstances to determine the proper steps to take to recover fully. However, you are not alone.

The smoke and fire damage that you experience in your Lilburn area home can be a tricky thing to deal with on your own. While there are some actions that you can take to protect other members of your household and a few personal belongings, the restoration process itself requires the touch only a professional can provide.

Seeking a professional fire-damage restoration company, like SERVPRO, can give you the support and peace of mind needed to continue moving forward. We have fully-licensed professionals waiting in the wings with all the equipment, resources, and materials necessary to help you restore your family’s home to a quality pre-fire damage condition. Our professional technicians can make the entire restoration process easier and minimize fire damage suffered in your home.

While you are waiting for your SERVPRO professionals to arrive, you can help by limiting the foot traffic into and out of your fire damage home. By keeping everyone off your carpeting, vinyl, or wood flooring, as well as other surfaces such as desks, tables, and kitchen counters you can help your restoration technicians keep dirt, dust and smoke residues from embedding further into various materials found in your home. It is important to remember the damage to your home continues long after the flames are out.

Make sure that everyone in your home knows how to avoid electrical, gas, water, and environmental hazards that may exist on your property. Keeping your family safe and providing you with highly-trained restoration specialists is what SERVPRO is all about. We help you limit losses, avoid permanent damage, and prevent future problems.

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

Contact SERVPRO of North Lilburn for more information, we can help you regain control over your living environment and provide you with the services necessary to fully restore your home, today. (770) 709-3266

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Resolving The Effects of Mold Damage In Your Pleasant Hill Home

5/29/2018 (Permalink)

Mold Mitigation Includes Moisture Control in Pleasant Hill Homes

For Pleasant Hill Homeowners, SERVPRO Explains and Executes Mold Remediation

Several threats pose a risk to your Pleasant Hill home all throughout its permanence. While many of these potential disasters can considerably threaten the structural integrity and the contents of your home, one of the often overlooked threats is mold and fungal growth. With just a couple of conditions to get met, mold can multiply throughout an affected area and continue to spread until the appropriate professional remediation tactics have gotten employed to remove the colony.

Overcoming the presence of mold in your house is not something that most homeowners get prepared to face. With the more that is understood about mold potentially causing health effects to the occupants of your house that become exposed to the colonies, taking care of the mold damages in your Pleasant Hill home has never seemed more critical. Fortunately, you are not facing this intruder alone.

Our experienced SERVPRO professionals can arrive quickly and begin the necessary steps to prevent the spread of mold and to cut off its food supply. To starve out the colony, the persistent moisture in the affected area needs to get resolved, and that means identifying the source of the problem and repairing this damage.

Did you know that mold spores exist microscopically in the air inside your home as well as outside? As many as 40 spores can fit across a human hair. Preventing the spread of these spores to other areas of your home from the colony is imperative to successful remediation. Our air scrubber with a HEPA filter can trap these microscopic spores and prevent them from finding a new surface to seat inside.

This description is only a small component of our entire involved remediation process, but these steps are essential to helping to isolate the problem and resolve the effects of the mold growth your home experiences. Our SERVPRO of North Lilburn certified applied microbial remediation technicians are always ready to help you overcome any of the obstacles that microbial growth in your home has allowed. Give us a call anytime you need us at (770) 709-3266.

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Why You Need Mitigation Services After A Fire Damage Event in Lilburn

5/27/2018 (Permalink)

Fire damage is made up of smoke residues and can leave odors. Contact SERVPRO for quick service and efficient remediation.

Team SERVPRO Understands the Three Different Types of Fire Damage

If your structure experiences a fire, there are different types of fire damage which are likely to occur. If you do not treat the event with much seriousness, then it means you are likely to incur losses, and salvageable contents may end up being unsalvageable. The journey does not stop after extinguishing the fire; it is important to note that even the extinguishing agents may cause some destruction in your Lilburn home.

Let us begin by looking at the different kinds of fire damage in Lilburn that our SERVPRO technicians respond to. We have three types of fire damage - major, medium, and minor - and each requires unique restoration procedures. Major fires usually lead to severe destruction, and in most cases, the smoke residues move and occupy a large part of the structure. On the other hand, medium fires cause moderate destruction with minor ones causing damage to only certain parts of the structure.

Once our SERVPRO technicians arrive at the site, we offer mitigation services which help in securing the structure against further damage. Coming up with a temporary electrical source, winterizing the structure's plumbing system, and boarding up any existing openings is part of the work. If there are some water leaks or wetness as a result of the extinguishing agents, we can set up space heaters to dry the area.

Our SERVPRO team also performs cleaning procedures which target to remove the smoke residues from your contents. While in some cases it is possible to clean your items at the site, there are instances where it is necessary to move them to another location before the cleaning starts. We usually perform pack-outs when the site is not secure to allow on-site cleaning procedures. After cleaning, the smoke odors might still be present, and deodorization may be necessary. We perform this process using ULV foggers and thermal Foggers, with the fogs neutralizing odor-causing agents.

SERVPRO of North Lilburn is a trusted industry leader that performs storm, mold, water, and fire damage restoration. Call us at (770) 709-3266 if you need us to respond immediately and make it “Like it never even happened.”

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Pleasant Hill's Commercial Water Removal Technicians Discuss Hardwood Floors

5/9/2018 (Permalink)

If an appliance or pipe causes water damage in your store, SERVPRO can restore the damage and work to keep your doors open.

SERVPRO Can Save Your Hardwood Floors and Keep Your Business Open after Water Damage

If a pipe or appliance malfunctions and water floods into your Pleasant Hill appliance store, excessive moisture can damage many items. Many appliance showroom floors have hardwood flooring in place. Since water flows with gravity, flooring materials are common items that get ruined during an issue involving water.

Whenever dealing with a business, measures should be taken to ensure that your company does not suffer due to restoration work. In many cases, during water removal in Pleasant Hill, our SERVPRO technicians change the way they complete work to keep the loss of revenue to your company at a minimum. We complete extra tasks to ensure that your store stays operating and that your products do not receive damage.

Hardwood floors do have a natural ability to withstand moisture better than softwoods. The nature of hardwoods enhances their ability to be restored when water damage occurs. Wood naturally buckles, cups, and warps, but the density of hardwoods can help them repel these effects.

When attempting to dry hardwood floors, we focus on preventing cupping, buckling, and warping from becoming permanent. We can use specialized drying equipment that puts air through a mat. The mat then evenly distributes the air into the flooring material, speeding up the evaporation process.

If drying takes place and the floors still show signs of warping or cupping, then restoration work on the floor occurs. Hardwood floors can be restored by sanding off the floor's finish, then sanding down further so that cupping and warping get removed. Sanding can only begin once the moisture level inside the material has dropped to 12%. If the floor gets sanded before moisture levels are low enough, then cupping and warping can occur as the remainder of the moisture dries after sanding took place. In some cases, hardwood floors take a month or two to acclimate after getting wet and warping.

If sanding and refinishing has to occur on your store's hardwood floor, it often gets done a small section at a time so your shop can stay open. When sanding occurs, we mask off areas and build containment chambers so that the rest of your appliance store does not get coated with dust. If you ever need help with wet hardwood floors in your business, call SERVPRO of North Lilburn at (770) 709-3266 24/7.

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Older Appliances Can Allow Flood Damages To Your Pleasant Hill Home

4/27/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Tip--Mitigate Flooding Damage from Appliance Failure in Your Pleasant Hill Home by Calling Us

SERVPRO Says Prevent Flooding and Water Damage in Pleasant Hill Residents with Appliance Inspections and Maintenance

While there might always be the present threat of flooding to your home, you might focus on the external risks that your home faces. While it is wise to take precautionary measures with preventing water penetration from the outside, you had already brought in several potential flood sources when you purchased the appliances for your house.

While the appliances within your Pleasant Hill home are not all destined to create flood damages for you to overcome, they are not built to last forever. Parts degrade and wear down over time, offering instances in which the supply of water to these specific appliances like your washing machine and dishwasher continue to fill indefinitely. Within only a few minutes, you can have a high volume of water throughout the room.

While turning off the water supply to these respective appliances is a simple process, in many cases, the damage can be extensive and widespread at this point. When our SERVPRO team arrives at your home, we get to work quickly in assessing the full scope of the damages that you face and the best approach to restore these issues.

Extraction is an essential component of the water damage cleanup and restoration process, as this paves the way for drying efforts and assessment of structural damages. The extraction typically involves the use of portable pumps and wet-vacs, but with higher volumes of water to combat, we could also employ a pump truck from our SERVPRO fleet.

Drying the area is another critical component, and it needs to be a thorough process. Many pieces of equipment often play a role in the efforts, from high-strength air movers to industrial grade dehumidification machines. Without entirely removing the moisture in the area, your home becomes susceptible to mold and fungal growth.

While you might not look at your appliances and see the kind of damage that they can do when they malfunction, servicing them on a regular basis can help to prevent some of this possibility. If you find yourself facing flood damages inside of your home, trust the experienced team we have at SERVPRO of North Lilburn to help you clean up the mess. You can reach us anytime by calling (770) 709-3266.

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Lilburn's Mold Damage Restoration Theories Explained

4/21/2018 (Permalink)

Fungi requires an organic food source, moisture, and the ideal temperature to form and grow in your home.

SERVPRO is Here to Help Remediate Mold Damage Found in Your Home

There are many different problems that can cause a fungus to develop inside your Lilburn home. If water gets inside your building and you do not realize it, mold sometimes develops on organic materials inside your house. Sometimes slow water leaks drip small amounts of water onto an area for a long time creating the perfect environment for fungal growth.

Fungi need an organic food source, moisture, the ideal temperature, and time to grow and develop. SERVPRO's mold damage technicians in Lilburn study the behavior of mold to efficiently remediate issues caused by a fungus. Since mold can cause health effects with some people, many special precautions get taken so that the fungi do not spread across the home.

Most houses have a plethora of organic materials including drywall and wooden items. Many homes maintain a room temperature of around 70 degrees Fahrenheit which provides a perfect temperature for the growth of most types of mold. Any time moisture is allowed to sit inside a structure for over 48 hours; a fungus now has its desired environment to survive and spread.

Visible mold comes from microscopic spores that form first. Once spores receive the desired amount of moisture and food, they grow structures called hyphae that extend down into the affected material, out across the affected surface and up into the air so that it can let off more spores. The spores produced by a fungus easily become airborne and float around the home until air flows cause them to settle and produce mold in another area of the home.

When our SERVPRO technicians mitigate any issue with fungi, they take many measures to prevent mold spores from spreading throughout the building. Before any work gets completed inside the affected area, a containment chamber gets set up around the perimeter of the room. The containment chamber consists of thick plastic that traps any spores released into the air during the restoration process.

A containment chamber has an air scrubber attached to it that sucks air into a HEPA filter and prevents the mold from spreading into other areas that did not get affected. Any time you notice the presence of mold in your home, call SERVPRO of North Lilburn at (770) 709-3266.

Click here for more information on Lilburn, Georgia.

Fighting Flash Flood Damage In Your Lilburn Residence

4/10/2018 (Permalink)

When flooding occurs in your home, a fast reaction time can help you prevent irreparable damages and more costly repairs.

Fighting Flash Flood Damage

Many Lilburn homeowners are familiar with the possibility of severe weather systems that can roll in from the east coast and pick up speed as they hit land. This possibility puts the area in the line of several significant systems that can leave substantial damage in their wake. While these storms offer the concern of causing structural damages all on their own, the natural disasters that coincide with the heavy rainfall and oversaturated earth pose an even greater risk to homes in the area.

Flash flooding is something that every Lilburn homeowner should familiarize themselves with if they have not already fallen victim to flood damage in the past. While there might be little that you can do initially to prevent a flash flood from occurring, there are some precautionary measures that can get taken to ensure that your house can withstand the pressure of this external water attempting to get in.

Unfortunately, many people do not even realize that their home is at risk until the damage has already begun. Often the criminal in these cases is the foundation of your house, where mortar joints in the blockwork begin to degrade and weaken over time from the presence of external water in the ground. A small hole that you barely notice can allow significant water to pass through, not to mention this condition worsening as the flooding persists. Now is when SERVPRO comes in.

Our team of dedicated professionals can quickly identify the penetration points for flooding and seal up these spots with hydraulic cement, even if the water is still pouring through the gaps. Extraction of the affected area utilizes truck mounted pumps from the SERVPRO fleet along with portable pumps and wet vacs. Once the area is thoroughly dry using air movers and dehumidification equipment, we can assess any structural weaknesses that might require repair or removal.

When flooding occurs in your home, a fast reaction time can help you prevent irreparable damages and more costly repairs. You can always trust in our SERVPRO of North Lilburn team of professionals to help you clean up the mess and return your property to the way it used to be. Give us a call 24/7 at (770) 709-3266.

To learn more about the city of Lilburn click here.

Fire Damage Restoration Methods Used in Lilburn

3/30/2018 (Permalink)

Our SERVPRO team understands how smoke behaves and travels and which methods are best to restore your home.

SERVPRO’s Team Thoroughly Removes and Remediates Fire Damage in Your Home

Anytime a fire starts inside a building in Lilburn, heat, and smoke both possibly cause damage. The heat coming from the fire's flames many times burns materials or contents to the point where replacement is required. Smoke created by the blaze creates foul odors inside the structure and leaves behind soot residue.

When restoring the structure back to original conditions, multiple methods get used. SERVPRO's fire damage technicians in Lilburn know how smoke behaves inside a structure and which methods are best. Often, cleaning takes place instead of replacing or resurfacing materials to save your insurance company money.

A vital part of cleaning during any restoration job is deodorization. After the mitigation gets completed no more pungent odors should exist. Most foul aromas get eliminated when all affected materials and contents get removed or cleaned of all soot residue.

In other cases, burnt smells penetrate into porous materials and still exist after all soot has been cleaned. Deodorization is then the final step. There are a large number of chemicals that get applied in different methods that battle foul odors.

Sometimes specialized equipment gets used when applying deodorants. One way to apply deodorizing chemicals is to spray them onto affected surfaces. In many cases, chemicals get applied using a pump or electric hand sprayers. Many hand sprayers shoot chemicals out at pressure up to 50 psi.

In some situations when there is a dense amount of chemicals sprayed at one time, equipment is used to apply ventilation. Box fans sometimes get used to push out hazardous chemicals and create high-velocity air flow. Ventilation box fans generate airflow from 3,000 to 5,000 cubic feet of air per minute.

In other scenarios, ozone machines get used to pump unstable O3 particles into the air. The particles react with odor-causing molecules to oxide residues and remove odors. Ozone machines many times eliminate odors in contents and building materials after they received fire or smoke damage.

Various deodorant methods often get used to eliminate odors caused by different types of soot. For help removing soot and odors left behind by a fire, call SERVPRO of North Lilburn at any time of the day, any day of the week. (770) 709-3266

Click here for more on Lilburn.

Mold Damage Remediation Is Vital for Pleasant Hill Residents

3/22/2018 (Permalink)

Leaks Lead to Mold Damage in Pleasant Hill--Call SERVPRO for Remediation

SERVPRO Inspects, Remediates, and Makes Mold Problems a Thing of the Past

For mold damage to occur, the presence of moisture is a necessity. That means when materials made of wood products, ceiling tiles, wallpapers, some furnishings, and carpeting are moist, you should expect its growth. Though it is not possible to eliminate all mold spores from your Pleasant Hill property, it is vital to prevent it from growing and remove it when presen

Our SERVPRO technicians have the skills of assessing the level of mold damage in Pleasant Hill and develop an appropriate remediation plan. We start by performing a visual inspection, and during that time we identify possible mold problems and establish restoration strategies. The visual inspection involves checking out hidden places like behind wallboards, attics and crawl spaces. We also inspect wallpapers, baseboards, insulation, carpet padding and backing for any signs of mildew growth
It is also essential to check whether there is any dampness on your building's ventilation systems. We also pay attention to the system's overall cleanliness, check for mold growth on the fins/coils, insulation and filters. When detecting whether there is moisture in some materials, we use infrared cameras and moisture meters. To determine whether the source of water is active and if there is mold growth behind walls, we may use a borescope.
Our main aim during the remediation process is to clean or remove mold-damaged contents using procedures that protect the occupants and our SERVPRO IICRC certified AMRT team. When it is necessary to disturb the mold, we minimize the chances of migration and generation of mold and dust. We care for our safety and use respiratory protection and gloves as part of the personal protective equipment.
We perform HEPA-vacuuming or clean the work area using a detergent solution. As part of the remediation process, our SERVPRO technicians dry your property and might spot paint your walls using anti-microbial paints if it is necessary. We then ensure all the areas are free of debris, dust, and mold.
At SERVPRO of North Lilburn, We're Faster To Any Size Disaster whether it is water, storm, fire or mold-related damage. Call us at (770) 709-3266, and we can make your home appear "Like it never even happened."

Where is Pleasant Hill, GA? click

Lilburn Commercial Water Damage Process Explained

3/13/2018 (Permalink)

Lilburn High-Water Usage Businesses Rely on SERVPRO for Emergency Removal Services

SERVPRO Follows Protocols to Minimize Disruptions to Your Lilburn Business During Water Restoration

Sometimes plumbing malfunctions and water leaks inside a building. Your Lilburn, Georgia laundromat is susceptible to pipes breaking due to the increased number of water pipes inside the structure. Once pipes break, it is a possibility that water leaks all over the floor, possibly ruining building materials and contents inside your business, along with problems for customers' laundry.
Having a problem with water inside your place of business can cause a loss of revenue. SERVPRO's commercial water damage specialists in Lilburn are IICRC certified and have experience in mitigating problems with commercial properties. We know that taking a loss in revenue after a water leak can get costly.
Our cleanup and restoration crews always keep the operations of your business in mind. All of the water removal and drying procedures that take place get designed to affect your business' operations as little as possible. We can work with your insurance company through you when we come up with a mitigation plan.
Our priority is always to keep your laundromat safe for your employees and customers while work is in progress. During the extraction process, we take extraordinary measures so that we cause the smallest amount of negative impact on your customers as possible. After we extract as much water as we can, we start the drying process.
During drying, we set up air movers and dehumidifiers in a way that does not disrupt your business. Once moisture levels test the same as they were before the damage occurred, we come in and remove our equipment. Before we leave a job site, we complete a final cleaning and deodorizing of the structure.
When getting rid of foul odors, it is essential that the source of the smell gets removed. Pungent odors that get caused by water damage, possibly penetrate your customer's fabrics as they clean their laundry.
After the source of the smell gets removed, deodorant chemicals get used as a final step. Some deodorants are masking agents that cover up unpleasant odors with more pleasing aromas. Other chemicals work as pairing agents and attach to chemicals so that they get easily cleaned and removed.

If you want to fix your water issue without negatively affecting your business operations, call SERVPRO of North Lilburn at (770) 709-3266 for help 24/7.

For more about doing business in this small town click.

Basement Water Damage Should Not Be a Stressing Event for Lilburn Residents

2/26/2018 (Permalink)

Water damage in a finished on unfinished basement can cause damage to living space or items being stored. Contact SERVPRO for remediation.

SERVPRO Technicians Arrive Equipped to Remediate Water Damage Anywhere in Your Home

Water damage in your basement is likely to destroy furniture, carpeting, floors, and walls. If you fail to act quickly, then in no time mold starts to grow. Given that most of us store items in the basement, then there is more to worry about as a resident of Lilburn. The key to putting everything in order is to avoid panicking and following specific steps to remove the water and restore the area to its preloss state.
During water damage incidents in Lilburn, we advise you to work with our SERVPRO technicians. Immediately after we arrive at your property, we identify the source of the water and turn it off. We also observe certain safety precautions like switching off all power sources, as well as inspecting whether ceilings and floor are firm enough. When it is necessary, we perform minor demolitions to make the restoration process efficient and safe.
We then use pumps and water extractors to remove the water from the basement. Extractors are in two forms – truck-mounted and portable types. The ones that are easy to carry are helpful when we remove water from areas that have limited space. If we find out that your carpets and other contents absorbed so much water and are not salvageable, we discard them and recommend a replacement.
Our SERVPRO technicians can use a wet vacuum when removing damp debris and excess water as we prepare the area for drying. We then can set up fans and heaters to dry the basement, and when necessary, we may decide to make use of a HEPA-filtered vacuum when cleaning dry contents. Given that it has high filtration; it can collect fungal spores without dispersing any, and after that, we place them in sealable plastic bags.
We also use antibacterial cleaning agents to wash surfaces with the aim of preventing the growth of mold. To eliminate those bad smells, we perform deodorization to sterilize the sources of the odors. When the room's moisture content is so high, we perform dehumidification to return it to normal levels.
SERVPRO of North Lilburn is an industry leader in mold, fire, water and storm damage restoration. Call us at (770) 709-3266 at any time of the day for services you can trust.

For more information about the City of Lilburn, Georgia visit: https://www.cityoflilburn.com/

How to Act Before and After a Fire Damage Incident in Your Lilburn Property

2/20/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO is here to help restore your home after fire damage "Like it never even happened."

SERVPRO Offers Fast and Efficient Fire Damage Restoration

Fire damage incidents are destructive and frightening. What you have worked hard for can be entirely consumed in a matter of minutes. Despite their severity, there are still some Lilburn residents who underestimate house fires - particularly smaller fires. Irrespective of its size, you should expect more damage beyond the burning. As an example, windows, boilers, and pipes can burst after the incident leaving you with extensive damage.

Doing everything you can as a resident of Lilburn to avoid fire damage is so important. We know not everyone has the skills and experience to do so and therefore advise you to work with an IICRC certified company like SERVPRO. Our team can inspect your heating systems and chimneys for faults, and any mistakes that are likely to cause a fire. Why wait for a disaster when you can do something to prevent it in the first place?

Our main goal is to make your home habitable after the fire by using specialized equipment and procedures to do the restoration. Through deodorization, SERVPRO technicians clean the soot and sterilize areas to reduce the chances of mold growth. Our team wears the right protective gear because we understand the importance of observing safety precautions when working in hazardous situations.

Call professionals as soon as you can to mitigate the damage and ensure you salvage as many of your contents as possible. Remember, you should never ignore issues like mold and water damage. We can stop any water that is leaking from burst pipes, extract water from your property using truck-mounted or portable extractors, and do the cleaning. We also dry your property, perform deodorization, as well as dehumidification.

SERVPRO of North Lilburn is an experienced industry leader in storm, mold, fire and water damage restoration. Call us at (770) 709-3266 when you need immediate commercial and residential services.

Click here for more on the city of Lilburn.

The Importance Of Reducing Humidity During Mitigation Of Flood Damage In Lilburn Dwellings

2/15/2018 (Permalink)

After a flood in Lilburn, moisture becomes prevalent throughout the structure.

Mitigation Of Flood Damage

After a flood in Lilburn, moisture becomes prevalent throughout the structure. Saturation of many materials means persistently humid air becomes the new norm. However, these conditions can spell disastrous consequences for both the home and the contents inside.

Homeowners in Lilburn often notice flood damage brings intense increases in the humidity levels inside their home. After pumping out any standing water and drying out a majority of water-logged furnishings, humidity can still make its presence known. Making breathing more difficult, in addition to its ability to help microbes thrive, our certified technicians can reduce the moisture in the air back to reasonable amounts.

While it may seem as if the work required to make your home "Like it never even happened." might remain ongoing forever, each step we take fulfills a different requirement. Flooding forces many different problems onto the homes impacted by such events. Flooding, able to happen from both invasive water traveling over the ground and also from rain and snow coming in through a damaged roof, can damage any part of your home it comes into contact with, and also any area susceptible to damage from moisture. Because of this, we take the presence of elevated moisture seriously.

To combat it efficiently, we use different kinds of equipment. We use moisture readers to determine the exact amount of moisture. Walls might seem dry to the touch while still retaining water. This moisture slowly evaporates into the air and then moves around your home. Water does not disappear into nothingness. Just like in the outside world, water constantly and continually moves from one area to another one.

To remove the moisture, desiccant machines and dehumidifiers work quite well. These can remove significant amounts of hidden moisture that, if left in the home, can damage belongings and cause problems for months or even years. To help make sure we captured all unwanted moisture, we use thermal imaging devices that detect changes in walls and other surfaces.

SERVPRO of North Lilburn hires professionals dedicated to helping other people residing in our community. Certified by the IICRC, our technicians and specialists gain experience that complements their extensive training. We can help your family recover after both large and small flood damage events. Our 24-hour service number, (770) 709-3266, is answered 365 days a year, ensuring you can always reach us.

Visit https://www.cityoflilburn.com/ for more about Lilburn.

Commercial Water Damage In Your Lilburn Market From Burst Pipes

1/29/2018 (Permalink)

We also take steps to prevent the growth of mildew and mold.

Commercial Water Damage

You can experience a flood suddenly in your Lilburn market from pipes which are broken. If not dealt with quickly and accurately, the damage can create a significant interruption to operations and services. It can even create mold growth and pose a severe threat to the building itself and the contents inside. The result can be repairs and replacement which are very costly.

An immediate response is the key to commercial water damage in your Lilburn business. SERVPRO can quickly help you get your business back up and running. Our crew is professionally trained to handle all kinds of water damage and to do it in a timely fashion.

Our first job is to get to your business quickly and immediately begin the assessment. We can work directly with your insurance adjuster to determine the cost of water mitigation. We perform a total assessment and give you a line item cost estimate which details all the materials and labor that are necessary to entirely restore your commercial property.

We then begin water extraction procedures right away. We have water pumps and water extractors to remove any standing water, plus dehumidifiers, industrial fans and air-movers to complete the drying process. We ensure that the entire affected area is dry including walls, floors, ceilings, and carpeting.

We also take steps to prevent the growth of mildew and mold. The entire area is disinfected with special microbial cleaners. Any machinery, furniture, personal belongings, and other movable items which were damaged by the water are taken to an offsite location for thorough cleaning. They are taken apart if necessary, dried, cleaned, and then put back together in top running order. Our goal is always to restore when we can rather than replace.

If needed, we work with contractors to restore any damaged walls, flooring, paint, woodwork, ceilings, and other interior and exterior structural elements.

SERVPRO of North Lilburn wants to make sure your business in Lilburn, Pleasant Hill, and the surrounding areas can be up and running again as quickly as possible after a water damage emergency. Get in touch with us at (770) 709-3266 as soon as you realize there is a problem.

Click here for more about Lilburn.

Lilburn's Flood Damage Services

1/26/2018 (Permalink)

At SERVPRO of North Lilburn, we say no to storm damage!

Are You Familiar With SERVPRO's Flood Damage Services in Lilburn?

In the past year or so, storms have been striking all over the country. When a storm blows into Lilburn, you might as well plan on the area receiving powerful winds and tons of moisture. Every type of storm brings about the deadly combination of intense winds and rain.

Whether it is a hurricane, tornado, or extreme thunderstorm, properties are at risk of damage from the excessive wind and rain they cause. If a storm blows through your neighborhood and you think your house was damaged, call SERVPRO's flood damage crew in Lilburn. There are several ways a violent storm can cause damage to your house.

Many times a severe storm causes flooding. When the streets get flooded, water can get into your home. If your house gets flooded, immediate attention from a professional company like SERVPRO is essential.

Even if flooding does not exist, a vicious storm can still ruin parts of your home. For example, high-speed winds can cause airborne objects to fly into your home and damage things. If a rock hits your window and breaks it, in many cases, more damage happens other than the broken window. It is a possibility that if a window breaks, rainwater ends up pouring into your home.

Depending on how long the rain pours into the broken window, the water can damage some things inside your home. Whenever dealing with rainwater inside a structure, specialized procedures are taken. Since the water affecting your house is coming from the outside, it is considered grey water or category two water damage scenario. Many times when "grey water" gets inside a dwelling, porous materials such as carpet and drywall get ruined.

Many times when rainwater soaks into carpet and drywall, drying does not save the materials. In this situation, our water damage specialists remove the carpet, pad, and drywall stripping the area down to studs and floorboards. After those materials get removed, the area gets dried so that moisture levels in the wood are low enough so that mold does not grow. Once dry, the area gets sprayed with an industry-specific chemical, then coated with a sealant paint.

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

Any damage due to rainwater must be taken seriously. If a storm causes rainwater to get into your home call SERVPRO of North Lilburn at (770) 709-3266, for 24/7 assistance.

For more information regarding Lilburn, click here

Fire Damage In Your Lilburn Residence From Your Microwave Oven

1/16/2018 (Permalink)

Microwave fires can quickly cause a great deal of fire damage in your Lilburn kitchen.

Fire Damage From Your Microwave Oven

Every day, microwave ovens are used in Lilburn and can be convenient for heating many different foods quickly when used safely. If you are not careful about microwave safety, however, these appliances can become a potential fire hazard. Using only the microwave-safe utensils, not leaving your oven unattended while making popcorn, and refraining from using any dishes that contain metal helps to keep you safe and your microwave is working correctly.

Microwave fires can quickly cause a great deal of fire damage in your Lilburn kitchen. Smoke, soot, and water damage can continue to do damage to your home after the fire are out, so it is essential that you contact our professionals at SERVPRO as soon as possible. We can stop further damage from occurring and repair your home in a timely manner.

We perform various restoration services after a fire. The purpose of mitigation is to secure your home and stop further damage. It can include boarding up openings to secure your structure and establishing a temporary source of electricity. We also need to perform emergency drying services to stop secondary water damage from firefighting efforts.

Our techs remove residues from smoke and deodorize odors residues put out. SERVPRO keeps you informed as to what we can clean and what we cannot. Anything that does not respond to cleaning requires repair or replacement.

Your personal property has to be cleaned of smoke residues as well. Sometimes, contents can be cleaned on site, while other times we pack up anything that is salvageable and move it to a different location for cleaning and storage. We usually subcontract specific jobs such as dry cleaning of clothing, cleaning of electronics, furniture refinishing, and cleaning of any expensive artwork.

In some situations, structural components could be damaged beyond the point of being restorable. The work of reconstructing and repairing could require additional skills, so that is when we work with a licensed general contractor to get your home back to preloss condition.

SERVPRO of North Lilburn works with you to get your home in Pleasant Hill, Lilburn, and the surrounding areas back in order, whether that means we can do all the work ourselves, or we need the assistance of other professionals. Call us as soon as you can at (770) 709-3266 for assistance in cleaning up after a fire.

Visit https://www.cityoflilburn.com/ for more about Lilburn.

Water Damage from Toilet Overflow in Your Pleasant Hill Home

1/5/2018 (Permalink)

When facing the aftermath of an overflowing toilet, your best bet is to call our water damage restoration team at SERVPRO. Call right away.

SERVPRO Technicians Safely Deal With Possible Biohazard Containing Water Which Has Flooded Your Home

Of all the things that you have to worry about as a homeowner in Pleasant Hill, one of the worst is toilet overflows. Water intrusion in your home is bad enough, weakening wood, triggering the growth of mold, ruining carpets, and corroding metals. However, when the water is very unsanitary, the risks increase, and the damage potential is even higher.
If you are experiencing water flooding and water damage from your toilet, you need to contact our skilled workers at SERVPRO right away. We go beyond just removing the water from your Pleasant Hill home and shutting down the water flow at its source. We also provide complete overflow cleanup and restoration to get your home back to its state before the damage occurred.
Since a toilet overflow can mean sewer water, we are dealing with biohazards. Many of these are invisible to the naked eye and can be seen only through a microscope. Almost all biohazards can harm you if you are exposed to significant amounts of them.
SERVPRO techs realize that any water damage could have organisms which create a health threat to you and your family and our workers. Even when the water is clean, it can pose a problem if it has been left in the home for too long a time.
Excessive moisture and water make for an excellent environment for the growth of fungi, bacteria, and viruses. We treat sewage water as highly infectious waste material. They can contain a variety of infectious diseases, plus sewage can also emit methane gas and other sewer gasses that are harmful to breathe in. We follow all the proper safety precautions when dealing with these types of environments, and wear protective clothing and gear to prevent us from being harmed in any way while working to get your home safe for you and your family again. Such gear includes splash goggles, gloves, respirators, boots, and full body suits.
SERVPRO of North Lilburn takes safety seriously when working on any job. You can rest assured when you call us at (770) 709-3266 to help you clean up your home in Pleasant Hill, Lilburn, and the surrounding areas, that we do a job not only skillfully and thoroughly, but safely as well.

For more information regarding the town of Pleasant Hill, click here.

Quick Thinking and Efficient Commercial Water Removal Can Save Your Pleasant Hill Bar

12/22/2017 (Permalink)

Set up a plan with SERVPRO to recover from water damage at your restaurant or bar after an incident. Quick response is key to reducing downtime.

SERVPRO Technicians Arrive Equipped and Skilled to Dry Out Your Property

Accidental water damage can catch you off guard if you do not have a plan. Restaurants and bars are especially vulnerable to water damage, and when it inevitably happens, you need to act quickly and call in the professionals to get the damage under control.

SERVPRO offers quick and efficient commercial water removal services for your Pleasant Hill bar that you can count on at the time of your need. We have a team of IICRC certified technicians who have years of experience in managing any size disaster. That said, we have the best chance to help you restore your bar if you act quickly and call us as soon as possible. Here are some of the things you should do as soon as your establishment is hit with a water damage incident. 

  • Act fast

Immediate action is the key to minimize water damage. Pooled water can cause permanent damage to your furniture and other moisture sensitive things. So, the first thing to do is to call a professional water removing service that can get the water out as fast as possible. If the leaked water is not promptly removed, the situation can get worse, fast. SERVPRO technicians use equipment such as water extractors, pumps, and dehumidifiers to not only remove standing water but also any residual moisture. Our priority is to save and restore as much of your belongings as we can.  

  • Choose the right commercial water removal company

Choosing the right water removal company is as important as a quick action, if not more. You need a company that has enough experience in dealing with similar events, professional staff and IICRC certified technicians. With SERVPRO you get a professional water removal service that has a qualified staff, years of experience and expertise to get your bar up and running in no time.

Call SERVPRO of North Lilburn at (770) 709-3266 today to speak to one of our expert technicians. Remember, We are Faster To Any Size Disaster!

For more information regarding Pleasant Hill, click here.

The Truth About DIY Mold Damage Removal In Your Pleasant Hill Residence

11/21/2017 (Permalink)

At the first sign of mold in your Pleasant Hill home, you should be thinking about removal.

Mold Damage Removal

At the first sign of mold in your Pleasant Hill home, you should be thinking about removal. While it is no secret that the presence of mold can cause health effects, this is not something that is worth gambling on. Too often people are led to the misunderstanding that the presence of this fungus is removed easily through DIY methods you can discover with some quick research on the internet, but this just is not true.

There is a reason that mold damage to your Pleasant Hill home is nothing to do by yourself. Airborne spores can severely affect those in the area, agitated further by improper removal techniques. This real threat is why professionals like the Applied Microbial Remediation Technicians we employ are IICRC Certified. This certification ensures that each of our technicians is educated in all types of mold and the appropriate means of restoring the affected area.

The problem with attempting to remedy the problem yourself is three-fold. The first of these issues is the lack of knowledge about the best treatment plans for different variations of mold colonies on specific surfaces around your home. Not only could your internet researched method become more volatile and hazardous, but it also might not do anything at all.

The second branch of this to consider is the common misconception that eliminating the mold that you can see is eliminating the problem. The entire organism or hyphae can penetrate deep into the organic materials and surfaces that the colonies are growing on. While your plan could have removed some of the surface molds, it did not remove the entire colony that was thriving there.

The last consideration (and one that SERVPRO technicians hold as a principal element in mold remediation) is removing the moisture that allows mold to grow and thrive. Without this moisture being present, the mold spores that naturally occur in the air we breathe cannot seat themselves and grow into colonies in the first place.

You do not have to handle mold in your home alone. Our trained and certified team can remove the problem quickly and efficiently. Give SERVPRO of North Lilburn a call at (770) 709-3266.

For more about the city of Pleasant Hill click here.

Removing Residues After Fire Damage in Your Catering Kitchen in Pleasant Hill

11/15/2017 (Permalink)

Pleasant Hill Commercial Kitchen Fires Get Cleanup from SERVPRO

SERVPRO Utilizes Methodologies and Products for Successful Post-Fire Cleanups to Businesses

When you own a professional catering kitchen, the number one hazard to your business is fire. It only takes one little spark to begin a fire which could result in a costly and even business-ending disaster. Excessive grease accumulation, poor housekeeping, or malfunctioning equipment are among the most common fire hazards for your Pleasant Hill kitchen.
A busy catering kitchen has so much going on at one time, and sometimes even when you are very careful in keeping your business running correctly, disaster strikes. When a fire has caused fire damage in Pleasant Hill, even if it was small, it puts a stop to your operations. You need help to get up and running again as soon as possible from the professional staff at SERVPRO, who act fast to come and help you with their expert equipment and knowledge.
When we are restoring smoke-damaged materials in your business, our goal is restoration to their preloss condition. We apply basic principles of cleaning to accomplish this.
First, we identify smoke residues by carefully inspecting your kitchen. We start near the source of the fire, and then we trace how far the smoke moved through the structure. We locate the different kinds of smoke residues next, as different ones can exist in the same environment. We select a cleaning method which effectively removes the kinds of residues present. Oily coatings need specific detergents to reduce the chances of smearing and staining.
SERVPRO techs identify the kind of surface next to figure out which cleaning methods and products are safe to use. We must be careful to preserve the surface or material being cleaned, and some materials might not be restorable since they cannot withstand the process of cleaning. Especially, softer, porous materials.
We then capture and remove residues. Smoke residues bond with the surfaces they come into contact with. We use dry and wet cleaning processes to release and carry residue particles away from the surface that is affected. Lastly, we dispose of the residues and cleaning waste properly.
At SERVPRO of North Lilburn, we understand how important it is to get your business up and running again as soon as possible. When you have an enterprise that experienced a fire in Pleasant Hill, Lilburn or the surrounding areas, call us right away at (770) 709-3266.

Interesting Landmarks click here.

After the Flood: Restoring Flood Damages To Your Lilburn Home

11/7/2017 (Permalink)

Floods in Lilburn Get Help with Water Removal and Cleanup from SERVPRO

SERVPRO Stands Ready for Removal of Water and Cleanup After Storms

Flooding is not an event that allows everyone to be prepared. While some people might be able to realize that they are in an area that is more prone to such natural disasters, sometimes it can affect those that exceed far beyond the average floodplains of Georgia. Flood damage is as devastating to your home as nearly any other emergency situation, and restoring your property can be almost impossible to do on your own.
Flood damages in Lilburn might be a frequent discussion in recent months, but it had not always been a looming threat for the residents here. With the recent devastation that Hurricane Irma caused to the Southeastern United States, Lilburn and other cities and towns far from the coastline were at the mercy of unforgiving storming and high volumes of water. That is when many of the townspeople reached out to our experienced SERVPRO team for their expertise in water removal and home restorations.
At any hour of any day, we at SERVPRO are prepared for the kind of natural disasters like Hurricane Irma that wreaked havoc across several states in its path. This is not just a company policy to be ready at a moment’s notice for those that need our services; it is a promise to those that ever need our experienced team that we can be there.
Our state of the art equipment for removing water can help to alleviate the threat of a problem getting any worse quickly. Depending on the severity of the affected area, we have portable submersible pumps, portable high-powered gas pumps, tanker trucks to suck out water and completely remove it from the area, and wet vacs that can do a more intricate and condensed removal of water.
The next step is to formulate a plan to restore the damage that has been done to your home and to help you to prevent the same kind of problem from happening again in the future. This involves assessing where water was able to access your house, and helping you to devise a more efficient system of diverting water away before another disaster could occur.
If you need us at SERVPRO of North Lilburn, you can call anytime at (770) 709-3266. While you cannot always stop disasters from happening, our crews can always be there for you.

More information about this city by clicking here.

Why Mold Damage Affects Homes in Pleasant Hill

10/25/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO recommends cleaning with a damp cloth rather than a feather duster to prevent spores and other particles from getting into the air.

SERVPRO Technicians Remediate Mold Damage and Take Steps to Prevent Future Mold Growth

Challenging homeowners for millennia, mold grows everywhere and on almost everything. Even if the surface contains non-organic materials, dust that collects there can hold the nutrients microbes require. Housecleaning with a feather duster can spread microbial infestations in your Pleasant Hill residence. Wiping with a soft, damp cloth instead can clean without sending spores and other particles into the air.

When conditions become relatively dry in Pleasant Hill, mold damage might not seem possible. However, because mold often grows on porous surfaces more often than on non-porous ones, the very material infested can continue providing the water required for continued growth.

Carpeting collects a significant amount of debris no matter how clean you keep your home. This debris often contains organic matter that mold and other microbes thrive on, creating the perfect environment for them. Wooden sub-flooring can also end up on the dinner menu for microbes, leading to weak areas and depressions.

Drywall, wooden moldings, and other trims can become infested with microbial activity when elevated moisture in a home becomes an ongoing phenomenon. Because microbes require not only food, an ever-present item in any house, we start to control the problem of mold damage by eliminating any water sources.

We quickly find these sources through thermographic sensors and hygrometers. Both detect the presence of water. Sources vary greatly from one home to another. The water in your residence can come from the ground under crawlspaces, foundation cracks, leaky pipes or drains, drips under counters, or a faulty roof. Gutters that contain debris from trees can also create a damper than normal environment. We find the places where the water comes from and then stop it from continuing.

The IICRC-certified professionals at SERVPRO remain equally dedicated to providing thorough mold remediation. Tearing away severely damaged carpeting can create a dust storm inside your home. Having tarps and plastic sheeting already in place prevents this from becoming a problem in other areas of your home. Likewise, drywall can also pose risks to uncontaminated areas.

To prevent loosened spores from affecting your home in the future, we cut carpeting into smaller pieces so they can comfortably fit into plastic bags. We treat mold infested drywall similarly. After bagging, we carry these items out of your home. We dispose of these bags according to local guidelines. However, to ensure that even if some spores do escape, they do not get too far into other areas of your home. We place air scrubbers in strategic locations, so any loose particles, spores, or microbes quickly become trapped.

The friendly professionals at SERVPRO of North Lilburn can help you with remediation of any mold damage found inside your home. Contact us at (770) 709-3266 so we can begin the process and restore your property to a healthy, clean home.

For more information about Lilburn visit http://www.cityoflilburn.com/.

Restoring Commercial Water Damage in Pleasant Hill

10/16/2017 (Permalink)

Broken Water Heaters and Leaky Plumbing Can Close Pleasant Hill Businesses

Experience and Skill from SERVPRO Help Mitigate Water Cleanup and Reopens the Doors Faster

Although Pleasant Hill avoided the recent storm, for the most part, that does not stop disasters which can close a business for a few days or longer. In most cases, these come from conventional sources like a malfunctioning microwave or a pipe failing in an older plumbing system.
Pleasant Hill commercial water damage also affects more than just a single business and its owner. Every day it is shut down, the owner of a clothing store cannot generate the income needed for payroll and to cover the bills, while expenses such as rent still add up. SERVPRO knows that every disaster has to be dealt with quickly so owners and employees can return to their pre-disaster lives.
We start by stopping the source of the damage and removing standing water. It is usually just a matter of minutes to determine the location of a leak and then turn off the water line leading into the structure. The response team divides into two groups at this point. One or two members replace the broken valve, pipe, or split hose while the others start to draw out water off floors and carpets using pumps and water extraction wands.
As each group completes its work, the emphasis moves to drying out the structure. To do this, SERVPRO technicians set-up dehumidifiers to draw water from the air, clothing inventory, and even the walls themselves. To increase the effectiveness, they also use exhaust fans to force damp air outside the building using warm, dry air generated by air movers.
If the cause is an activated or faulty sprinkler system, we bring in additional racks to hang inventory around the business and set-up additional fans and air movers to dry the property. If the items are not damaged using a dryer, we can bring one to the site if space allows, or take the items to our offices and dry them there.
Getting your doors open soon after a disaster is necessary to keep them open long term. With decades of experience, SERVPRO of North Lilburn does it quickly while also providing a dry, safe environment for everyone. If you have questions about what we can do for you or have a problem now, call us at (770) 709-3266 today.

More information on the Pleasant Hill area click here.

How Moisture Causes Water Damage in Pleasant Hill Attics

10/14/2017 (Permalink)

Moisture in your attic can lead to bigger problems such as water and mold damage. Call SERVPRO today to have your attic inspected.

SERVPRO Can Inspect and Repair Your Attic for Water and Mold Damage

While most people in Pleasant Hill use the attic for storage only, the space can also become an environmental pressure cooker as it accommodates moisture, heat, and cold simultaneously. Inspecting its condition can alarm you of damaging water problems that need correction. Most water damage in the attic occurs as a result of ignoring telltale signs.

If you detect any signs of water damage in your home, contact SERVPRO immediately. We have a team of highly skilled water damage restoration experts within Pleasant Hill who can arrive at your home in no time. Following IICRC guidelines, we can control the problem and return your home to preloss conditions quickly and efficiently, "Like it never even happened."

Every house generates moisture in the living areas, which can move into the attic. The moisture can condense on various surfaces if the attic fails to disperse it. Moisture may originate from non-vented kerosene or gas heaters, inadequately vented bathrooms, a un-vented clothes dryer, green firewood stored inside, humidifiers, or ground moisture from the crawlspace. It can find its way into the attic through the chimney, plumbing vents, fans, or unsealed openings around your lights.

Warm, moist air can cause various types of impairment that, if ignored, can cause water damage to your attic. For instance, when warm air reaches a snow-covered roof, it can cause the snow to melt and flow to the colder side of the roof. Here, it forms ice dams or icicles that allow snow to melt and penetrate the interior of your home.

After assessing the damage, SERVPRO technicians can treat any mold infestations in the interior of your attic. Apart from being unsightly, mold growth can cause health effects and can transfer into living areas. Excess water in the attic also promotes wood rot on internal structures, including roof sheathing. The rot, in turn, causes premature failure of your roof that can lead to costly repairs.

The attic is an important part of your home that is uniquely susceptible to water and mold damage. If you suspect the presence of water damage in this space, SERVPRO of North Lilburn is here to help. Our resources are at your disposal, and our technicians are available 24/7, every day of the year. Call us today at (770) 709-3266.  

To learn more about Lilburn, click here.

Preventing Fire Damage from the Toaster in Your Lilburn Kitchen

9/27/2017 (Permalink)

When crumbs accumulate in the bottom of your toaster, they can easily catch fire during normal operation.

Steps for Fire Damage Restoration

Given the right circumstances, almost any electrical appliance in your home in Lilburn can become a fire hazard. Electric toasters are being included in this category more and more lately. Toasters have existed almost as long as electricity. They are naturally fire hazards because of the heat they produce. After all, they are made to generate enough heat with electricity to brown slices of bread put into the slots. If the electric elements which generate heat do not turn off as they are supposed to, the bread can burn and cause a fire.

After bread is toasted, it is more fragile and produces crumbs which many times fall into the appliance. When these crumbs are left to accumulate, they can catch fire easily during normal operation of the toaster and can cause fire damage in your Lilburn home quickly.

It is best to reach out to our technicians at SERVPRO after a fire in your home. We are an experienced fire damage remediation company, and we know that time is of the essence once the damage has been done so that more damage does not occur from soot and smoke.

After assessing the fire damage, our technicians look at four fundamental elements that are needed to suspend residues left by the fire so we can remove them.

Temperature is the first, as heat increases the speed of chemical reactions in cleaning products. We choose an appropriate temperature depending on the solution and the material we are cleaning.

We also agitate surfaces by using brushes, towels, air and water pressure, and sonic vibrations in ultrasonic machines. Agitation dislodges the residues from surfaces and spreads the cleaning products over them.

Our SERVPRO staff also choose the right cleaning product according to the action we desire, which includes emulsifying, dissolving, oxidizing, bleaching, digesting or changing pH. The professional cleaning products work by various chemical reactions, so the appropriate one needs to be chosen. Also, the time which is necessary to thoroughly clean and deodorize your home depends on the types of residues present and the products used.

You can trust SERVPRO of North Lilburn to take care of your home after a toaster fire properly. Residents in the areas of Pleasant Hill or Lilburn can reach us at any time by dialing (770) 709-3266.

For more information about Lilburn, click here.

Preventing Water Damage From Your AC Condensation Line in Your Pleasant Hill Home

9/17/2017 (Permalink)

A/C Clogged Lines Often Cause water Damage in Pleasant Hill Properties

SERVPRO Offers Options for Drying and Removing Water from Your Home

Water damage from your air conditioning condensation line springing a leak is more common than most people think. These types of leaks in Pleasant Hill can be quite devastating since they go unnoticed, mainly because they are inside walls and situated in low traffic areas.

The dark space and high humidity around the AC lines in an HVAC system can make them susceptible to the growth of mold. However, water damage to your Pleasant Hill property usually occurs first.

The most important thing in preventing A/C condensation line leaks is inspecting your system on a regular basis, as even a bit of condensation is a sign you could have a problem. When your unit does cause water damage in your home, SERVPRO is the one to call in for help. We are professionally trained and certified to repair and clean up the water damage so that your home is dry and safe again.
Make sure that there are proper AC condensation line pitch and lower elbow connection angles. It is ideal to have your AC line run as straight as possible, with a drop of 1/8 inch per every twelve inches of length. Get rid of any elbow connections with 90-degree angles and use 45-degree elbow connections when you can.
While you are running your AC, look at the opening of the condensation line to ensure you see water flowing to the drain. How much water you see depends on the humidity level in your home.
Clean the line every three to six months. An easy way to do so is using a nylon string and a bit of cotton rag. A shop vacuum can pull the string out on the exit side, and then you can tie a small piece of rag to the other end and pull it through. Doing so brings all the debris in the line out. SERVPRO can also offer a duct cleaning service to ensure your indoor air quality is at a high level.
If you have any problems with a leaking AC unit, SERVPRO is always standing by to help you clean up the damage. We have industrial strength pumps, dehumidifiers and fans to get your home dry again in a short time.
SERVPRO of North Lilburn knows what to do in a water damage emergency from your AC condensation line leaking. You can reach us anytime you need when you live in the areas of Pleasant Hill and Lilburn by dialing (770) 709-3266.

Directions for this area click here.

Why Drying is Vital for Mold Damage Remediation in Pleasant Hill

9/6/2017 (Permalink)

At SERVPRO, we thoroughly dry behind and underneath cabinets to prevent mold from regrowth.

Proper Drying Reduces the Risk of Mold Returning in Your Home

Mold damage is a headache for any homeowner. Those tell-tale black or green spores and unpleasant musty smell make your home much less pleasant. Naturally, you want to deal with mold growth as quickly as you can. SERVPRO knows that swift action is key to successful remediation, which is why we recommend taking action as soon as you can.

Your first step is calling SERVPRO. Our IICRC-certified remediation experts are on hand to deal with any mold damage problem in Pleasant Hill. Our team arrives equipped with everything needed to clean away the fungus and restore your home.

However, cleaning is just one stage of the remediation process. Drying is a vital element of mold damage cleanup and is key to successful remediation.

Why is drying so necessary? Drying is essential because the fungus needs moisture to grow. If you clean away the visible mold but do not tackle the underlying moisture, there is a much greater chance of fungal regrowth, which is something no homeowner wants.

Our remediation experts assess the moisture levels in the area where the mold has grown. The next step is to dry both the area and the items in it. For example, we tent couch cushions and prop up mattresses so we can dry under and around them. If you have mold in a bathroom or kitchen cabinet, we dry under and behind the cabinet, so no hidden pockets of moisture are left behind.

We use a combination of dehumidifiers, air movers, and box fans to achieve our drying goal. We train our teams to position dehumidifiers and air movers in just the right numbers and configuration to achieve optimum results. We also test moisture levels regularly throughout the drying process to ensure we reach the goal. We test under floors, inside walls, or behind furniture if necessary to make sure everything is dry.

Thorough drying reduces the risk of mold regrowth. For help with mold in Lilburn, Pleasant Hill, and surrounding areas, call SERVPRO of North Lilburn at (770) 709-3266 for help.

Click here for more information about Lilburn, Georgia.

Where Water Might Be Lurking In Your Pleasant Hill Home

8/19/2017 (Permalink)

It is best to address water damage quickly.

Where Water Might Be Lurking

Long after the most obvious water damage has been cleaned up and restored, there may still be some amount of dampness trapped in hidden places throughout your home. These are difficult to detect, and typically it is only after mold damage has formed, or structural collapse has occurred that SERVPRO is called in. When we restore water damage, we use thermal detectors to help find and eliminate these pockets of water before they can cause you any further trouble.

Water Trapped Below The Floor
The most common place for Pleasant Hill water damage to become trapped is beneath flooring materials. Standing water creates pressure on these materials, and unless they are fully waterproofed, water inevitably seeps into the spaces below. All types of flooring are at risk, from wood to tile to concrete. It is best to address this problem quickly; if left for too long, this water can cause permanent damage to the floor and necessitate costly replacements.

Water Trapped In Walls
Behind your walls is a space not ever meant to dampen or take on water. Here, exposed wood and building materials are very susceptible to leaks and spills that work their way into the tight, enclosed spaces you never see. This is one of the most common places SERVPRO technicians find long-term mold damage, as mold spores thrive with a source of moisture and ample food sources.

In Furniture And Belongings
While we are careful to address all belongings individually and apply care as needed, others in the industry are not so thorough. Even if the structure of your home has been fully and adequately cleared of water damage, your belongings may have been forgotten. We have specialized treatments and contractors for all varieties of objects in your home, so everything you own should receive careful and expert attention should it take on water.

SERVPRO of North Lilburn has helped residents to clean up and recover from home damages for years. Give us a call 24/7 at (770) 709-3266.

Click here for more about Georgia.

An Unknown Rodent Infestation can Cause Fire Damage in a Lilburn Residence

8/7/2017 (Permalink)

Electrical fires caused by rodents in the wall can be overwhelming. Call SERVPRO to remediate the damage quickly and rewire the electric.

SERVPRO Technicians Expertly Remediate Fire Damage Regardless of the Cause

Wild rodents are voracious and unwanted houseguests. They destroy the materials homes are made of as they make their bedding. Everything from drywall to insulation to clothing to wiring is fair game in a rodent's mind.
Lilburn homes may have rodents living in the attic and other seemingly closed-off spaces that are rarely seen by human inhabitants, and the presence of these undesired rodents can lead to fire damage. These animals, including raccoons, are often smart enough to avoid detection by only gnawing on those materials enclosed behind drywall or paneling.
What both mice and raccoons alike do, however, is gnaw on wiring, leaving wires bare and exposed to shredded insulation, stolen clothing, paper and other items. Much of what rodents view as great bedding choices are also the same ones that can easily ignite.
When you have a fire, the fire department sends highly qualified firefighters to battle the blaze that is destroying your home. Once the fire is out, your home needs professionals who are also trained and skilled in restoring the fire damage so your family can again live in a safe and secure setting that is completely their own.
We at SERVPRO have the qualified individuals who can get everything required by code authorities completed for you. We also understand that the tragedy and trauma of a fire, coupled with having to live with friends or family, can threaten to destroy more than the structural aspects of a home. We aim to finish each restoration and recovery from disaster as quickly as we possibly can without taking any shortcuts that could result in less-than-perfect results.
When a destructive fire begins in the wiring, on the surface, the cause may seem unknown until fire investigators complete their assessment of the situation. When the official cause shows that rodents have played a hand in causing a fire, this knowledge can help bring some relief in that none of the blame rests on any particular individual.
Experiencing a house fire can create intense stress and strain within any family, and this can continue until things are once again “Like it never even happened.” This is why the dedicated professionals at SERVPRO of North Lilburn restore family homes ruined by fire damage. Whenever this catastrophic nightmare becomes a reality for your family, call us, day or night, at (770) 709-3266. We can make it right again.

For more information regarding Lilburn, click here

Flood Damage in Your Pleasant Hill Kitchen

7/24/2017 (Permalink)

Standing water on your kitchen floor can cause irreparable damage to the flooring, and we may need to replace it if it is beyond repair.

When Flood Disasters Strike, SERVPRO Will Be There to Help

If you have ever had a flood in your kitchen, you know the extent of the disaster which happens, with water covering the surfaces of your entire kitchen. From the countertop to the cabinets, and electrical appliances to the flooring, your kitchen looks like quite a different picture when it has flooded. It is a challenging task to dry up a flooding kitchen and restore it to its former condition, which is why you need the professional help of SERVPRO, a flood damage remediation company.

Flood damage in your Pleasant Hill kitchen can happen for many reasons, ranging from a clogged drain pipe or sink to a leaking water pipe. A dishwasher which is not functioning properly in your Pleasant Hill home can result in a flooded kitchen as well, making water flow all over your kitchen floor.

A flood in your kitchen causes severe damage to different appliances and fixtures in the room. Various electrical appliances used in your kitchen can suffer damage and may not function properly if they are drenched in water. Sometimes, you may have to replace them.

Your countertops can flood easily, and water can seep into any cracks, and accumulate underneath, loosening any adhesive materials keeping the countertop in place. You may not see any changes, but water erodes the countertop material consistently until it gets dried up. The interior and surface of your cabinets can rot if the water is left, and develop mold as well. Our technicians at SERVPRO help you with this, getting every area of your kitchen dried back out with our special tools and knowledge. Plus, if there is any mold, we clean that up as well.

Standing water on your kitchen floor can cause irreparable damage to the flooring, and we may need to replace it if it is beyond repair. However, anything that is salvageable we dry out and repair.

If your kitchen does flood, open any windows that you can and switch off and remove any electrical appliances if it is safe to do so while you wait for our staff to arrive.

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

SERVPRO of North Lilburn is ready to help you with your flooded kitchen at any time you need. Just give us a call at (770) 709-3266 so we can help you get your kitchen dried back out and back to its usual condition as soon as possible.

For more information regarding the city of Lilburn, click here.

Check Your Insurance Policy Regarding Mold Damage to Your Pleasant Hill Home

7/16/2017 (Permalink)

Review what you are covered for under your insurance policy yearly so there are no surprises after damage. Check that you are covered for mold.

Prevent Mold by Taking SERVPRO Suggested Measures to Control Moisture Conditions in Your Home

Mold growth in the home frequently pops up on news stories and blogs, and householders are rightfully warned to be careful of the fungus which can cause damage to your home and belongings, and might even cause health effects.
Unfortunately, many homes are at risk of mold damage, including your Pleasant Hill home. Mold likes to grow wherever there are damp conditions and a suitable food, organic material food sources such as wood, drywall or cloth. In reality, this means that basements, showers, and laundry rooms are all prime places for mold to set up camp.
You might be asking yourself if your insurance policy is useful in the case of an outbreak. Sadly, in many cases, the answer is a definite no.
Often, whether or not insurance covers mold damage depends on the cause of the damp that provided the growth conditions. Some insurers cover mold damage in cases of an event such as a flood, severe storm, or a burst pipe.
However, many insurance policies do not cover damage caused by “maintenance” issues. Maintenance problems include leaks, water drainage from your garden or outside, long term humidity problems, and condensation.
SERVPRO recommends that you check your insurance policy carefully and read the small print, so you know which kinds of mold damage are covered by it, and which ones are not.
It is important to prevent mold as much as you can, especially as you cannot claim for it on your insurance. Be mindful of any wet areas where the fungus could grow, and check your home for issues with humidity or condensation. Any leaks or seepage should be dealt with immediately.
When you find traces of mold in your home, give SERVPRO a call at once. Our IICRC-certified technicians are trained to handle any mold remediation job, big or small. We deal with the immediate problem by establishing containment so the spores cannot spread and employing a negative air machine to filter spores and vent the contaminated air outside your home. As soon as the problem is contained, we set to work cleaning the mold using scrubbing, damp wiping, HEPA vacuuming and any other necessary techniques.
After cleaning the fungus, we work on restoring your home to acceptable levels of dryness using dehumidifiers. We monitor progress carefully. The drying process discourages repeated mold growth.
Do not wait for mold to become an even bigger problem. Call SERVPRO of North Lilburn at (770) 709-3266 for help.

For more information regarding Pleasant Hill, click here

The Importance Of Professional Fire Damage Restoration Assistance For Your Home In Pleasant Hill

6/20/2017 (Permalink)

Don't Burn Up Your Money Along with Your Home in Pleasant Hill--Call SERVPRO for Fire Damage Restoration

Let SERVPRO Assist You in Restoring Your Fire Damaged Property

The fire itself leaves heat and scorch marks on surfaces near the actual flames, while smoke, ash, and soot often extend into areas exceptionally far from where the fire originally took place. It leaves you facing damages like stains, smears, and odors throughout your entire home.

Dealing with fire damage in your Pleasant Hill home is far from easy. It takes specialized training, equipment, and experience to tackle some of the circumstances that exist. Attempting to address these problems on your own, generally, leads to additional damage, causing you to get rid of contents and personal belongings that you could have saved.
SERVPRO wants you to understand how important it is to seek professional assistance after a fire occurs on your property. Others may think of it as an opportunity to benefit from your misfortune. However, we look at it as a way to help inform homeowners, a way to prevent problems from ever occurring at all.
Calling SERVPRO technicians after local authorities deem your property safe to enter, gives you access to expertly trained personnel who help you avoid hazards that may exist, understand how fire behaves and makes every effort to help you understand your situation and provides you with quality solutions you can afford.  
SERVPRO works with you and your insurance company to arrange a happy medium that ensures you get to return to a clean, safe, healthy living environment when everything is said and done. We manage your entire restoration process, help with any paperwork involved in your claim, and provide you with quality solutions that give you peace of mind during an emergency.
You are not alone; we are on your side making sure that you receive the help you deserve. During a time when uncertainty rules, it helps to know that someone is out there looking out for you and your family that you can trust. We want to help and make a variety of services available to ensure your survival.
Contact SERVPRO of North Lilburn for additional information or to begin your restoration, today. Our IICRC certified technicians can help return your home to a quality pre-damage condition and get you back on your feet. (770) 709-3266

Visit this area of Georgia here.

Lilburn Commercial Mold Damage to Small Businesses

6/7/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Keeps Your Mold Remediated Shop Open in Lilburn

SERVPRO Can Remediate Stubborn or Hidden Mold Problems in a Lilburn Shop

Today, small businesses occupy many older homes in the area. They are perfect for specialty shops like etiquette and manners instruction (this is Georgia after all) and photography studios. The architecture and period furniture provide a level of style and grace simply not found in a typical commercial structure.

When it comes to mold damage in these old, Lilburn homes, however, the problem can be harder than in a standard, commercial structure. The older wood in the floors and walls, as well as the insulation, is more vulnerable to mold spore growth. The HVAC system is out-of-date and vulnerable if it exists at all. Fortunately, SERVPRO has years of experience in handling these issues.

While photographers are switching to digital, many still prefer film for certain kinds of photographs; black and white especially. A darkroom for developing film has a higher rate of humidity than the average room unless the business owner has the funds for additional air conditioning when not in use. For a small business owner, this is not normally the case.

To clean and remove mold in a dark room, we first relocate the equipment, film, and negatives. We maintain climate-controlled storage for sensitive items, and our work crew places everything that the photographer desires into it. Next, we carefully pull away the wainscoting and other trim to expose and inspect the wood behind it. After the walls, we do the same inspection on the ceiling and floor.

In most cases, the mold has not penetrated too far into the surfaces. Our technicians first vacuum affected surfaces if there is room to bring in our equipment. Then, they wipe down the surfaces to remove as much remaining mold as possible. If there is still mold, they apply one of our chemical cleaners and then repeat the process. For areas behind the walls, we have a variety of anti-fungal foggers that penetrate the surface and destroy mold spore masses.

For the larger areas of the business, we perform the same services, but on a larger scale. Our SERVPRO AMRT applied microbial remediation technicians may set up containment barriers to limit the migration of mold spores and reduce the treatment size. For studio areas or waiting rooms, we use air content and surface meters to test for mold. If the parts per million exceed the EPA recommended levels, one of our inspectors begins a visual check to determine the source of the mold and how far it has grown.

Returning your business to a safe condition is not an easy process, but it can be accomplished quickly with a professional restoration service. SERVPRO of North Lilburn keeps an extensive inventory of equipment and cleaners to ensure your doors reopen as soon as possible. If you need our help, call today at (770) 709-3266.

Click here for Lilburn city info.

Mold Growth in Your Lilburn Bathroom

5/16/2017 (Permalink)

Call SERVPRO for mold prevention tips or to remediate a mold infestation.

Combating Mold Growth Starts With Prevention

A form of fungus which is all around you in the natural environment, mold grows indoors as well where there is moisture that is not dried right away, such as where flooding or leakage is. In your bathroom, mold can easily grow since the conditions in this room are usually wet.
The best way to deal with mold and mold damage is to keep it from growing in the first place. So, how do you do that in the dampest room in your Lilburn home? The key here is ventilation. Mold grows only when moisture cannot get out, and if there is no vent in your bathroom or it is not working correctly, that is the first thing you need to address. If you do have a vent in your bathroom, be sure to turn on the exhaust fan during your shower and afterward as well. You should also leave the bathroom door or windows open after a shower.
SERVPRO has trained experts who can take care of an existing mold problem in your bathroom. It is an issue that you should not try and handle on your own, as regular bleach and household cleaners are not able to get all the mold cleaned up.
The indoor air humidity has much to do with the ability of mold to grow in your home as well. Try and keep the humidity levels between thirty and fifty percent, and not any higher. To help you monitor the humidity levels inside your home, you can purchase a hygrometer from a local hardware store.
Leaving your air conditioning at seventy-four or below if you are going away in the summer months is also a good idea, so the levels of humidity do not rise quickly and end up leaving you with a breeding ground for mold.
You also need to check below all of the sinks in your home, not just your bathroom, once or twice each year to ensure that you do not have any leaks. Even a hint of moisture in the wrong place can trigger a mold outbreak, and mold spreads quickly.
SERVPRO of North Lilburn can take care of your mold problem by finding the source of the moisture and cleaning up the mold, then disinfecting the area. Give us a call at right away at (770) 709-3266 if you see mold growing, so it does not have a chance to spread and create further damage.

For more information regarding Lilburn, click here https://georgia.gov/cities-counties/lilburn

Recent Flood Damage in Pleasant Hill Puts All On Alert

4/28/2017 (Permalink)

Flooding can be both unexpected and devastating. Call SERVPRO to handle the remediation and help with dealing with insurance.

SERVPRO Technicians Quickly Remediate Flood Damage on Your Property

Spring flooding reminds that with today’s weather extremes no neighborhood is safe from water covering streets and invading basements. The good news is SERVPRO looks forward to being your ally in any battle you have with flooding, any time of the year. We extract the water, assess the damage, and complete each step of the restoration, welcoming you back to your home in its preloss condition.
Many inches of rain in just a few hours causes flash flooding, damage resulting to your Pleasant Hill home as water pushes into the lower levels. The ground saturates with moisture, seeping in around your foundation. Once the water enters your home, it pools up, needing immediate removal and follow-up cleaning and drying of all affected areas. Our seasoned flood damage crews are up to all the tasks associated with this type of restoration.
When flood waters following heavy rains invade your home, you may be caught by surprise. Your location far from streams, ponds or lakes lulls you into a sense of false assurance that you are forever safe from flooding. In the end, it matters not in the least how the water crept into your home. The crucial question becomes, is there a SERVPRO near me? You know we are a premium water restoration company. Now is the time to see us in action.
As soon as we can get a crew to your home, we leap into the fray. Standing water exits via pumps and powerful, vacuum water extractors. Although the flood often takes your home temporarily off the electrical grid for safety reasons, our truck-mounted equipment does the job. Once visible water disappears, industrial strength air movers and dehumidifiers take on the job of reducing moisture levels further. Our staff determines drying targets based on humidity and moisture measurements, using specialized training to arrive at goals that protect your structure from secondary damage due to microbial growth. Mold can cover damp surfaces within 48 to 72 hours. SERVPRO urges you to get us on the scene far before that incubation period expires as we remove the flood waters that feed the mold.
Fight back when floodwaters threaten your home by partnering with SERVPRO of North Lilburn. Day or night our operators staff the phones at (770) 709-3266.

Get The Restoration Services You Deserve When Fire Damage Occurs On Your Pleasant Hill Property

4/10/2017 (Permalink)

Pleasant Hill Fire Damage Gets Great Restoration from SERVPRO

Call on SERVPRO for One-Stop Smoke & Fire Damage Cleanup and Restoration

Fire damage can be brutal, regardless of where it is on your property, or how it starts. As a fire advances through stages, it produces heat, smoke, and soot residues that do much more than simply settle on the various surfaces found in your home.
Whether you live in the Pleasant Hill area, or on a tropical beach, fire damage can occur. Let's say you had a small fire in your kitchen. Things got out of control when you were attempting to cook your evening meal, and the curtains caught fire.
The fire spread quickly out of control, causing damage to your cooking area, including your stove, vent, countertop, cabinets, walls and flooring. Firefighters respond to your call for help, put the fire out using any methods necessary. They do their job, quite well, but it often leaves you with a huge mess, wondering what to do next.
You would need to start with a demolition crew to remove and dispose of any fire damaged materials, contents and personal belongings that are simply not restorable. Sheetrock, skeletal remains of your cabinetry, melted appliances and anything stored inside of your cabinets, gone.
Next, a cleaning company needs to scrub the entire area. All surfaces affected by the event require specific attention, or they may need replacement as well. Often enough, cleaning and deodorizing the entire area is the most important step of the process, especially important before any reconstruction can occur.
After all of that, someone else needs to install new sheetrock, flooring, framing and the other structural materials scarred by the event. Requiring many different companies, all of which you would need to call, schedule and manage under normal circumstances.
Using a quality restoration company, like SERVPRO, gives you access to a team of expertly trained professionals that manage your entire restoration process for you, give you the support you need during a trying time and make things as stress-free as possible.
You deserve to have someone available 24-7, 365, day or night that can help you get things back to normal quickly and efficiently. SERVPRO can do just that, including allowing you an opportunity to restore many items that you thought you might have lost forever.
SERVPRO offers fire, water, storm, and mold restoration services, local and national emergency resources, and much, much more. We care about your family, home, and each service we provide shows it.
Contact SERVPRO of North Lilburn today for additional information on available services or to get the help you need to return your property to a quality pre-damage condition that you and your family deserve. (770) 709-3266

Valuable Information Concerning Mold Damage In Your Lilburn Area Home

3/26/2017 (Permalink)

Mold Removal and Repair Are the Remediation Service Offered by SERVPRO for Your Lilburn Property

Testing for Mold Does Not Remediate the Fungi--Call SERVPRO

Dealing with a small patch of mold you find in the corner of the ceiling in your bathroom is one thing, having to deal with larger areas and excessive damage requires professional help. Never take the chance of exposing yourselves to possible health risks, not when expertly trained technicians are available.

Sadly, many homeowners think that buying a kit for testing mold damage in their Lilburn home protects them from hazards that exist. Unfortunately, that is often not the case. Even the Center for Disease Control (CDC) states that regardless of the type or amount of mold that exists on your property, seeking professional remediation services is your best avenue for removing contamination and preventing future growth.
The company you use for mitigating damage in your home should know that testing to determine which type of mold exists in your home is usually without merit. Anyone who tells you any different is simply trying to take more of your money or provide you with services that you simply do not need. If mold is visible, there is no reason to test.
SERVPRO, for instance, never offers customers unnecessary services. We get right to the guts of the problem, confine the affected areas of your home, locate the moisture source causing the issue, repair it, and remove as much moisture as possible using professional water extraction equipment of all sizes. We even use infrared cameras to locate pockets of moisture hidden in your walls, or within small hard to reach areas where moisture can hide and cause future damage.
SERVPRO technicians utilize fast drying techniques after disposing of contaminated porous materials where restoration is not possible. We avoid using chemical applications when at all possible and allow a more physical approach to control the spread and growth of microbes. The company you use should know that applying chemical products as your sole source of remediation does not get the job done entirely.
However, during the cleaning and deodorization phase of your restoration, an EPA-registered broad spectrum disinfectant becomes useful for treating contaminated surfaces. SERVPRO technicians follow strict safety guidelines to protect the occupants and any workers throughout your entire restoration process, using personal protective equipment to avoid exposure.
SERVPRO of North Lilburn gives you access to useful information and has the proper resources to assist with remediation services in your home, give us a call today. (770) 709-3266

Long-Term Water Damage SERVPRO Finds Regularly In Pleasant Hill

2/24/2017 (Permalink)

Mold is one of the most difficult long-term forms of water damage to remove.

Long-Term Water Damage

Although many of our water damage calls pertain to short-term, sudden damages taken by the home in some recent event or disaster, we often find signs of more long-term damages as well upon reaching the job site. Long-term water damage can manifest in many ways, and shouldn't be ignored. If your home has any of these long-term signs of water damage, it may be worth looking into more immediate options for their restoration.

Oxidation is the natural process whereby water reacts chemically with a metal, creating a new material in the place of the latter. The most well-known form of Pleasant Hill water damage from oxidation is rust, which is created when unprotected iron or steel comes into contact with water. However, many other types of metal react in the same way, potentially creating dangerous substances as products or suffering as their metallic surfaces become marred by discoloration and rough texture. Oxidation may also lead to further problems for your home, such as cracked pipes, leaky gutters, or malfunctioning machinery.

Cracks And Crumbling Material
Water may sometimes root itself inside cracks or pockets of a home's foundation or exterior walls, creating almost undetectable but still potentially volatile centers of damage. In the long term, these pockets can cause larger cracks and problems to arise, from temperature or chemical changes in the tiny pockets of liquid. Most often, this is an issue in older buildings or homes where safety standards were not met. SERVPRO inspectors use thermal moisture detection tools to find these pockets of water and identify potential centers of damage in the building.

Mold is one of the most difficult long-term forms of water damage to remove. It is so problematic and potentially dangerous that companies such as SERVPRO have to go through lengthy certification processes to be legally allowed to interact with it. We carry a full-featured set of certifications and equipment to deal with any mold we find on the property during inspections.

SERVPRO of North Lilburn is a locally-owned company with specialists and equipment dedicated to resolving any water damage problem your home may have. Just call us 24/7 at (770) 709-3266.

Signs Of Possible Electrical Fires In Your Lilburn Home

2/8/2017 (Permalink)

Electrical fires are a leading cause of house fires.

Indications Of Electrical Fires

Electrical fires are a leading cause of house fires. Because of this, you need to pay particular attention to any signs of malfunction of your electrical outlets. You should take care of these problems sooner rather than later, and hire a professional electrician to check out any issues right away. If a fire does occur, you want an experienced fire damage restoration company to help you out. SERVPRO is ready to help you whenever you need and has the experience and professionalism you expect.

The six signs below of burning around an electrical outlet or plug should not be ignored in your Lilburn home to prevent fires and fire damage. These include shocks and sparks, discoloration, crackling or sizzling sounds, burning smells, flickering electricity, and an outlet that is hot to the touch.

Discoloration Around An Outlet Or Plug
One of the most significant warning signs, brown, yellow or black marks around the outlet or plug is an indication that plastic or wiring is burning. It is a strong indication that the outlet is failing or damaged. If you see this discoloration, turn off the breaker and don’t use it until it is inspected. You can replace the outlet cover; however, you should not replace the outlet as there could be damage to the wiring you cannot see, causing the problem to become worse if not fixed.

Sparks And Shocks
When plugging in an appliance, you feel a shock or tingling sensation; this is a sign the outlet is not working correctly. It can be an indication that the outlet has too much current going through the wire, causing the appliance to ignite.

When the outlet sparks when plugging an appliance in, stop using that outlet until you get it repaired. Even if this happens only once or twice, it shows there is a much bigger problem that you should not ignore, as this could lead to a fire or severe injury. If you do have a fire spark, call in SERVPRO as soon as you can after the fire is out so that they can remediate any damage.

A Burning Smell
One of the most common signs of an electrical fire, this smoke is acrid, pungent and unmistakable. Contact your fire department right away if you smell burning, and trip the breaker.

Sizzling Or Crackling Sounds
If you are hearing these noises coming from your electrical outlets, this is a sign that it is shorting and sparking. You could also hear sizzling. Contact an electrician if you hear these sounds, and stop using the outlet right away. You should never ignore odd sounds from your outlets.

Flickering Electricity
A variety of problems can be apparent with this issue, including faulty wiring. It can be happening deep inside the walls of the structure of your home. It is something an electrician needs to inspect.

An Outlet That Is Hot To The Touch
Outlets should not ever feel hot to the touch. Unplug any devices if you notice this issue and get it inspected, as it could be a sign of outlet failure and could combust if you keep using it.

Electrical fires are serious events. If your home has suffered through one, you need to get a hold of us at SERVPRO of North Lilburn right away. We can be easily reached by dialing (770) 709-3266 at any time.

Flood Damage to Your Pleasant Hill Home from a Slab Leak

1/24/2017 (Permalink)

Foundation Cracks Can Lead to Water Damage in Pleasant Hill

SERVPRO Is Your First Source for Flooding Help

Any leak in your home can turn into a serious plumbing issue. One leak that requires immediate attention is a slab leak. Flooding from this type of leak can cause serious damage to your home. The professionals at SERVPRO provide slab leak repair and detection services.

When the water supply in drainpipes or pipes which run through the concrete slab under your Pleasant Hill home crack, break or burst, a slab leak occurs. The leak is not in the actual slab, but instead in the pipes that are in or underneath the concrete slab. These leaks can leave you with significant flood damage. If there were heavy rains that drenched the grounds, this could lead to groundwater intrusion also.

Your home’s plumbing can develop a slab leak for many reasons. Some of the commonly seen ones include:  
Pipe corrosion
Pipe wear and tear from friction from gravel, nearby pipes, concrete, or shifting grade.
High water pressure
Poor quality or improperly installed pipes
Settling or shifting slab, causing a pipe break

How can you tell if you have a slab that is leaking? Look out for cracks in your flooring or walls, the sound of running water when water is all turned off, or a spinning water meter when no water is running outside or inside your home. You may notice moisture or mildew under flooring or carpeting, a sewage smell, water bills that are higher than average, or a recent bug problem from added ground moisture.

Detecting a slab leak requires a plumbing expert and a thorough, careful detection process. SERVPRO can work alongside the plumber to clean up the flooding the leak has created and repair any damages to your home to get you back to normal again. Our trained technicians have the proper tools and equipment to make a thorough and quick recovery under normal conditions. If your slab home has a severe foundation break due to a shifting grade, then a major job could entail jacking up and supporting areas of the foundation. The strengthening of the underpinnings is a task beyond the scope of all but the most specialized construction companies.

 Know in advance what your insurance policy covers. Your homeowner’s policy might or might not cover the cost of repairs for a slab leak. SERVPRO can also work with your insurance company and you with the paperwork and coordination of the task at hand.

Detection and repair of slab leaks take expert advice and the knowledge of professionals. Do not attempt to try and fix this flood damage problem yourself. Instead, call us at SERVPRO of North Lilburn as soon as you realize there is a problem. We can be reached anytime you need us at (770) 709-3266.

Sprinkler System Water Removal From Your Pleasant Hill Restaurant

1/12/2017 (Permalink)

Retail Water Damage in Pleasant Hill ? Contact SERVPRO for Help

SERVPRO's ERP Plan Mitigates Water Damage

Your restaurant’s sprinkler system engaged because of a minor kitchen blaze, protecting your building and equipment from a severe fire but sending water everywhere. No matter what the original purpose of the water it still must be removed from the floors, fixtures, and furnishings of your business. As soon as the sprinklers are extinguished arranging for professional water removal is the next step. To get your eatery’s chefs back to cooking and your customers seated in their favorite booth to enjoy that delicious meal the water needs to be gone. SERVPRO has a range of water extraction machines and the trained technicians to operate them, a perfect pairing to get your business back on track.

Professional water removal is necessary to return your Pleasant Hill bistro back to a favorite foodie destination. The sprinklers discharged water over floors, on cook tops and prep surfaces, and on the comfy seats reserved for paying customers. We have pumps and industrial wet/dry vacuums to pull water off hard, carpeted, and upholstered surfaces. After our SERVPRO technicians, pump out the water, we will arrange air movers and dehumidifiers to complete the job. Care will need to be taken that electrical and gas powered appliances and equipment that were affected can be operated safely and do not pose a shock or explosion hazard during the water extraction process. If carpeting was removed for replacement or off-site drying be cautious about exposed tack strips, especially if the public will be invited back before the reinstallation of floor coverings.
Once this crisis is averted, consider developing an Emergency Ready Profile and Plan (ERP) for your restaurant with your local SERVPRO partner. This proactive tool permits you to invite us into your business to review your disaster preparation needs. Identify key staff, map out your location, and pinpoint utility lines and shut offs. Relax a little knowing that even if you are not on-site for a potential disaster, you have created a sensible plan of action to protect your business investment. The assessment is free and contacting our team when trouble occurs as easy as opening the app on your mobile device. Be ready for the worst as you plan for the very best outcome. All kinds of disasters can be anticipated -- fire, storm, water, and more. The ERP is the perfect choice to protect your business and livelihood.
Connect with SERVPRO of North Lilburn if you need to plan and perform water removal from your business. (770) 709-3266

Effectively Treating Flood Damage In Lilburn

12/21/2016 (Permalink)

Lilburn Insulation Added After Significant Rood Leak

Attics and Crawl Spaces Flood Work is a SERVPRO Specialty

There are many ways that flooding can affect your home. You hear all of the time about toilet fixtures overflowing, garbage disposals causing your kitchen sink drain to clog and broken pipes that flood an entire home, basement, or even your front yard. Flooding is nothing new, and as homeowners, it is your responsibility to prepare yourselves for whatever may come your way. Locating a quality company that offers both prevention and emergency response services to protect your home should be your first step.

Many of the technicians that we have available in Lilburn specialize in flood damage restoration. We can handle every aspect of the repair process, so you won't have to contact anyone else to perform additional detailed work after we finish our restoration process. It is our goal to leave your home and make it, "Like it never even happened."
SERVPRO technicians have extensive experience in dealing with leaks in attics and crawl spaces that are hard to reach and present even more difficulty when attempting to perform repairs. When a professional service provider finds it hard to work within confined spaces such as these, you should avoid trying to carry out these sort of repairs on your own.
We understand that water damages found inside of an attic come from various sources. A clogged condensation line on your HVAC system, broken humidifiers or ruptured water heaters. As well as damaged plumbing lines, sprinkler lines, wind damage to roofing materials, fallen branches or trees, ice dams that form on roof eaves, hail storms that damage your roof or other extreme weather conditions all add up to sources of damage to your attic.
When our SERVPRO technicians scope out an attic space, we examine every part of the construction of the roof. We need to determine whether the roofing material was damaged, if the destruction is temporary or permanent, how the roof decking material is affected and if the source of water caused the structural materials to become damaged.
In our experience, some attics can be easy to access, while others are entirely too small to get a person inside, much less the equipment it takes to perform the proper repairs. With high damage in limited space, it can be difficult to perform repairs.
SERVPRO technicians use specialized vacuums to remove and save your insulation for reuse. However, it is unlikely that wet sheetrock or plaster under the insulation remains restorable. The removal of insulation and sheetrock demolition creates a significant amount of dust, requiring us to use containment procedures to minimize cross contamination. You wouldn't want the dust traveling throughout your home.
Contact us at SERVPRO of North Lilburn today. (770) 709-3266

Commercial Fire Damage in Pleasant Hill

12/16/2016 (Permalink)

Fire damage does not have to close down your business for long. Call SERVPRO quickly to remediate!

Assessing the Damage and Finding the Most Effective Method of Cleaning is Key to Restoring Your Business

Cleaning and restoration will normally reduce the costs of a fire insurance claim. It is much cheaper than replacement of property of the resurfacing of damaged items such as tables and other furniture.

When restoring smoke-damaged materials and surfaces from commercial fire damage, SERVPRO's goal is to restore Pleasant Hill business property to pre-loss conditions. Our restoration teams apply basic principles of cleaning with four fundamental smoke residue elements to accomplish this.

Cleaning Principles

Locate Residue - Our teams carefully inspecting the affected area. Inspectors will start at the source of the fire and trace how far smoke has moved through buildings.

Identify Types of Residue - Different types of smoke residues can exist in the same affected environment. The restoration teams will select the most effective cleaning method that will remove the types of residues present.

Identify Type of Surface - Surface material will determine which cleaning method and products are safe to use. Our technicians are careful to preserve the material and surfaces being cleaned. In some cases, the residues may have already caused enough damage that no cleaning method may be able to restore the property.

Capture and Remove - Smoke residues bond with surfaces they contact. Technicians use dry and wet cleaning methods to release residues and carry the particles away from the affected surface.

Residue Elements

Temperature - Heat increases the speed of chemical reactions in cleaning products. Our restoration teams select the right temperature to maximize the cleaning solution effectiveness.

Agitation - Technicians have an extensive inventory of towels, brushes, air and water pressure wands and sonic vibrations in ultrasonic machines to breakup smoke residues without harming the property being cleaned.

Chemical Action - Not every surface or material needs the same type of chemical action to clean a residue. Restoration teams select cleaning products depending if the action needed may be dissolving, emulsification, bleaching, oxidation or changing the pH.

Time - How long the residue has coated the surface can determine which cleaning agent and how much may be needed to clean a surface. It also determines how much labor may be needed as well.

Restoration teams have a variety of challenges to meet when cleaning smoke residue after a fire. Matching the surfaces of property to appropriate methods and cleaning agents is a skill that requires training and experience. If you are trying to deal with the results of a fire to your business, call us today at (770) 709-3266 to begin the clean-up. SERVPRO of North Lilburn is ready to help you reopen your business.

Mold Damage Does Not Mean You Have to Leave Your Pleasant Hill Home

11/20/2016 (Permalink)

Sometimes mold damage is obvious and other times it it hidden. Call SERVPRO today to help deal with any and all mold!

SERVPRO Technicians Can Quickly Remediate Mold Damage on Your Property

When searching online for answers to their new-found mold problem, many people are often shocked to find out that some people actually move out of their home when mold starts causing problems. The truth is that remediation of mold can be quite effective at removing excessive mold and eliminating the environment that allowed mold to grow. Mold is seldom reason alone to move out of your home.

Homeowners in Pleasant Hill who have found mold damage in their home will find an easier solution in remediation. While it's true that some items that have been affected by mold are permanently damaged, this isn't true about everything. Many things can be restored, and quite easily. Your home's contents can be replaced when they cannot be restored, and we can help you by removing damaged areas, belongings, and excess mold. Remediation of mold is the better answer - less costly and less stressful in several ways than finding another home.

SERVPRO technicians can not only make your home's mold problem more manageable through industry-accepted methods, but also find what allowed the mold to thrive in your home. It may be from a leaking, dripping water line that you haven't noticed yet, or it could be from a gutter line that needs correcting. Your toilet could have a too powerful flush and this could also be the problem – water could be spraying out of the bowl and onto the wall and floor behind the toilet. Water can find its way into places it should not be all too easily, but we are experts at finding these sources of water for mold, and stopping them from continuing.

Some materials in your home will not benefit from cleaning. These include drywall and thinner woods, such as what you might find in some cabinetry. These materials need to be removed, disposed of safely, and replaced. Other materials need to be cleaned, but deeply, such as concrete, and possibly sealed. Some other materials, such as the wood around window frames, can be cleaned and then sealed, eliminating the need to remove and replace them. Areas of carpeting may need to be cut away and disposed of, as well. We will always be thorough and inspect every area of your home that might be affected by mold.

We are mold remediation professionals and are ready to take your call. SERVPRO of North Lilburn can be contacted at (770) 709-3266 to answer your questions and concerns regarding mold damage in your home, so you don't have to move to avoid living with out-of-control mold.

Tackle Flood Damage The Right Way In Lilburn

11/8/2016 (Permalink)

Unless you know how to tell the difference, there is a chance that your property is contaminated.

The Right Way to Tackle Flood Damage in Lilburn

We understand that being a victim of flood damage can be an overwhelmingly stressful time for everyone involved. Our expertly trained support staff will answer your questions and ensure that you receive the proper information throughout the entire restoration process. 

Whether you are seeking to return to your property after a major flood event, that affects your whole structure, or you need assistance with a flooded basement. Call the professional flood damage experts in Lilburn today. With a highly trained staff that is looking forward to assisting you with all of your restoration needs, we want to help you get through this disastrous event.

Whatever you do, don't attempt to go it alone. There can be several safety hazards that you'll need to know how to avoid to keep yourself and the occupants of your property safe. It is always a better idea to wait for the professionals to arrive before you attempt to enter your property after a flood damage situation has occurred. Let the technicians at SERVPRO take all of the risks; there's no reason for you to take any chances of being harmed.

Unless you know how to tell the difference, there is a chance that your property is contaminated. These contaminants may spread to currently unaffected sections and cause further damage to your property if not handled correctly. The professionals at SERVPRO know exactly how to identify these risks and how to deal with them accordingly.

Our SERVPRO technicians will post the proper signs and wear the appropriate personal protective equipment that is necessary to remain safe on the job. They also know how to handle any contaminated materials, while working hard to remove any excess water and moisture from the immediate area.

It is important to remain thorough during our investigation and restoration process; it'll help us decide whether restoring or replacing your items is the proper course of action. For instance; removing and disposing of your carpet and padding may be required when contaminated by 'black water.' We'll communicate requirements like this to both you and your insurance company to assist in making the final decision.


Locally Owned Company with National Resources

Our goal is to do everything that we can to restore your property as if your flood damage incident never even happened. Make the call to SERVPRO of North Lilburn today. - (770) 709-3266

Do You Have A Water Damage Problem In Pleasant Hill?

10/25/2016 (Permalink)

Our process efficiently prevents subsequent water damage and eliminates extensive moisture exposure!

Water Removal & Restoration

Are there constant leaks causing damage to your home or commercial property? Don't leave anything to chance with your water removal needs. You never know how far the water extended beyond the immediate area. Consider ordering an assessment of the damage to your property from SERVPRO today!

After water damage to your Pleasant Hill property, we will begin our 6-Part Water Removal & Restoration Process. We begin by asking questions about the situation you're having so that we can determine the proper equipment that is needed to assist with your case. When our technician arrives at your property, they'll carry out the appropriate assessments. Our technicians use SERVPRO's proven scientific method to determine the extent of damage and moisture exposure to your property. Once we've finished our evaluation, we begin to use our equipment to provide a full water removal and extraction service!

We are aware that every situation requires a specific and immediate reaction. We can help you prevent extensive damage and return your property to its previous condition. There's no reason why you shouldn't benefit from our experience and expertise!

The full water removal service starts with moving all of your belongings to a safe location to prevent further damage. Next, we use our submersible pumps and industrial wet/dry vacuums to evacuate any excess water from the damaged area. We also inspect your carpet and pad to help avoid damaging your subfloor and use the proper equipment to ensure complete water removal!

We even have infrared cameras that are used to help us discover pockets of water hiding within walls or in ceilings! Our process efficiently prevents subsequent water damage and eliminates extensive moisture exposure! No matter how large or small your exposure is, SERVPRO can help to avoid further damage to your property!

Once we've removed all of the excess water, we use Moisture detectors, hygrometers, and other meters to determine the amount of moisture saturation that has occurred on your property. It doesn't end here; there are three additional steps to our overall Water Removal & Restoration Process to ensure complete restoration of your property and safe return to normal operation.

Please don't hesitate to give SERVPRO of North Lilburn a call if you are ever in need of water removal! We provide you with an Emergency Contact number for 24/7 assistance. Call us anytime you're in need; we'll be there! - (770) 709-3266.

Fire Damage Odor Can Linger On

10/10/2016 (Permalink)

Smoke odors can remain after remediation. Call SERVPRO today to ensure that they don't!

SERVPRO Technicians are Fully Certified to Remediate Odor

In general terms, smoke is the fuel that did not burn. Smoke seems to dissipate after a fire, but the rapid cooling of fire particulates leaves a visible film and odor. The reason you can see smoke is due to the presence of minute particles of carbon and various other burnt materials. Smoke odors are pervasive and stubborn, lingering long after a fire is extinguished. As an interesting fact, certain items from the 1906 fire of San Francisco, still smell strongly of smoke - nearly 90 years later.
No matter whether fire damage in the Pleasant Hill community is caused by a natural disaster, a residential fire, a commercial fire or from an accident, smoke odor is very challenging to remove. There are several factors that can influence the severity of smoke odors. One factor involves the size of a fire. The larger the fire, the more materials that are burned, the more smoke there will be and more intense is the odor given off by the materials.
Additional factors can involve the size of the area or room that the fire has affected. For example, the smaller the room or area, the more intense and concentrated the smoke odor can become. Also, the longer an area is exposed to smoke, the more embedded an odor becomes, especially in porous materials. The type of materials affected will influence the type of products and treatments used by professionals to remove smoke odor.
One of the biggest concerns in residential and commercial fires is getting rid of the odor from a fire. Please keep in mind, that no matter how bad the fire, odor, or smoke damage is, life safety is always a top concern. Fires can release a number of hazardous materials which is why your home or business will be carefully examined by SERVPRO to make sure that it is safe to enter.
The technicians at SERVPRO of North Lilburn are experts in deodorization. We are a proud community business, locally owned and operated. Removing the odor source is the universal first step as part of our deodorization treatment. Our remediation experts are industry trained to identify and eliminate offensive odors from their source, both indoors and outdoors.
We understand that masking does not work when your smoke odor is severe or persistent. By identifying the cause of the odor, understanding its conditions in which it contacts surfaces, we can help remove it over time without a trace. The science of identifying and eliminating odors is a tricky process, therefore call and leave the restoration to us - (770) 709-3266.

Water Removal from a Basement

9/15/2016 (Permalink)

Water in Your Norcross Basement? Call SERVPRO for Stress Free Removal

SERVPRO Is the Answer to Rapid Water Extraction

If you are the victim of a broken water line or local flooding, water in your basement is always a stressful problem. You can remove water from your basement, it is not hard, just time consuming. There are also safety issues that you must understand. Standing water in your basement can subject your home to mold and mildew growth, as well as structural weakness.
Your attempt at water removal in Norcross requires an organized plan. First, don't walk through the standing water until you turn off the electricity. If you have carpeting, it may be too soaked and soiled to keep and must be replaced. For your appliances that have been sitting in water, they should also be assessed by a professional repair person before you attempt to operate them.
For any valuable items, they should be removed from the basement. When the water source has been addressed, then you will need to pump out the standing water quickly. SERVPRO can extract the water rapidly with our array of truck mounted pumps and portable sump pumps. If a flood was the result of the water in your basement, you have to wait until the water outside has receded.
A submersible pump is the best device. It is designed for a waterproof casting with a protected electrical cord and a fitting. The fitting is used to be connected to your garden hose or a sump drainage hose. You will also need a heavy-duty extension cord and possibly a generator to operate the pump.
Begin by attaching the sump hose or your outdoor hose to the submersible. Place the end of the hose some distance from your basement. Placing it on a grade is better because the water you are pumping out can easily enter a sewer system or a gutter and away from the foundation. Place the pump into the basement water and start the generator.
If your water damage is the result of basement water heater problem and your water level is less than 1" deep, then you can use a wet/dry vacuum device. A wet/dry vacuum can only hold between 4 and 5 gallons of water. Using a wet/dry vacuum is time-consuming because you must dump it out after each use. The longer water remains on the flooring; the more water damage will occur.

SERVPRO is a are a trusted leading name in the restoration industry. We use powerful industry approved pumps and vacuums. Our professionals have years of experience and training. We can remove your water damage quickly to prevent any secondary damage and mold growth.
SERVPRO of North Lilburn is a part of the community. We are proud to be an active member that can help our homeowners and business owners when emergency disasters strike. We are close by and ready to respond to your flood or water damage emergency. Let us explain our services to you by calling us at (770) 709-3266.

Properties Restored From Mold Damage

8/23/2016 (Permalink)

Mold can be found virtually anywhere.

Mold Damage and Restoration

Mold can be found virtually anywhere. It can grow on almost any substance where moisture is present. Georgians are fully aware of potential mold problems due to the type of weather that is ever present in this State. When your commercial or residential property experiences water damage, an infestation can quickly occur and develop throughout the home or business within 48 to 72 hours. Our advanced equipment can detect and stop the source of moisture that is feeding the mold.
Residents remember the Lilburn mold problem that occurred in June 2016 at one of our local fast food restaurants. It created multiple flies throughout the facility and a moldy ice making machine was discovered. We are proud to be a member of the Gwinnett County community with our locally owned and operated company and quality services.
Mold can produce irritants and allergens. This is a time when you need a professional with training and experience to properly resolve the spore infestation. SERVPRO will arrive quickly to help remediate your residential or commercial property. With a faster response, our process will lessen the damage mold has caused, limit any additional damage and reduce any remediation costs.
Depending on your structure, we understand that each infestation by mold requires a different set of solutions. However, our basic process involves a thorough mold inspection and assessment, we employ a mold containment solution, air filtration treatment, remove mold infested materials and belongings, clean your contents and belongings, then finally a restoration process is used to get you back to a pre-loss condition. Many restoration businesses will advertise “mold removal.” They go even further to guarantee to remove all your mold damage problems. This is not true! SERVPRO understands mold and its spore growth. Our experts have the certified training and expertise to eradicate the mold in your house or business. Our professionals also use various containment procedures to prevent the spreading of mold.
SERVPRO of North Lilburn is your one-stop professional mold, water, fire and storm damage remediation experts. We are Faster To Any Size Disaster. We are right in your community. We provide restoration services 24 hours a day, seven days a week – including all holidays. When you call us, you can expect an immediate response time, day or night. So, call us ASAP and let us restore your investments and give you peace of mind. Call now at (770) 709-3266!

Water Damage and Procedures Used to Restore the Home

7/21/2016 (Permalink)

Drying Equipment Helps to Remove Moisture After Water Damage

SERVPRO Follows a Plan to Make Sure the Restoration Process is Done to the Highest Standards

Even though owning a home is considered to be a significant part of a homeowner’s dream, there are some problems that can occur to dampen the entire experience. One of the most notable is when the owner has to take care of unforeseen circumstances that cause the family a huge amount of discomfort. Because there are problems like broken pipes that can flood a homeowner’s home, these issues can be difficult to recover from.

Fortunately, there are experts in this field that have the skills and experience to assist a homeowner and their family with getting to back to their normal routines as quickly as possible. So, for those of you who are interested in how this type of water damage should be handled, here is a basic overview of what our team can do for you when our representatives are contacted.

Team Will Arrive at the Site to Devise a Restoration Plan

First of all, it is important to note that our team has a process in place that has been designed to address emergency situations in a strategic manner. Therefore, you will know exactly what our team of technicians is doing and when. For example, when someone in a family contacts our representatives, they will contact you within an hour to communicate the arrangements that have been made. Because our primary concern is to take care of these situations as quickly as possible to avoid further damage, we will begin the mitigation process within 4 hours. Also, before getting started with a solution, you will receive a detailed description and explanation of what needs to be done. The site will also be pre-tested in order to determine restorability. After these technicians have identified what needs to be done, this information will be communicated verbally to the appropriate people.

Follow Thru and Water Damage in Pleasant Hill

After this briefing, the actual process of restoration will begin. The tools and equipment used will be based on the type of damage that has been done. For instance, this team will have the proper equipment with them to do a thorough job and it will be state of the art equipment.

Some of the latest and advanced equipment will include the following:

  • Detection Equipment – sensors used to identify water and moisture
  • Drying Equipment
  • Dehumidifier Equipment
  • Deodorizing Equipment

Walk Thru Supplied
A walk thru will also be provided to ensure the plan that was devised has been followed through completely and to ensure customer satisfaction.
With this in mind, for those of you who may need these services for your home, you SERVPRO of North Lilburn at (770) 709-3266 for an assessment of your water damage today.

Commercial Mold Damage Can Be a Hazard To Your Business in More Than One Way

6/26/2016 (Permalink)

Proper Mold Cleanup Is Crucial in a Commercial Setting

SERVPRO Has a Certified Plan To Clean Up Mold At Your Business Site

If you've smelled the musty odor of mold at your business location, you need to have experts come in and test for levels. We have the experience and equipment to make accurate assessments quickly. Our technicians are trained to find mold at its source, extract any standing water (that you may not even be aware of) and complete the drying process. After this is completed, we can begin the cleaning-up process, followed by deodorizing, if necessary.

Mold will stain many different materials, but if the cleaning process is started in time, many items can be saved from the destructive aspects of mold. Some items can be cleaned and made like new again, while others may need more extensive work done. In Norcross, commercial mold damage can affect your business's financial health. If customers and clients believe your company is affected by mold, it can adversely affect sales.

Assistance Can Include Inventory Checklists To Assist With Insurance Claims

Those items that are beyond repair can be listed on our inventory checklist, to be given to your insurance company for reimbursement. Having a third party that is non-biased can improve your chances of a quick payment, and reduce the wait time many people dread when dealing with an insurance company. Being nationally recognized as a cleaning and restoration company can also greatly assist you in making claims to your insurance agency.

Where is Mold Found in a Commercial Setting?

Mold can be found anywhere, but most often it is near water or moisture. Humidity that has risen can be attributed to many sources, such as floods that were not completely cleaned up, to water coming from peoples' shoes and boots that were left in a welcome mat for too long, seeping water through faulty caulking around windows, leaking water lines in bathrooms, and many other sources. Our professionals are trained in locating these sources and eliminating them. This can help reduce the mold growth and keep it to an acceptable level in the future. Protect your equipment, your inventory, and also your customers and employees.

If you own or run a business in Norcross, it pays to ensure that mold is under control. If you suspect mold growth is becoming a problem, call for an expert assessment. SERVPRO of North Lilburn at (770) 709-3266 is available 24/7 to take your call and get any mold problem remediated and under control again.

The Basics of Mold Damage

6/23/2016 (Permalink)

Mold Spores Can Multiply Very Quickly

SERVPRO Has The Experience To Deal With Mold Damage

Mold is one of the most common afflictions suffered by a home, and there can be many different causes behind the growth of a mold colony. Mold can cause ill health effects for residents and those exposed to the home for extended periods of time, in addition to structural damage as the fungus slowly eats away at wood and organic matter where it has made its home. Mold is also challenging and dangerous to remove, typically requiring professional tools and experience to remediate fully.
How Mold Gets Into a Home
In all actuality, mold is present in every home, all the time. Mold spores are naturally occurring, and drift in the air and the wind without anyone ever noticing. The problems only begin when the area is advantageous to the mold and its rapid multiplication. Mold favors dark and damp conditions, and must have an organic food source on which to feed, and so often grows in big patches after a storm or some other type of water damage. Mold can also grow in between walls and below floors should water end up there, potentially releasing harmful fumes into the home. The most important part of keeping mold out of your home is making sure that there are no water leaks or places for water to get into your home from the outside.
How Mold is Cleaned Up
Mold damage is usually cleaned up by professional teams like SERVPRO, as mold infestations can be dangerous to untrained cleaners. Furthermore, SERVPRO also has access to industrial-strength remediation machinery such as dehumidifiers, ULV foggers, and thermal foggers. These act to stop further mold growth and mask unpleasant odors. Then, any surface previously covered by mold is thoroughly scrubbed clean and sanitized with industrial cleaning supplies. Mold can never truly be removed fully from a home, but after a thorough remediation, it will go back to aforementioned unnoticeable levels in the air.
SERVPRO of North Lilburn is a locally owned and operated business with experience in mold, fire, water, and other types of damage to homes and businesses. If you need the help of a trained and well-equipped cleanup and repair crew, please don't hesitate to call us at (770) 709-3266.

Improve Your Home After Fire Damage

6/9/2016 (Permalink)

When Fire Damages Your Norcross Home, Call SERVPRO for a Fix

Fire and Smoke Damage Fix by SERVPRO

The damage a fire causes to a property goes far beyond what the flames burn. Some fires may create localized damage in one room of the home, but even when this is the case, smoke damage can be found in many other rooms. The fire damage can be intensified by the use of water, chemical fire retardants and other materials that may have been used to extinguish the fire. Drywall, carpeting, and furnishings may be damaged without a flame ever touching it. When your home has been impacted by fire damage in Norcross, you may wonder what you can do to return it to its normal condition.

Water Extraction and Cleanup
The first step after encountering fire damage in Norcross is the cleanup process. This cleaning follows the water extraction to remove the standing water and ashes that remain throughout much of the damaged area. It may also include removal of the chemical fire retardant agents that may have been used. The charred remains of building materials and furniture will also have to be discarded.

Repairing the Damage
The next step in the home restoration process is to fix the damage that the fire left behind, which includes removing fire-damaged materials. It may also include professionally cleaning some surfaces, such as carpeting, that have been impacted by fire and smoke damage. Some surfaces, such as wood that have been marred by water damage may need to be refinished. A professional restoration crew from SERVPRO understands the processes and techniques that will yield superior results. We can perform upholstery and fabric cleaning as well as odor control.

A Fast Response Is Important
While you want your home cleaned up the right way, it is also important that it is cleaned up quickly using the proper techniques. Although you want to return to life as usual in your home as soon as possible or get your business up and running at full speed, it is essential to dry out the entire area. Water and the increased humidity left behind by the firefighters' efforts can result in mold growth if thy are not extracted from the home as soon as possible. Our professional extraction methods, utilizing pumps, air movers, dehumidifiers, and foggers will yield superior results.

We understand the importance of a fast response after a fire rages through your home or business. Regardless of whether your property has received significant or minor fire damage in Norcross, we are available to help you. Contact our SERVPRO of North Lilburn office today at (770) 709-3266 for more information about our services and to begin the home restoration process.

Lilburn Flood Damage - Precautions to Take After Flood Damage in Lilburn

5/9/2016 (Permalink)

Flood damage can be very destructive to your Lilburn home. Call SERVPRO of North Lilburn and we'll make it "Like it never even happened."

Lilburn Flood Damage Precautions To Take 

When you first see Lilburn flood damage invading your business or home, you’ll have that sinking feeling as your belongings are under mud and debris. Possessions and important papers are likely soaked through after a Lilburn flood has gone through the building, however before you wade into the water and try to salvage anything essential that you can, think about your own safety and be careful. 

There are several steps you can take according to FEMA, or the Federal Emergency Management Agency to keep yourself safe from water damage in Lilburn:  

Put on protective clothing first, such as boots and rubber gloves to protect yourself from possible infections and bacteria.

Do not put your hands near your mouth or face while you are working.

Turn off the main power to your business or home before beginning any work.

Look for shifts in the building and cracks in the foundation.

Open up windows and doors to assist in drying out the rooms and prevent mold from forming.

Get rid of any standing water. Pump out basements slowly, about a third of the water each day to avoid any added pressure on walls and flooring. The water soaked grounds can cause the basement walls to collapse.

Clean up any silt, mud or other debris before it dries out.

As soon as you can, hose down walls and then hose them a second time with water that has disinfectant or bleach. Disinfect surfaces such as shelving.

Any appliances which have insulation will not be easy to clean up. Instead, have them checked by a professional service person before you try using them again.

Take out any furnishings and soaked materials after experiencing flood damage in Lilburn. Mattresses and fully upholstered furnishings can’t be cleaned and will need to be destroyed to avoid any health problems.

Rugs and carpeting can be cleaned. Carpeting which is permanently attached needs to be removed first before you try cleaning it. Clean the items outside or have them cleaned by a professional company.

Items such as bedspreads, sheets, draperies and curtains will need to be washed with detergents and very hot water, or they can be dry-cleaned professionally.

Any food items which got flooded need to be thrown away unless they are in cans which are not damaged by the flood, or in glass jars that are commercially sealed. Make sure to sanitize the container before you open it.

Sanitize your pans, pots, glassware, dishes, utensils and any other items that you plan on keeping. Many of these can be boiled for ten minutes to kill any germs.

When you are suffering from flood damage, it is important that you take the necessary precautions for cleaning up so you can prevent further damage and any dangerous health hazards to yourself and your family. 

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

For professional clean up help, get in touch with SERVPRO of North Lilburn. We will be happy to help you anytime when you call us at (770) 709-3266. 

Norcross Water Damage--Is Something That Should Be Handled Quickly

4/4/2016 (Permalink)

A Norcross Home Dripping Tap Can Lead to a Lot of Water Damage.

SERVPRO Fixes Norcross Property Water Damage

Water damage in your Norcross home is something that you never want to have to experience. First, there are so many causes why this water is entering your home. It could be a burst pipe, a leaking appliance, water heater or a faucet that has decided it does not want to shut off. It can come from torrential rains or a sewer connection that has ruptured and is coming through the walls in your basement. This can cause Black Water, contaminated and potentially dangerous. It could be a leaking roof, and all of that water has to flow through several floors, ceilings and down the inside of walls making a mess all of the way down to the lowest level.

Water can react with various materials such as drywall or wood flooring to cause swelling and extensive damage. It seeks its own level as it flows or drips. That means it is seeking the lowest level of your home which usually means the basement, crawlspace or other, more hidden, spaces in your structure. The path that it follows is, of course, the path of least resistance, through walls and ceilings. Water can be absorbed into just about everything it touches. These surfaces become water soaked, giving them a soggy or soft feel. They are deteriorating and degrading. If the moisture is not removed quickly, the water damage continues to wreak havoc.

The companies who deal with the water damage in Norcross homes arrive after being called and conduct an inspection. SERVPRO, a premier water damage restoration company, carefully assess the root of the problem. This inspection is designed to locate all areas of water and moisture so that they may be dried out. If all water sources are not fixed, the moisture can continue to seep into walls and floors, making future repairs that much more expensive and time-consuming.

After extracting the water, all surfaces are cleaned and disinfected. Water pumps, sump pumps, air movers, dehumidifiers and foggers are some of the equipment stored on a SERVPRO vehicle. This may require the tearing out some building materials that have become too waterlogged. The restoration process is always the first recourse. SERVPRO attempts to repair and restore water damaged materials in your Norcross home rather than discarding and replacing them. Whether you are covered or not by insurance, the aim is to minimize your costs and return your home to its pre-loss condition as quickly as possible.

If you discover water where it should not be, give SERVPRO of North Lilburn a call at (770) 709-3266 to find out what is going on.

Norcross Mold Damage or Soot? Call the Experts

3/12/2016 (Permalink)

Yelllow Rubber Gloves and Bleach Won't Get the Job Done---Call SERVPRO

SERVPRO Remediates Mold Damage in Your Norcross Home

Norcross mold damage, is it or isn't it?  Surprisingly, it is easy to mistake soot damage for mold damage. To those with no experience of either, they look somewhat similar. So, it is an understandable mistake. It can be a costly one, however, particularly if it leads to a homeowner or business owner investing in the wrong kind of restoration service. It is wise from the outset, to get the advice of an expert.

In the case of black mold especially, an accurate identification is more difficult since the coloration can cause confusion. This mold, like most other molds, can produce antigens and irritants, along with possible health effects.

Many species of mold are difficult to eradicate and must be dealt with by a professional mold damage remediation company. All of these fungi are difficult to remove entirely once a colony has been established. Throwing strong bleach at the problem does not make a difference, nor will regular scrubbing and scouring. Specially formulated cleaning agents developed by SERVPRO have proven to be very effect in remediating mold damage. Black mold (or Stachybotrys chartarum) is just one of the fungi that they treat. Protective clothing, goggles, HEPA mask filters are some of the gear to ensure the safety and protection of the technician.

The Difference between Soot and Mold
So, what distinguishes black mold from soot? Well, soot is a substance that is left behind in the wake of a fire. It is not really smoke, but the oily or powdery residue of incomplete combustion of fuels such as plastics or rubbers. It appears as a sticky, lingering substance on surfaces and furniture. It often emerges in stripes and patches across interior walls. If rubbed or smudged, it becomes tough to remove, especially from fabric items. SERVPRO utilizes specialized sponges to aid in the clean up of this nuisance.

How to Distinguish between Soot and Mold
The bad news is that it can be very difficult for homeowners to tell the difference between soot and black mold damage, without getting up close. If you suspect that either is present in your home, you need to call on the services of a reliable repair and restoration team like SERVPRO.

Pick a restoration company that has experience in handling fire damage, smoke and soot damage and mold remediation. You know that these specialists are trained and equipped for most remediation needs around your mold damaged home in Norcross. From identifying household problems and infestations to completing all phases of restoration, SERVPRO has the skilled IICRC personnel to restore your home to its pre-loss condition "Like it never even happened."

We’re Highly Trained Mold Remediation Specialists

SERVPRO of North Lilburn are trained mold damage specialists who get started quickly to get your home or business back to normal in Norcross and Lilburn. For all fire, water, and mold related problems call us 24/7 for help. (770) 709-3266

How to Beat Norcross Residential Water Damage

2/7/2016 (Permalink)

Keep Drains Unclogged to Prevent Water from Backing Up

Contact SERVPRO of North Lilburn to Combat Water Damage in Norcross

With the trees and mild climate, life in Norcross, GA, and around North Lilburn may be charming most days of the year, but accidents and adverse weather events can quickly turn things for the worse. Unfortunately, many residents in Norcross and the surrounding communities experience water damage in their homes. If you suspect Norcross water damage in your home, you may be very concerned about the condition of your property.

The First and Most Important Step

Before you consider repairing your property after Norcross water damage, you will need to remove the standing water and moisture from your home. This extraction sounds easier than it is; all of the areas must be thoroughly dried out promptly if you want to minimize the opportunity for mold growth to develop on your property. Mold can spring up when moisture is present in the home for just a day or two, and it can cause the water damage in your home to become much costlier to repair. Additionally, mold can cause health problems, so you definitely want to arrest its development. A reputable and experienced restoration company uses advanced techniques to extract water and return humidity levels to normal.

The Repair Process

Depending on the extent of the damage in your home, the repair process may take a few days or a few weeks to complete. Some items can be salvaged. For example, you may be able to retain your carpeting if it is professionally cleaned and deodorized after being damaged by a flood or another catastrophic water event. Other items in the home may not be so fortunate. Drywall, cabinetry, and other items made out of similar materials can become warped when exposed to water for an extended period. Although some furnishings may need to be replaced, in any case, acting fast will improve your outlook for preserving as much of your property as possible. SERVPRO always attempts to save and restore household and personal items rather than replacing them.

Getting Fast Service

The best choice when you look for a remediation company to help with your home water extraction and repair process is one with a proven track record. Also, because the threat of mold grows with each passing day, you should go with a local business that can respond rapidly.

SERVPRO of North Lilburn is committed to helping you keep Norcross water damage at bay. We're a locally owned and operated business that can respond swiftly to your emergency. SERVPRO of North Lilburn has the tools and expertise needed to help you out, so call us at (770) 709-3266.

Restore Your Home with Lilburn Fire Damage Services

2/5/2016 (Permalink)

Keep a Fire in it's "Place." Be Careful of Hot Ambers.

Reliable Fire Damage Service in Lilburn from SERVPRO Erases Signs of a Fire

There are few things that can be more destructive to your home than a fire, and you may be wondering how you will be able to overcome the current challenges you are facing after a fire has ravaged through your home. SERVPRO offers Lilburn fire damage service that you are looking for, and we go to great lengths to restore your home to its former condition after a fire.

What Fire Damage Can Do to Your Property

When you think about fire damage, you may first think about burning damage from the flames themselves, but a fire can do much more than that. A fire can destroy only a small area of your home, but the effects may be extensive because of the smoke damage as well as the water from the firefighters' efforts to extinguish the flames. Lilburn fire damage restoration service will remove all traces of the fire so that life can return to normal in your home without much delay.

The Importance of a Fast Response

We understand that you want the damage repaired immediately and that you may feel anxious until the work is completed. Your goal after a fire event is to restore the home to its former condition as soon as possible while also protecting your value and equity. There is another reason to request a speedy response from your remediation specialists, and this is that mold growth may be an issue. A substantial amount of water from fire extinguishing efforts can remain in your home, and you have a short window of time to dry out the property before mold growth becomes much more likely to occur. Mold can cause health problems, so don't hesitate to get the issue resolved. The SERVPRO of North Lilburn team understands the many reasons why you need a speedy response and is known for providing fast service.

What We Can Do for Your Home

Property restoration after a fire is not a matter to take lightly, and you want to feel comfortable that your home is in capable hands when you set up service for Lilburn fire damage restoration. A fire in your home can be a traumatic, stressful event to endure, and you may want nothing more than to erase the signs of the fire and to get back to living a normal life once again. SERVPRO of North Lilburn is ready to help you with this process. As a locally owned and operated business, we are strategically located to respond quickly to your fire damage emergency event. When a significant fire damaging event occurs in the Lilburn area, we have the resources and personnel to help. Call us 24/7 at (770) 709-3266.

Water Damage to Your Home in Lilburn Can Be Prevented

2/4/2016 (Permalink)

Inspect for Leaks to Keep Your Home High and Dry

Prevent Water Damage to Your Lilburn Property: Tips by SERVPRO

Research studies indicate most homes will experience water damage once every ten to eleven years. Therefore, water damage in Lilburn does occur quite frequently to any given property. You can help to lessen the odds of your property becoming a victim of this type of damage by being informed and proactive. SERVPRO suggests the following article can assist you in water damage prevention.

A failure of your plumbing system can result in unwanted pooling water. A primary cause of leaking water is the supply lines or drain hose from the washing machine. Check these fittings and make sure the drain hose is secure to the evacuating pipe, usually on the back wall. The water heater, with age, can rust allowing water to escape. Always have a safety catch pan, with a drainage line, placed under the water heater to eliminate water accumulation. Replace oxidized fittings (that blue/green powdery material) before they rupture causing streaming water.

Exterior structural issues can also affect unwanted interior water damage. Your house is designed to transport excessive rainwater away from the foundation, basement, and walls. Keep your gutters free of dead leaves, branches, and all debris that may restrict the gravity flow of water from reaching the downspouts. Place gutter guards, if trees overhang the roofline, to prevent blockage. It is essential that rainwater flows away from the foundation to avoid water wicking into the walls and building materials. Inspect that the landscaping, turf, and soil permit flow away from the structure. In the winter season be aware of ice dam buildups in the gutters. Lack of sufficient insulation within the attic may lead to untimely melting on the roof. Also, check your roof to ensure that the shingles are in good condition. Evaluate the caulking and tar seals around roof vents and chimneys. If they appear dried out, have these seals reset to prevent water seepage.

Although learning a few tips to help prevent water damage are important, Norcross water damage to your home can still occur. SERVPRO consists of dedicated IICRC-certified technicians that respond immediately to all water damaging events. The rapid and thorough removal of standing water, hidden moisture within the walls and basement, and humidity are paramount in minimizing the adverse effects of leaks, floods, or sewer drain problems. With industry-leading know-how, experience, and equipment we are committed to returning your home to its pre-water damaged condition. "Like it never even happened."

We’re Highly Trained Water Damage Specialists

SERVPRO of North Lilburn restores your home after a water damaging event using specialized equipment and products. We proudly serve our local communities of Lilburn, Norcross, and the surrounding areas with prompt 24/7 emergency service. (770) 709-3266

Why Should I Hire Professional Fire Damage Restoration Services for My Norcross Property?

2/3/2016 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Says Be Careful in the KItchen

Fire Damage in Norcross Can Be Restored by SERVPRO 

When your property undergoes devastation and deterioration due to a fire, you may be inclined to clean up the damages yourself. Fire damage in Norcross can entail many complications. However, this is not the most efficient and practical course of action, self-clean up. In fact, calling a team of professional fire damage restoration experts like SERVPRO is the best way to get the clean up process completed quickly, safely, and in a cost saving manner.

Expedient Restoration
The fire damage restoration process is a time sensitive one. Specifically, the longer you wait to have your fire damage issues addressed, the more deterioration your property and possessions can suffer. Failing to remove standing water quickly and correctly can result in damaged flooring, furniture, and sagging ceilings that can pose a safety issue. Additionally, smoke and soot damage can ruin household structures and materials if not eradicated immediately. Our fire damage restoration firm will send an experienced estimator to assess the damage and formulate a cost-effective cleanup process. Our goal is to limit your personal losses, save you money, and get you back home as soon as possible.

Experienced Restoration
Hiring a professional fire restoration company makes sense. Our technicians undergo extensive training. These experts are required to achieve certification through trade group organizations like the IICRC. The certification process provides them with the industry standard protocols for mitigating damages through correct cleaning techniques. We provide extensive additional instruction through corporate and franchise hands-on and e-video training practices.

Comprehensive Restoration
There is a broad range of property issues that a homeowner may have following a fire damaging event. When you call a fire damage restoration firm like SERVPRO we will be able to address and resolve all of these issues with speed and skill. Some of the restoration services:
- water removal, from the fire extinguishing work
- content restoration on-site or a pack out and ship to our facilities for comprehensive cleaning
- smoke, soot, and odor removal using industry-specific cleaning products, sponges, and foggers
• air duct cleaning and vent cleaning
• sanitation utilizing antifungal and antimicrobial products
• deodorization after the above procedures
• final walk-through with you to ensure your complete satisfaction with our fire damage restoration results for your Norcross home.

Contact SERVPRO Today
To obtain the best fire damage restoration services available, contact the professionals of SERVPRO. Our IICRC-certified professionals offer a fast response, comprehensive restoration work, and excellent customer service. They also make use of the most cutting-edge equipment and methodologies when working on your behalf. Your fire damaged Norcross home will be restored to pre-loss condition "Like it never even happened."

Why Choose SERVPRO of North Lilburn?

We're Fire and Water Damage Specialists and proudly serve the local communities and surrounding areas of Lilburn and Norcross. Call us for immediate 24/7 help. (770) 709-3266


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